Symptoms of pregnancy on the 2nd week - at the level of intuition

May 15, 2013

 signs of pregnancy in the second week
 Obstetricians are unanimous in their opinion and in unison say that about any signs of pregnancy in the second week is not out of the question. However, this is not always the case, many women intuitively even before a missed period may suggest possible pregnancy. Generally, this assumption is often correct. But it is too early to run and get in the registration of pregnancy, but it is not too early to start to listen carefully to your body and to radically revise the way of life. Since it is the 2nd week of pregnancy is a critical period in terms of carrying a child.

 Symptoms of pregnancy on the 2nd week - at the level of intuition

What happens in the second week of pregnancy

After the bursting of the dominant follicle, from which the mature egg left, it penetrates into the lumen of the fallopian tube, where the fateful meeting with the sperm, ie fertilization takes place. During the first week of the fertilized ovum moves into the uterus, in order to penetrate its mucosa. Since attachment of the egg, which at that time actively shares and has called a blastocyst, it begins the second week of pregnancy. The process of attaching to the prepared endometrium called blastocyst implantation.

Implantation takes place on the sixth or twelfth day of conception, and an average of the tenth day. Starting from the time of implantation, the fertilized egg has three membranes: the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. Because chorionic subsequently formed the placenta and the amniotic fluid of the amnion and amniotic bubble. It was from the time of attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining is formed by a common bond between him and the mother's body, and we can safely say that the pregnancy.

 Symptoms of pregnancy on the 2nd week - at the level of intuition


  • Positive pregnancy test

Starting from the second week of pregnancy, before another delay menstruation, pregnancy test can and must show two strips. This is the most obvious and accurate sign of pregnancy The exact symptoms of pregnancy - errors  The exact symptoms of pregnancy - errors
   in the second week. He explained that in the mother's body had already begun to be developed human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), for the maintenance of which reacts test.

  • Increased basal temperature

Increased basal body temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
   (temperature measured in the morning in the rectum) normally occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. With regular and normal menstrual cycle biphasic basal body temperature chart. The second phase is characterized by the temperatures that are above 37C. But on the eve of menstruation takes its reduction. In pregnancy, rectal temperature above 37 ° C and, as a sign that this is not entirely accurate. The probability of pregnancy can be confirmed only by the fact that there was no retraction of the temperature curve before menstruation.

  • Weakness, fatigue, drowsiness

Fatigue, weakness, and constant desire to lie down to sleep and are one of the signs of the second week of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal storm that occurs in the body since the attachment of the ovum to the uterine lining.

  • Implantation bleeding

At the time of the introduction of the ovum is some melting of the mucous membrane in the place where it is planned "landing". Naturally, the melting of the endometrium can not affect the blood vessels. So it is possible (but not always) the emergence of bloody spotting. Such selection is called Implantation bleeding. It lasts no more than a day, and usually very lean, in the form of one or two drops of blood onto the laundry. It is possible that selection will not be bloody, and pinkish.

  • Heart palpitations

Heart palpitations or tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
   also refers to one of the first signs of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
 . Assess heart must be at rest and after exercise did not (not even after a leisurely stroll). The increase in heart rate associated with the restructuring of the body, that is, all the internal organs and systems begin to function with a double load.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

How to increase the chances of fertilization: where to start

June 22, 2012

 how to increase the chances of fertilization
 Many are very annoying when someone else interfering in your personal affairs and advises how and what you need to do, learn to live. Who likes to listen condescending and judgmental voices advised to get rid of bad habits and vices? However, sometimes we do have to admit that these voices are right nasty, especially if the reward for giving up the habit is the emergence of a new life. Infertility can be caused by a number of problems, both in the male and the female line, but, regardless of diagnosis, should maintain optimism and a healthy lifestyle - it's definitely improve your chances of conceiving. In the end, giving up cigarettes or alcohol - a small fee for the opportunity to be a mother or a father.

Infertility - this is not a sentence. Between the ability and the inability to have a baby, there are many gradations - shades of gray between black and white. According to studies, at an average young and healthy couples chances of conceiving are only 25%. Of course, this statistic takes into account the conception one attempt, and healthy couple eventually become pregnant - perseverance and a lot of sex will result. But if a year has passed, and you still are not lucky, we can assume that something is wrong. The first thing you need to know - in whom reason, you or your partner. Fortunately, we live in an age when a woman is not automatically considered to be the culprit of infertility couples. And the first step - a joint visit to the Center of infertility treatment Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   and planning pregnancy. A doctor or specialist corresponding profile assigns a series of diagnostic procedures, analyzes and surveys aimed at determining the cause of the problem. Then held a number of consultations that will finally determine the issue and to chart a course of treatment (or correction).

First of all, the doctor examines the medical records of both partners, with particular attention to previous pregnancy in women (if any), the regularity of her menstrual cycle, the presence of infections, surgeries, and other important factors that may affect reproductive health. Men tend to check the mobility, quality and quantity of sperm cells (so-called "semen"), to establish the facts of testicular trauma, analyze the environmental impact of toxins and any deferred transactions in the past. The following troubleshooting steps: analysis of urine in three portions, microscopic examination of prostatic secretions, genital infections analysis by DNA diagnostic blood test for hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone), ultrasound.

Statistics show that almost half of the cases of infertility in the family, "culprit" is the man. But as sometimes the only symptom is the inability of conception and generally the disease is asymptomatic, it created the false impression that male infertility is much rarer than the female. Thus 10% of cases there is a likelihood that both partners are sterile and in 10% of the causes of infertility The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle  The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
   can not be established. Interestingly, in recent cases of male infertility increased, and many scholars suggest that the blame for this pollution.

When the diagnosis is complete, the doctor can determine the cause of infertility. This may be a hormonal imbalance, and abnormalities of the reproductive organs in women age, low amounts and low sperm motility or testicular damage that can result in azoospermia (no sperm) in men. However, in some cases, the causes of infertility remain unexplained. In rare cases, due to anatomical abnormalities, congenital or resulting from trauma, sterility is inevitable. But it is also true that many women may well improve their chances of conceiving.

 How to increase the chances of fertilization: where to start

Ways of increasing the likelihood of conception

There are several ways to increase the likelihood of conception, but it will have to give up some of the small pleasures of life. Of course, these changes should not be permanent - just change lifestyle when planning pregnancy and childbearing. Only it depends on you, whether you lead a healthy life after birth, but some of these changes would go in your favor in all respects.

First, you should review the diet, because overweight and poor diet lowers the chance of pregnancy. Your diet must be balanced and include carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread and potatoes), protein (meat, eggs and fish) and fiber (fruits and vegetables). Fats are also needed, but in moderation. Also, be careful to choose the "right" fats: olive oil, grape seed oil and rapeseed (canola). Not only do they contain cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on the organism, for example, reduce the level of "harmful" cholesterol. Everything you've read about the benefits of folic acid for those who are planning a pregnancy - perfectly true. Excellent source of folate - leafy green vegetables and grains.

Fitness and exercise are helpful, but they should be moderate, since the physical overload can lead to menstrual irregularities, and all your efforts turn to ashes. This applies to men as well as in intensive physical activity increases the temperature of the testicles that may lead to a decrease in sperm production (spermogeneza).

 How to increase the chances of fertilization: where to start

On what should be discarded

From the day you decide to become pregnant, smoking and alcohol should be taboo for you before the birth of the child (or the termination of lactation, if you're going to breastfeed). Women and men who smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs are often disrupted the function of the reproductive system, and women also have an increased risk of miscarriage. Some doctors allow a very limited consumption of alcohol in light planning period of pregnancy and childbearing, but since it is difficult to stop in time, it is better to give up alcohol completely. In fact violated the abstinence is very easy, especially if you are trying to conceive without success - hand she reaches for a cigarette or a glass. This is a real test for the pair, check the strength of the relationship and confidence in a partner. Think about how to replace the usual fitness regime of yoga and meditation Meditation - treats the body and the spirit  Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
 . This will allow you to remain physically active (moderate), calm and relaxed. All this contributes to conceive.

Treatment of male infertility is the elimination of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. For effective methods include normalization of lifestyle, sports, high-grade protein diet, hormonal drugs Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   and drugs that increase blood flow to the genitals, and a course of vitamin therapy.

Here are some ways to increase the likelihood of conception, which you can use right now. But if the normalization of living is not enough, seek medical attention. The main thing - do not consider myself guilty or abnormal due to the fact that you are having trouble conceiving. Getting pregnant is not as easy as you might think, so stay calm and optimism - and you will succeed.

Article Tags:
  • how to enhance the probability of conception
