Prostate massage at home: dangerous or acceptable?

November 19, 2011

 Prostate massage at home
 Prostate massage at home to carry out, of course, possible, but must do so only an expert, otherwise trouble is inevitable. But in some cases, prostate massage can be replaced by other procedures, with the regular performance of which also produce a good effect.

 Prostate massage at home: dangerous or acceptable?

This can be carried out and how the prostate massage at home

Prostate massage necessarily included in the comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
 . To do this massage is not easy, it requires knowledge and experience. Self-massage of the prostate is not recommended, as you can injure the prostate gland.

Moreover, you should not do self-massage of the prostate without inspection, since it has a number of contraindications. First of all, it is acute inflammation of the prostate, and malignant tumors. When prostate cancer prostate massage Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?  Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
   sometimes assigned, but it carried a special, gentle way. House prostate massage can be done only under a contract with a specialist, if you can not attend a day urologist's office.

Make a prostate massage as follows: the patient is placed on the right side (with the legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach) and ask for the maximum relax. After that, the expert puts on rubber gloves, lubricate the right hand forefinger with vaseline Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
   and enters it into the anus of the patient. Feeling the prostate gland and to determine the size and consistency (this is very important as it affects the tactics of massage), a specialist starts at the top and sides to stroke it toward the midline, dividing the prostate into two halves in the vertical direction. In the first few procedures, it is limited only by stroking, and then adds discreet pressure. The softer texture of the prostate, the massage Policy Pay careful not to injure the prostate. Sessions are held every other day for about one minute. In total, the course takes about 10 procedures.

 Prostate massage at home: dangerous or acceptable?

What you can do instead of prostate massage at home

Independent prostate massage can be replaced by exercises that improve venous outflow in the pelvic organs, as well as hydro-massage prostate. These procedures can be carried out entirely at home, but they require careful and regular execution only if the treatment will be effective, that is, lead to improved blood circulation in the prostate and strengthen the muscles of the perineum. All this will contribute to improving the condition of the patient, the removal of inflammation, swelling and pain in the prostate.

 Prostate massage at home: dangerous or acceptable?

Whirlpool prostate in chronic prostatitis

Whirlpool prostate based on the introduction of fluid into the rectum. Liquid irritates mucous membranes of the rectum, causing reflex expansion of blood vessels in the area. Since the network of blood vessels in the art unified, it dilates blood vessels, and in the prostate. As a result, it improves the general condition of the patient and relieve pain.

Carry out the procedure hydromassage prostate twice a week for two hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Just on the course requires 10 procedures. Starting with a hydromassage prostate enema. After a quarter of an hour after a complete bowel cleansing the rectum with a rubber balloon introduced 400 ml infusion of chamomile flowers. The infusion is prepared from the calculation tablespoon dried minced raw in a glass of boiling water, after cooking it must be cooled to room temperature. The infusion must be held in the rectum for at least half an hour. If the urge to defecate appear very quickly, the amount of administered infusion should be reduced the next time. If there is no urgency and in half an hour, the amount of administered infusion should be increased.

Whirlpool prostate can be combined with physiotherapy and medication.

 Prostate massage at home: dangerous or acceptable?

Physiotherapy in chronic prostatitis

There are many complex therapeutic exercises designed for people of all ages with a variety of health conditions. For example, elderly patients with chronic prostatitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system will approach a set of exercises that gently massage the prostate and the intestines, thus increasing the blood circulation in the pelvis. Perform recommended only those exercises that do not cause pain or excessive stress:

  • before the main exercise is recommended to be like, raising the hips and do breathing exercises;
  • Starting position - sitting, leaning back in his chair, legs bent, hands on his stomach; smooth breath - stomach stick out, a smooth exhale - involve the stomach and anus; repeated 10 times;
  • Starting position - standing behind the back of his chair, leaning on her arms, legs apart; slightly raised on the toes (breath, stomach stick out), to sit on a full foot (exhale, draw the anus); repeated 15 times;
  • Starting position - lying on his back, legs straight, arms at your sides; inspiratory stretch all the muscles of the body (hands clenched into fists, strain the buttocks), exhale sharply weaken them, tossing his head to the left or right; run 5 times.

For treatment at home such exercises - the perfect option.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prostate massage

Relief Ointment - help with the cracks and erosion of the anus

November 25, 2012

 Relief Ointment
 Relief Ointment - a combination used for relieving inflammation, swelling, pain and itching in the anus. Excellent aids in cracks and erosions on the skin around the anus. Rectal ointment Relief may also be used for hemorrhoids and inflammation in the rectum to do in the package has a special applicator.

 Relief Ointment - help with the cracks and erosion of the anus

Features of action of rectal ointment Relief

Relief Ointment - a combined tool for local use. Used in the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus. Produced Relief Ointment in tubes with removable enclosed applicator (manufactured by the pharmaceutical company drug preparata- Sagmel, USA). The tube is 28.4 g of ointment per 1 g of which contains 30 mg of shark liver oil, and 2, 5 mg of phenylephrine hydrochloride. The main excipient is petrolatum ointment Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
 . Additionally composed adjuvants include mineral oil, waxes, benzoic acid, corn oil and thyme oil, tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
 Glycerol Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
 Lanolin, lanolin alcohol, paraffin, water and certain other ingredients.

Relief ointment components are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other's action. Shark liver oil is the main component of ointment Relief. It contains biologically active substances soften the affected tissue, reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, itching and stimulates local immune processes in the tissues, helps to stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Complementing the action of shark liver oil phenylephrine - a drug that causes a rapid narrowing of the small blood vessels in the area of ​​inflammation. This leads to rapid elimination of swelling, pain and pruritus at the site of an ointment. When administered Relief ointment into the rectum governed the relationship between the blood flow to the hemorrhoidal nodes and the outflow of blood from them.

In general, rectal ointment Relief has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic and immunostimulatory effect, stops bleeding and removes the main symptoms of inflammation in the rectum and anus.

 Relief Ointment - help with the cracks and erosion of the anus

Which diseases helps rectal ointment Relief

Rectal ointment Relief is mainly used in inflammatory processes in the skin around the anus. Inflammation can be caused by cracks, erosion, various rash skin diseases and so on. Accompanied by all this swelling, pain and itching, as in the rectum anus has many nerve endings.

Apply the ointment Relief and hemorrhoids, both external (if the hemorrhoids are located around the anus) and domestic (hemorrhoids are located in the wall of the rectum). Infringement of hemorrhoids causes inflammation, tissue swelling, severe pain and the risk of death of tissue site with the threat of infection and bleeding.

Before applying ointment crotch thoroughly washed with warm water and gently blot with a clean towel. Skin ointment applied thinly to four times a day (morning, evening and after each act of defecation). In the rectal ointment is administered using a removable applicator. The duration of treatment depends on the patient and is determined by your doctor.

 Relief Ointment - help with the cracks and erosion of the anus

Are there any contraindications for use?

The absolute contraindication to the use of rectal ointment Relief is a hypersensitivity to its components of the patient. It is not recommended to use the ointment as children under 12 (no data on how it affects the mucous membrane of the rectum of the child), as well as consistently high blood pressure (BP) and cardiac arrhythmias (which is part of ointments phenylephrine may cause a rise in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias).

During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast rectal ointment Relief may be granted only doctor.

 Relief Ointment - help with the cracks and erosion of the anus

Side effects and overdose

From Relief ointment side effects are known only to allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of redness and swelling of the skin in the anus, rash on her various kinds of rashes and severe itching appearance.

Relief ointment overdose has not yet been met, but it is theoretically possible occurrence of cardiac rhythm and blood pressure increase as a result of the overall effect on the organism of phenylephrine.

If significantly increase the dose administered into the rectum for a long period of time, it may cause thrombosis, especially in people with elevated blood's ability to clot - this side effect can cause shark liver oil.

Rectal ointment Relief - quality medicines for topical use prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Relief
