Afobazol - help with anxiety

September 6, 2009

   The life of modern man is often accompanied by disturbances of mood and anxiety disorders, stress-related, and a huge amount of information. Many drugs that can help in this case, have a number of undesirable side effects and unpleasant consequences such as habituation. Anxiolytics and tranquilizers - anti-anxiety medications is that used mainly in the neuroses, states of mental stress and fear. Most of the drugs in this series except antianxiety action also causes muscle relaxation and has a hypnotic effect (drowsiness).

The unpleasant consequences of the uncontrolled use of these drugs - addictive, when a person can not be without them, and begins to take the time, and at the termination of the reception, a number of unpleasant events in the form of palpitations, tremors, mood changes, and so on. This is called withdrawal syndrome.

 Afobazol - help with anxiety

Afobazol - anxiolytic without side effects

A fundamentally new approach to development was the creation of anxiolytic drug afobazol developed in the Institute of Pharmacology RAMS. It is devoid of side effects typical of tranquilizers such as benzodiazepines (sibazon, Phenazepamum et al.). So, it does not cause drowsiness, muscle relaxation, has no negative effect on memory and attention.

The results of independent comparative clinical studies afobazole as an anxiolytic in patients with both severe neurotic disorders, and relatively light able to show that the drug is an effective means to relieve anxiety activating component and effective action is not inferior sibazon (Relaniumu). However afobazol is well tolerated, the absence of addiction and withdrawal symptoms when you stop receiving.

Effect of the drug combines anti-anxiety and easy-stimulating effects. There is a reduction or elimination of anxiety (concern, foreboding, fear, irritability), intensity (fearfulness, tearfulness, anxiety, inability to relax, insomnia, fear), and, consequently, the improvement of the internal organs, vegetative (autonomic nervous system innervates internal organs) disorders such as dry mouth, sweating, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 . There is also improved memory and concentration. The maximum effect is reached at the end of the fourth week of treatment and stored for an average of 1-2 weeks.

 Afobazol - help with anxiety

This shows the use of afobazole

Afobazol used in adults with anxiety, neurasthenia, adjustment disorders (states standing on the brink of a normal human reaction to unhappiness and mental illness).

Especially shows the use of the drug in patients with such personality traits as alarming suspiciousness Mistrust - whether to put everything into question?  Mistrust - whether to put everything into question?
 , Insecurity, increased vulnerability, emotional instability.

Afobazol can be used in the treatment of diseases of the internal organs, which is very important condition of the nervous system. This vascular dystonia (particularly vegetative-vascular crises with palpitations and drops in blood pressure), hypertension and coronary heart disease, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, and others.

 Afobazol - help with anxiety

Contraindications and side effects afobazole

Contraindications afobazole are pregnancy, lactation, age 18 years (clinical studies in children have not been conducted) and idiosyncrasy of the drug.

By the side effects when taking afobazole include possible allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

Peredoziovka afobazole is rare (the drug is non-toxic). If a large overdose and intoxication may develop sedative (calming) effect and increased sleepiness without manifestations of muscle relaxation. For emergency use caffeine (it is possible, for example, a cup of coffee).

 Afobazol - help with anxiety

Interaction with other drugs

Afobazol does not increase the effects of alcohol, but can enhance the effect of some anticonvulsant drugs (carbamazepine), and anxiolytic effects of diazepam (sibazona, Relanium).

Available afobazol Shchelkovo Vitamin Factory, bought at the pharmacy you can without prescription.

Afobazol sufficiently effective anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), a drug that has almost no contraindications for the reception and is not addictive.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • afobazol

Afobazol and alcohol - is it worth to combine?

April 8, 2012

 afobazol alcohol
 The instructions to afobazole developed by manufacturers of the drug, stated that afobazol no effect on the narcotic effect of ethanol (ie alcohol or ethyl alcohol). This afobazol different from other tranquilizers, which enhance the narcotic effect of alcohol.

 Afobazol and alcohol - is it worth to combine?

So it is possible to combine treatment afobazole with alcohol?

Afobazol not enhance the effect of alcohol and will not cause poisoning. It's clear. But afobazol taken for a reason, but with a purpose: treatment of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
 , Relief of unpleasant symptoms of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   in women, the normalization of internal organs and so on. Therefore it is necessary to consider what effect alcohol has on the human body in these diseases or whether it reduces to nothing afobazole action.

Afobazol plus alcohol with nervousness

Neurosis - is a functional disorders of the nervous system that often develop on the background of stress and high nervous and mental stress. Some people relieve tension of alcohol. At first, this can be done, because alcohol inhibits the activity of the central nervous system, resulting in the removed tension and irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 . But the long-term and frequent use of alcohol has a toxic effect on brain cells, and further enhances the manifestations of neurosis. Especially clearly seen, when formed alcohol dependence: a patient with chronic alcoholism is changing the nature and behavior, he becomes irritable, aggressive, touchy.

Afobazol, in contrast, does not brake and activates the central nervous system (CNS), removing the voltage. That is afobazol and alcohol act on the central nervous system in different ways, and the positive effect of the treatment cavity afobazole be destroyed if taken with alcohol.

 Afobazol and alcohol - is it worth to combine?

Afobazol plus alcohol with hormonal disorders in women

Relieves irritability and bad temper when hormonal disorders in women with alcohol - a thankless task, since alcohol has a direct toxic effect on brain cells, including cells of the hypothalamus - a brain region which is responsible for the entire human endocrine system. So, all hormonal disorders will only get worse. Immediately after drinking alcohol, they certainly were dim, but then come back, and it is possible that symptoms of hormonal disorders are thus much more pronounced.

Unlike alcohol afobazol and improve mood and relieve autonomic disorders, which always occur when hormonal disorders in women. If you combine alcohol with afobazole Afobazol - help with anxiety  Afobazol - help with anxiety
 , The effect of the latter simply does not manifest itself.

 Afobazol and alcohol - is it worth to combine?

Afobazol plus alcohol for various chronic diseases of internal organs

Alcohol can cause direct damage in various diseases of internal organs. The most revealing in this respect, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In this disease it is of great importance in the field of circulation ulcers: the better the blood circulation in the area, the faster healing process.

Alcohol contributes to the beginning a dramatic expansion of the blood vessels (this is also dangerous, because it can lead to bleeding), and then to a sharp narrowing them and circulatory problems - it will worsen the disease. Condition of the nervous system while also suffer if alcohol is taken regularly. Afobazol relieves tension, which helps to improve blood supply to the body and, accordingly, - improving the course of the disease. Simultaneous reception afobazole and alcohol destroy the positive effect of the drug.

Afobazol plus alcohol in diseases of the cardiovascular system - it is also incompatible, as the alcohol in the final stages of intoxication contributes to a narrowing of blood vessels, and thus the deterioration of the patient. Action afobazole He resisted, and he himself will cause the body harm.

Some also eliminates the effect of alcohol afobazole and other diseases. This is especially true for diseases of the skin, which are aggravated every time after drinking alcohol.

 Afobazol and alcohol - is it worth to combine?

Overdose afobazole and alcohol

Afobazol nontoxic drug overdose so it is rare, however, when a large overdose toxicity and possible development afobazol sedation (i.e., inhibitory action on the central nervous system) and increased sleepiness without causing muscle weakness. In this case the combination with the alcohol is dangerous: both depress the central nervous system.

Afobazol - a drug for the treatment of functional disorders of the nervous system, and alcohol - the poison that has a direct toxic effect are not nerve cells. Combining the intake of these substances is not necessary.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • afobazol
