- Mental Disorders - when life is fun
- The most famous
Five best-known mental disorders
When we say "crazy" we usually mean some subjective features that we are forced to say that. Well, for example, you are such an amazing girl threw a guy - but he's just crazy! It is a fair inference, but now it will be a little different story. There is another type of "abnormalities" which are very fond of Hollywood directors and kinoakademiki awarding paintings with similar heroes of the main prize. Madness, madness, frustration and mental deviation - this is serious, and it is usually not funny, though ... However, judge for yourself.
Foreign accent syndrome
Head injury and further damage to the speech center of the brain may lead to a breakdown. As a result, suffers from this disease intones words like alien noises, not peculiar to his native language.
However, it is no secret that foreign light pronons only add points to communicate with the opposite sex - women, for example, love it.
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Studies have shown that foreign accent syndrome often occurs in people after a fall from a motorcycle. Well, if you think this is funny, attractive and seductive - go ahead! Ride your iron horse and embarks on a dangerous race that would eventually lead to injury and the brain and body. Do not you think it's more fun - well, do not. It's not worth it.
Alien hand syndrome
It is also called syndrome of Dr. Streydzhlava - the hero of the film Kubrick. The disorder is that both hands or one hand patient behaves quite independently of desires and his movements. Imagine that your hand, for example, accidentally slap someone on the pope, or will face. And if that someone is your boss or a parent of your spouse to whom you come to meet? Indeed, not funny.
In some cases, this syndrome sufferers can get out and "go" solely on the sense of humor. For example, when an awkward situation, you can say, "You know what would make my hand in 10 minutes? I - no! ". This can be fun if humor is the same people, but there are situations where it will not save. Imagine that you work in a school, and occasionally your hands behave independently of your desires. Now think about your parents agree to your students to ensure that their offspring learn from a teacher who is unable to cope with his own body. All the excuses and medical terms will not help here, and in our turbulent times, you can even put in jail for such high-handedness.
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Most alien hand syndrome occurs in patients with epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease
. It's hard to neuropsychiatric disorders, it is more difficult to control and treatment.
Stendhal Syndrome
Stendhal Syndrome - is a disorder that is generated by the contemplation of beauty, especially when it is in too large quantities. Beautiful views of the old city, the natural beauty of the green fields of art - all this may be the reason that a person greatly quickens the pulse, dizziness begins
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
But in fact, if you react to something so badly, it means that you are a living man, indifferent to all that is beautiful in the world. This is certainly a plus for this disorder. By the way, is it so abnormal? And who among us can resist the focus of the most delightful creations, they are all around us? Although, when a person begins to bang your head against the wall or rolling on the floor, it ceases to seem normal and looks terrible disease.
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Want to experience the Stendhal Syndrome - go to Florence. This place is closely associated with the name of the disorder. The great French writer described his feelings that captured them during their stay in Florence. He said he saw the heavenly beauty of creation, and his heart fluttered ...
Stendhal Syndrome is peculiar romantic passionate nature.
Zombie Syndrome
It is also called Cotard's syndrome. If any man think that he is dead, but still continues to exist - he walks, eats, drinks, but he feels that his life force left. For the first time zombie syndrome was described by Jules Cotard in 1880, but the scientific evidence, he received only in April 2007.
Zombie Syndrome - is a serious mental disorder that can often be the result of brain damage. A case where the patient acquired the syndrome after falling from the motorcycle. His mother took him to South Africa for rehabilitation, but he had the strong feeling that he is dead and in hell.
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Usually if there is a head injury, a syndrome associated with prolonged zombies depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
. When the first symptoms you need to take all measures, and the most effective is electroconvulsive therapy.
Syndrome of synesthesia
The syndrome manifests itself in synesthesia that one stimulus automatically stimulates multiple senses. For example, patients-sinestetiki say the letters of the alphabet are every color, every year has its own smell.
Synesthesia reported a high level of creative abilities and inclinations to them, so people suffering from this syndrome as one incredibly creative. Patients may be looking at some sort of color experience a smell, sound them acquire visual forms.
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Typically, a major role is played here by the hereditary factor, but if one takes powerful drugs - then no heredity is not necessary, because the color gets here and the sound and the smell becomes tangible in the physical layer.
Syndrome suffer from synesthesia 1 of 23 people. In itself, the deviation innocuous enough for the man himself, and for his associates. But there is a serious form of the disorder that requires intervention and intensive care.