Myths about mental disorders: what is it? - Autism and hyperactivity
April 13, 2012
- Myths about mental disorders: what is it?
- Autism and hyperactivity
- Selective mutism and self-harm
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
6. ASD
Myth: Autism - a terrible disease when a person totally unable to lead a normal life in society.
About autism walks a lot of misconceptions and even more rumors are in doubt, but the statement is one of the most innocuous. Many people have heard the word "autism" imagine children who always live in their own world, unable to talk or communicate with others, suffer from unreasonable outbursts of anger and never become part of normal society. However, autism spectrum disorder called and there is a reason: the range of the disease is quite wide, from people who are unable to exercise any kind of social interaction, to those who live a normal productive life and just looks a bit eccentric from the rest.
The high degree of autism - it's also not a sentence for life. Even patients with serious developmental problems can live very happy lives. In addition, there are cases when the slowly developing autistic children to improve their condition through therapy and cure almost any kind of autistic disorders. Many people and organizations are looking for a cure for this disease. Unfortunately, these organizations themselves and spread the myth presented here, focusing on the problems arising from the slow development of autism, and almost completely ignoring the existence of mild forms of the disease and exposed them to people who had never sought to "cure."
5. syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity
Myth: Children suffering from hyperactivity, inability to concentrate his attention on anything.
The disease has become widely known in recent years, and certainly everyone knows what it is
. For those who do not know what this disease manifests itself, specifying: Children with the syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity can not concentrate on the objectives and the very impulsive
. The claim that people suffering from this disorder, can not simply be attentive, quite wrong
. Many of them attend to what they find really interesting, just like all of us do not want to concentrate on the long uninteresting things and we gladly pay attention not dull classes
. In fact, some people find it difficult to concentrate on the grounds that they are too careful
. They pay attention to everything you see, hear, any odors around them, but not on the issue in question
. They should learn to be distracted from the many interesting stimuli and focus on what's important
Causes of autism: the question unanswered - Internal processes in the body
July 25, 2012
- Causes of autism: the question unanswered
- The internal processes of the body
Autism and the internal processes of the body
One of the important factors that may also influence the development of autism is the intrauterine environment.
Prenatal risk factors may include:
- Antidepressants during pregnancy, especially during the first three months.
- Nutritional deficiencies in early pregnancy, especially inadequate intake of folic acid
Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
- Age of mother (in children born to older men, also increases the risk of autism).
- Complications during birth or shortly thereafter, including underweight child and hemolytic disease of the newborn.
- Maternal infection during pregnancy.
- Exposure to chemical pollutants.
Damage to the brain and, therefore, autism, can also be caused by metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. For example, in the urine of children with autism have been found increased content of molecules resembling opioids, also in the plasma of patients with autism were found small amounts of free sulfate. These molecules are responsible for many symptoms of autism.
The possibility exists that a breach detoxification processes accumulate toxins or metabolic by-products, which in turn causes various symptoms. In particular, the reduction in liver detoxification in autistic children may be due to low glutathione.
An important factor in the etiology of autism is the leaky gut syndrome. Toxins and viruses contained in the gastro-intestinal tract, can penetrate through the intestinal wall into the blood and into the brain, causing autoimmunity. These toxins are waste products
Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
rapidly proliferating yeast. However, many patients complain about autism serious digestive problems.
Some researchers have found a difference between the brain of a healthy person and the brain of people with autism. They found that the latter have a larger brain size. In addition, they otherwise process incoming information. In other words, their brains otherwise "arranged". Studies of this curious fact is still ongoing.
There is also evidence that autism is related to an issue like immunodeficiency. People with autism usually have other diseases associated with impaired immune function
The immune system - how it works?
. Some researchers are trying to carry out the treatment of autism by strengthening the immune system of the patient. But according to the testimony of the National Institutes of Health, conclusive evidence, talking about the relationship of autism immunocompromised unavailable.
There is evidence that allergies to certain foods may exacerbate the symptoms of autism. Those who hold to this theory, argue that most heavily influenced by gluten (found in wheat products) and casein (found in dairy products).
The factors that cause autism include:
- Depakote, or valprpoat, anticonvulsant, which is prescribed during pregnancy.
- Syndrome X-fragile - a genetic disease.
- Cider Rhett - a genetic disorder that affects only women.
- Bourneville's disease - a rare genetic disorder.
- Prader-Willi syndrome - a rare genetic disorder.