Causes of autism: the question unanswered

July 25, 2012

  • Causes of autism: the question unanswered
  • The internal processes of the body

 the cause of autism
 Many parents want to understand what they have done so (or not done), what was the cause of autism in their children. And though sometimes the cause of the disease can be found, often the question remains unanswered so on. Except the presence of rare genetic diseases and cases of exposure to toxins that cause autism (or symptoms that resemble the symptoms of autism and often lead to an incorrect diagnosis), the disease is usually considered to be idiopathic, meaning that its causes are unknown.

 Causes of autism: the question unanswered

Psychology and Genetics

In the mid-1990s, it was thought that autism - a consequence of a lack of parental care and the lack of psychological intimacy with the mother.

Dr. Bernard Rimlend in his book "Infantile Autism: Kanner's syndrome and its implications for the theory of neural behavior" questioned this belief.

It is now known that the cause of the disease susceptible defeat lying areas of the brain before birth, during birth or in the first few weeks after birth. At the same time there are neurological abnormalities, which cause disruption of the developing brain, and as a consequence, autism. In particular, there is a violation of the process of myelination. Neurons are not protected by a special layer of myelin, can not properly transmit signals.

The severity of symptoms of autism depends on the level of exposure and the extent of damage.

Often the changes that have occurred in patients who can be seen during the autopsy, as well as with the help of an electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). But these changes in different individuals may have different character. Thus, agents that would explain the development of autism in all cases does not yet exist.

Complications during pregnancy, during labor and delivery can cause a number of disorders of the brain, which lead not only to the development of autism, but also to the emergence of many other neurological disorders.

There is a link between genetics and human predisposition to autism. Not yet discovered a gene or set of genes that would be responsible for a predisposition to autism in general. But it is known that gene defects MDCP2 X chromosome lead to the development of one of the types of autism called "Rett syndrome."

Recent studies have confirmed the fact that some people have a predisposition to autism. In families where a child is already suffering from the disease, the risk of having another child with autism is about 5%, or one chance in 20. This is a higher risk than the general population.

Scientists are looking for the relationship that exists between genes and increased susceptibility to disease. In some cases, parents and other relatives of children suffering from autism are minor violations of social communication skills or have a tendency to pathological cyclical action. In addition, there are facts which show that in families where there are sick autism more often than usual, there are emotional disorders, such as manic-depressive psychosis Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?  Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?

The theory that the cause of autism is wrong or insufficient parental care, has been refuted.

Some studies suggest that people with autism, the level of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain beyond the norm. These abnormalities may indicate that autism may result from disorders of brain development is still at an early stage of its formation. The reason for such violations are defects in genes that control the development of the brain and regulate the exchange of information between neurons. These interesting data are preliminary and require further study.

 Causes of autism: the question unanswered

External factors

In autism may also affect the environmental factors, such as toxins, infection, vaccinations.

In today's world is inevitable interaction with various poisons and toxins. At certain critical stages of this interaction leads to a malformation of the brain.

It is known that infections such as cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
 , Rubella and herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
 May lead to brain damage. Congenital Lyme disease also provokes the development of autism. The source of the disease may be some other infectious agents.

There is debate about whether the mercury, thimerosal or various additives to vaccines, such as aluminum or foreign proteins and organisms, be the cause of autism. Mercury - a very dangerous heavy metal and everything known about its toxicity.

Despite the fact that this thread is still debate, researchers reject the theory that the vaccine or the ingredients can cause autism. Five major epidemiological studies conducted in the US, the UK, Sweden and Denmark, have shown that the level of autism in children Autism in children: the warning signs  Autism in children: the warning signs
 Who received the vaccine, the same as among those who did not receive. In addition, in the course of serious safety studies of vaccination conducted by the Institute of Medicine, found no evidence of links between autism and vaccination. Organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of the Food and Drug Administration, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization also made a conclusion about the absence of the relationship.

Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress

June 27, 2010

  • Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress
  • What is obsessive-compulsive disorder and its types

 Obsessive thoughts are often a symptom of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. In mild forms, they can not be associated with this disorder, but the condition can get worse gradually. A person suffering from obsessive thoughts, can understand that they are unfounded, try to stop or ignore them. It only increases anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Because of which control their own thoughts become increasingly difficult. Obsessive thoughts are sometimes encouraged to intrusive actions. For example, if a man tormented by morbid fear of dirt and / or germs, he begins to wash their hands often, so that, in the end, the skin becomes dry and cracked.

There are cases when people wash their hands every time a new piece of soap, so just use soap it seems to them dirty. Despite attempts to overcome the obsessive thoughts, they keep coming back, and the more people suppress them, the stronger they become.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress


Obsessive thoughts occur at any time, including when the person is trying to focus on his business. They may have a different theme, such as fear of bacteria and disease, obsessive desire to maintain perfect order at home or in the workplace, arrange objects symmetrically; aggressive impulses; sexual imagery.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress

Examples of obsessions:

  • Fear of contracting any diseases in the handshake or during contact with the subjects that relate to other people (this can occur in public places and at home).
  • Obsessive doubt whether a person has not forgotten to shut the door and turned off if it iron, plate, and so on.
  • Severe anxiety associated with the fact that some things are not in order.
  • The desire or fear of behaving inappropriately situation (say obscene things to the important negotiations, to laugh at the funeral, and so on).
  • Obsessive, in which a man harms your child or other people dear to him (in most cases, people with the love of their child and experiencing a nagging feeling of guilt for his thoughts).
  • Obsessive thoughts about sex (including the kinds of sex that a person does not practice, which does not feel desire or considers distortions. For people who prefer a heterosexual relationship, can pursue images of homosexual and vice versa).

Obsessive thoughts can cause obsessive behavior. For example, a person can go home a few times to check to see whether it is turned off the iron, the water or close the window; some patients compulsively believe any objects - elements of the pattern on the wallpaper, the number of cars of a certain color, while he goes to work, and so on. Options obsessive thoughts and behavior are many, but a few examples.

If obsessive thoughts seriously degrade the quality of your life - take a hamper normal daily activities and communicate with people, you should seek medical advice.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress


The mechanism of occurrence of obsessive thoughts is not yet clear to the end. There are three possible causes:

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress


Obsessive thoughts and obsessive-compulsive disorder may develop due to the nature of the biochemistry of the brain. Maybe the predisposition to this violation is inherited, but genes for it, have not been identified.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress


Obsessive thoughts may be the result of acquired in the communication process of cognitive and behavioral.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress

A lack of serotonin

Low levels of serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters may contribute to the emergence and development of obsessive thoughts obsessive-compulsive disorder.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress

Risk factors

  • Family history
  • The probability of intrusive thoughts and related disorders is particularly high for those whose close relatives have suffered similar disorders.
  • Heavy and / or prolonged stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • Severe emotional stress can be a trigger for obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

 Obsessive thoughts - to exclude the load and stress


The consequences of intrusive thoughts and related disorders may include:

  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
  • Abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Other anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • The inability to cope with the work and / or school
  • Problems in relationships
  • The overall decline in the quality of life
