- Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular
- Menstrual cycle
- Calendar of calculating ovulation
- Ovulation Calendar
- Japanese calendar
- Tests
- Other methods
What is the ovulation calendar
The modern woman has to know everything about the work of his body. This will enable it to manage their lives, that is, to plan pregnancy and avoid unwanted pregnancies and timely treatment, if the body occurs a failure. It gives women a sense of confidence and security.
Many have heard about the so-called ovulation calendar. His other names - a calendar of conception, planning calendar, and a child at a stretch so you can call menstruation calendar. However, not all imagine that this "beast." Calculate the ovulation calendar for many women is an insoluble problem. But despite the alleged difficulties can make ovulation calendar every little effort. Especially such a calendar is needed for women who are planning a child. In addition, the ovulation calendar to help determine the maximum safe days for sex.
To understand this, one must first be clear about what is ovulating. It is known that the menstrual cycle is accompanied by a regular (usually monthly) changes in the body associated with the production of sex hormones. Visible symptoms of the menstrual cycle is menstruating, then there is a selection from the uterus of blood and rejected by parts of the endometrium. The main point in the cycle, so inherent nature is ovulating.
Ovulation - this release egg from the ovary. This happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which start counting from the first day of menstruation and the end of this first day of the next menstruation.
For example, the most common 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation can occur 14 to 16 days of the menstrual cycle. Released from the ovary ovum lives for a day, she gets into the fallopian tube, there is fertilized by sperm (the fertilized egg is called an embryo) and goes through it to the uterus, where embedded in mucosa. All this happens under the influence of female hormones and pituitary hormones. If pregnancy does not occur, the next menstruation begins.
From the foregoing, it is clear that knowing when it's time of ovulation, it is possible to calculate the most likely time of conception and the time when conception is absolutely impossible. Young girls also need to maintain a calendar - it will help them prepare for marriage, time to identify and treat all disorders of the menstrual cycle. In fact, such violations can not let them have children.
The concept of "Ovulation Calendar"
As noted above, the "Ovulation Calendar" and "calendar menses" several different concepts. The calendar is marked menstrual cycle length, duration, and a profusion of menses. The calendar of conception red marked the day of ovulation and is determined by a favorable time for conception.
Nearly one hundred percent of the women with a regular menstrual cycle ovulation calendar is correct (assuming that it is made correctly).
But do not despair for those who have irregular menstrual cycles or event of a breach. Such women also possible, and even necessary to make your calendars that select the time for conception and pregnancy planning.
How do you know that ovulation has occurred
Some women are unmistakably recognize it for short-term pain in the abdomen on one side (where the ripened egg) and a special state which is accompanied by increased sexual activity.
But there are women who have ovulation occurs completely unnoticed. In this case, the time can be set by measuring the temperature in the rectum for a week in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This so-called basal temperature, it slightly lowers the day of ovulation and increased the day after.
You can set the time of ovulation and with the help of a home laboratory test. Today, drugstores tests in the form of strips, with which you can identify the presence of the hormone in the urine of the pituitary gland, the largest number of which appears at the moment of ovulation (the pituitary luteinizing hormone). Quite certainly is possible to determine the time of ovulation during the ultrasound (US).
Learning to conduct ovulation calendar
For his conduct is best for a small desk calendar, where every page printed all the days of the month, and under them there is space for notes. In this calendar month marked the first and last day of the menstrual cycle
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and the date of ovulation. The following features are marked ovulation: whether short-term pain, as increased basal temperature, changed the mood and sexuality, and so on.
If you use just a few calendars, it is all the features of ovulation can celebrate special pre-invented by icons such as pain mark in a triangle, sexuality
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- Circle, and so on, not forgetting any of its features.
In order to have an accurate understanding of how your menstrual cycle calendar so you need to carry at least six months. In this case, the woman will have to have confidence in the fact that no accidents will happen. But in some women, the menstrual cycle is not regular and ovulation occurs each time in a different time. It is not always talking about the pathology, but to use the time of ovulation for conception or contraception in this case does not turn.
Learn how to use ovulation calendar
Ovulation Calendar can be used to calculate the most likely time for conception. This moment comes during the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation at the time) and lasts for days. In addition, pregnancy can occur and during intercourse, which occurred in three to four days before ovulation, because sperm live from one to three or four days, and can retain its activity at the time of ovulation.
No less important are the moments of sterility ie inability to conceive. At this point, you can not use a barrier method of contraception and go to the natural way of birth control.
Periods of sterility during the menstrual cycle two - absolute and relative.
The absolute sterility occurs after the egg dies, they have one day after ovulation. But usually, in order not to accidentally make a mistake in the calculations, taken two days. Thus, the entire second half of the menstrual cycle - a period of absolute sterility.
The period of relative sterility - this is the first half of the menstrual cycle - from the first day of menstruation until the time four days before ovulation. The period is called the relative sterility because the sperm can still sometimes wait for the egg and the ability to become pregnant (though small) still exists.
How to calculate ovulation calendar online
Today there are many sites and forums where you can calculate your own ovulation calendar. To calculate the conception calendar online is enough to enter some data: the length of the menstrual cycle, the first day of the last and the first day of the expected menstruation. This is especially useful for women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future and can not calculate the favorable days for conception (the calendar can be calculated several cycles in advance). Women with irregular menstruation can also use the automatic program. To do this, add up the duration of all cycles for the three and preferably six months and divide the total by the number of cycles. Thus, the calculated average length of the menstrual cycle.
How to create and calculate the calendar at home
It is also possible to make your own calendar to calculate the date of conception and the expected ovulation.
Firstly, the need calendars menses, if not, then it should start. In a double sheet of notebook into the cell needs to draw a graph in which the vertical is marked temperature (36, 6, 36, 7, 36, 8 and so on) and the horizontal days of the menstrual cycle (first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle).
The second step in the preparation of the calendar will be the measurement of basal body temperature (or the temperature in the rectum). Measure should be in the morning, immediately upon waking
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And then the received data are entered in the graph. In the first phase of the cycle the basal temperature is below 37 degrees. The day before ovulation rectal temperature fell slightly, and in the "make or break" the day it will be above 37 degrees and will remain so until the next month.
In addition, a calendar of conception is necessary to reflect the subjective feelings that accompany ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
(discomfort in the abdomen, a drop of blood on the sheets and others).
In the conduct of this schedule at least three months, any woman can calculate the days of ovulation and the favorable days for conception.
Ovulation Calendar - a good support for the modern woman.