What women like men - no trifles

August 17, 2011

 What women like men
 The secret appeal of the opposite sex - the eternal theme of the secret, disturbing the minds of mankind for centuries. Of course, the choice of a partner - a purely personal matter, and with absolute accuracy to predict what will be guided by the man with the woman's choice, it is impossible. Conventional female opinion that all men - there are quite primitive, of course, greatly exaggerated - but certain patterns in what women like men, after all, you can highlight.

 What women like men - no trifles

The main thing - to listen

And psychology, and the writer of women's novels, and even the authors of the books from the endless series of "how to win a man How to win a man - prepare for the positional battles  How to win a man - prepare for the positional battles
   his dream "does not tire of repeating that one of the most attractive features of male female, regardless of age, social status, income level, and finally - is the ability to listen .  Maybe that's why it is assumed that a man chooses a woman like his mother - after all, who but the mother willingly listens to constant stories about the problems of his son, and even manages to save with the view of the interested .  The golden rule of conquering the hearts of men - is the ability and willingness to listen to his stories about himself .  Use listening skills is obvious: first, a man will certainly appreciate your interest in his person, and secondly, because of its endless ranting it is possible to isolate the many valuable facts - for example, information on how it reacts to certain events and behavior the people around him, what he likes and what he can not stand .  The resulting information can also be successfully used to somewhat adjust their own behavior or to get a small lever pressure .

 What women like men - no trifles

The strategy details

Decades of Feminism spawned not only pampered, not capable of independent thinking and actions of men, but also a generation of women who are accustomed to solve all the problems on their own - and therefore raising their daughters .  Whatever your upbringing and whoever was the real head of the family, we should not forget that the main role of men since time immemorial has been the role of provider and protector .  Even if you're funny the idea that helpless creature who are unable to make your own breakfast, you can - and sometimes should be - considered as such here the defense, try at least in small things to try on the role of women in need of protection and assistance .  Help a man can be in anything - for example, show him how valuable his advice to you about careers or relationships with friends or relatives, or pretend that no one else, can not so professional change a light bulb .  Even such a trifle as the proverbial light bulb (coupled, of course, with appropriate praise women) make a man feel mostly - and it will certainly appreciate the fact that it is pleasant, no doubt, gave him a sense of exactly what you .  However, such a showy helplessness can not be abused - an inability to cope on their own with constant minor problems at any reasonable person would cause just an annoyance, but not sympathy .

 What women like men - no trifles

The form determines the content

Question visual appeal - one of the most painful issues; it increased attention of men to women's appearance in many ways and led to the fact that women are in the majority of men tend to think there are very primitive. No matter how many men said that they, as women, is important interlocutor inner world - this was a little hard to believe. Rather than complain about the primitiveness of the opposite sex, the eternal knowledge of man's attention to the appearance of better wrap their advantage.

Of course, blond hair Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson's breasts in her best years - a pledge that all men without exception, will pay attention to you. But do not rush to pump silicone for men the most attractive parts of the body - a certain lack of natural data can be more than offset confidence. Of course, only one auto-training Auditory training - you start to think positively?  Auditory training - you start to think positively?
   in the style of "I'm the most charming, the most attractive I" is not enough - you have to be really confident in their abilities, in its appeal in the eyes of men. This rule - do not attempt to wishful thinking: self-esteem and self-confidence manifested in every detail, from the behavior to the choice of words in conversation, and awaken in man the ancient hunter instinct.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • male psychology

Female friendship - Myth or Reality?

April 2, 2009

 Female friendship - Myth or Reality?
   True friendship - it is the prerogative of real men. True friendship between women does not exist - or they pretend to be friends with any conscious or unconscious purpose, or cover some semblance of friendship and romantic, maybe a homosexual attraction. This is - a very widespread belief about female friendship, which is happy to carry the weight of not only men but also women. This is also explicitly or implicitly stated in many books. After all, we've all heard about it almost from childhood, but someone had to see this first hand. But what really lies behind the popular myth?

 Female friendship - Myth or Reality?

The Female Brain

Most women are much better than men know how to reflect other people's emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . One reason for this is that in the female brain in both hemispheres it contained more nerve cells responsible for the bodily sensations, and emotional distress. Being close to another man, she immediately begins to "reflect" adjusting to the rhythm of breathing, muscle tension, and so on. It can detect minute changes in facial expressions and tone of voice, and to find in the emotional memory of the answer to the question - what these changes mean that this person feels. Therefore, women are much better interpret such signals as a pause in the conversation, pursed lips, changes in posture.

 Female friendship - Myth or Reality?

Female hormones

Action hormone also affects the ability of women to take other people's feelings. For example, women in larger quantities than in men, estrogen is produced Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and oxytocin - a hormone that causes a person to feel the desire to communicate with another person, both psychological and physical. It is due to this women experience more intense emotions, as well as more experienced pain, pleasure, and the whole range of feelings, which is located between them.

 Female friendship - Myth or Reality?


Even in prehistoric times, women who stayed at home alone while the men were engaged in food production, it was necessary to accurately distinguish friend from foe, so that if necessary as soon as possible to hide the children in a safe place. To do this, she had already had to carefully observe the other people to know from whom to defend themselves, and who can ask for help.

 Female friendship - Myth or Reality?


Does not seem surprising that with such an ability to feel other women so well developed interpersonal skills, the need to care for others, and even it is not difficult to believe that they are capable of true friendship.

This is confirmed by many scientists. They say that the emotional involvement in friendships among women on average are much stronger than men. According to the research of psychologists, a woman has an average of 5 people, which it considers close friends; men usually have no more than three close friends. The number of friends, according to scientists, does not affect the quality of the relationship.

Recently, it has been found that when a woman experiences stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Her brain produces a chemical that causes it to develop and strengthen friendly relations .  Woman reacts to stress is not the type of "fight or flight" .  She has three options - fight, flight or friendship .  Probably should not say that many women choose the third option .  This can manifest itself in everyday situations .  For example, if a woman is very excited about the upcoming exam, she has three options - hard to sit at the books, give up and hope that it will drop the ticket, which she knows, or chat with a friend over a cup of coffee .  Last in terms of men totally unconstructive .  In fact, during this dialogue, even if the conversation is almost nothing, a woman's brain starts to work actively .  It reflects the emotions of his girlfriend, and this is activated it emotional memory .  When then she sits down to prepare for the exam (if she still decides to prepare), it will be much easier to remember the material .  This is just one of the pleasant side effects of female friendship .

It turns out, chat with friends extend the life of the woman. Scientists from Harvard conducted a study, the results of which allowed them to conclude that the health of women who do not have at least one friend, suffers from this as well as smoking or obesity.

More importantly Biochemistry is one simple thing - every person knows what is behind his friendship. Someone's opinion can not change a truly warm and sincere relations. And friendship is, of course, can not be sex - it either exists or not.

Article Tags:
  • female psychology
