How to win a man - prepare for the positional battles

December 21, 2013

  • How to win a man - prepare for the positional battles
  • Stealth

 man win
 How to win a man? At least once in your life to think about it, every woman. Of course, it is considered that should win the stronger sex, but in practice women resort to a variety of tricks to entice vending gentleman. What kind of strategy for the conquest of man is most effective?


What not to do

It would seem that everything is very simple: it is necessary to remember how men conquered them win the hearts of beautiful women, and behave the same way. This means - daily calls or send messages are constantly invited somewhere, to demonstrate their sympathy and make gifts. For men, this behavior is quite natural, but if this way begins to behave girl, it rarely causes sympathy of the stronger sex.

From time immemorial, men took an active role in relations between the sexes. Although women now have equal rights with the opposite sex in all areas of life, in love, men still prefer to take the initiative. If the lady too is actively trying to "hunt" Oh man, it is rather a scare "game" rather than attract it to their network.


The role of appearance

The first thing that you need to win the hearts of men - to get his attention. The easiest way to do this with the help of the exterior. To stand out from the crowd of other women, not have to be beautiful and slimmer them. It is enough to be unusual. No matter how beautiful blond hair, but the crowd blondes look inevitably delayed for chestnut or black head. No matter how delicious mini-skirts, but if this style are everything, but the girl in a skirt maxi bound to attract attention. Of course, it is not necessary to seek originality at the expense of beauty: it is important to just find in their original appearance, and dignity in every way to emphasize them.

In the clothing is better to give preference bright and clear tones. Brown, khaki, beige and gray is very effective for those who do not want to attract attention. Those who, on the contrary, wants to attract views, better wear something bright. Of course, while not necessarily look like a parrot, but a couple of catchy parts of the image will surely be noticed.


The power of sight

Women have always lured men into its charm expressive look. Of course, the eyes should be inviting, not repulsive. You should not look too closely for too long, it should not be at the same time preserve the face unassailable and stern expression. It is best to sink a couple of views and openly interested to look away, and then again rushed evil and admiring glances at the subject. Such views clearly show sympathy and at the same time, neither are non-binding.

During a call, it is desirable to look like the man in the eye, trying to delay a little longer look than the required standards. And let the look read sincere interest: a man sure to see him, even if it will not happen immediately.


Meeting held

Attract male attention - even half the battle. The hardest part - to really win the man, it become necessary, to call it a passion. What do you need? First, we need not give interest to fade away.

Modern men prefer independent women. You should not constantly look him in the eye and call for far-fetched reasons. In general, the initiative is better to be approximately three times less than it takes man.

In no case should not be imposed on the man - it is always better to be a little inaccessible, elusive. How to achieve this? It just did not do some things that I like to abuse the ladies:

  • It is undesirable to initiate conversations about relationships. She endlessly to sort things out - the nightmare of every man;
  • Do not rush. This is a very common mistake women: dating barely held, and it already sees herself in her wedding dress and come up with names of future grandchildren. Better not to rush things and talk less about the future;
  • Lovers girls love to confess her lover, telling all their sins. They think that it is brought together with their loved ones, but the effect is actually quite the opposite. Smaller is better to talk about their problems, mistakes and sins;
  • About a loved one always wants to take care of, but it is important to know the measure of all. Healthy adult men could eat himself, pat his shirt and even earn money. Moreover, he is able to guess wear a warm scarf when outside cold. It is not necessary to surround him with care, not allowing yourself to step and step: better to inspire a loved one to the exploits.


The most important thing

To conquer a man is not as difficult as it seems: it is enough to treat it carefully, to show admiration and otherwise adorn his life, that he fell into the net. Absolutely every person dreams of, to be loved for who he is taking with all faults, and without trying to fix it. Anyone likes to be admired, flattered every undisguised interest. These techniques are as old as the world, but they work.

However, going to conquer a man should think about what would have to go for that. Perhaps this particular representative of the stronger sex attracts only a certain type of woman. Should I break myself in order to become the one of which he dreams? Sometimes it seems that pretend to be another favorite for quite easy, but for a long time to wear someone else's disguise is unlikely to succeed. As a result, a woman will feel a growing irritation, and the man may eventually give up on his beloved. Change for the sake of a loved one is even more difficult, and is it worth doing?

If it turns out that men need to win too much sacrifice, better to just look for another man. This, which was originally to be appropriate. This, for whom do not have to radically change the appearance and habits. In short, a man who will not have to conquer with great difficulty.

Family quarrels and their consequences - whether it is possible to glue the broken dishes?

November 30, 2013

  • Family quarrels and their consequences - whether it is possible to glue the broken dishes?
  • According to the rules

 family quarrels
 Couples who never conflict with each other, are extremely rare. As a rule, family quarrels - a normal part of the life of any "cell of society." But the conflict divisive conflict: sometimes quarreling behave properly and constructively, and sometimes - aggressive and cruel. Some quarrels are forgotten almost immediately, while others are delayed and lead to divorce.


Causes quarrels

Because of what is usually the wife quarrel? The most common cause of conflict - money. If a husband and wife have different attitudes to money, it will not be easy to agree with each other. And if they do not even make an effort to reach an agreement, quarrels are inevitable.

Often the couple quarrel over their relationship. This power struggle and an attempt to draw attention to themselves, and suspicions of infidelity and lack of understanding. Very many partner manipulated using an argument: for example, the scandal can be a great excuse to break the relationship, say, or care booze. And many usefully use guilt partner after an argument.

Sometimes the cause of the quarrel is a third person. Most often it is children of their own, which looks at the education of the spouses may vary. Often the cause of quarrels becomes interference in family life some of the parents of the spouses.


Is it possible to avoid a quarrel

It is believed that loving wife never quarreled. Meanwhile, according to psychologists, the complete absence of quarrels and signals more unnatural or mutual indifference of spouses to each other, or the suppression of one spouse to another.

No matter how much people love each other, they can always disagreements - minor or serious. Of course, such differences do not necessarily lead to conflict: sometimes you just calmly discuss the problem and find a compromise that did not quarrel broke out. However, if the couple has accumulated mutual irritation and fatigue, even the most insignificant occasion can lead to a quarrel.

It is necessary to distinguish the occasion to quarrel on its cause. Sometimes, if the family has accumulated some unresolved issues, the scandal could break out because every detail. For example, a wife, a jealous husband, but does not show his jealousy Jealousy and what to do with it  Jealousy and what to do with it
 He can yell at him because of the things scattered everywhere. Or, husband, wife patiently razing the habit of squandering family money, arranges scandal because of the lukewarm afternoon.

Therefore, the easiest way to minimize the number of quarrels - to solve problems as they become available, and often talk about their feelings. Do not expect that the husband will develop telepathic abilities, and he guessed that he should do - much better to tell about their needs or claims in plain text. And then there is a possibility that stimulation will not accumulate for a long time, then to cause a family quarrel.


During an argument

It is believed that when a person gripping the anger he is almost unable to control their feelings. However, the state does not affect meets as often as it seems to many. In most cases, a person does not lose control of himself completely, for example, very few dare to clash with the authorities, or even their own bosses - in this situation, the anger magically manage to subdue. And in family quarrels about the complete loss of control over a speech usually it is not, judging by the fact that the parties to the conflict are usually safe and sound.

Of course, everyone has the right to feelings, including feelings and negative and destructive. But these feelings should be civilized. For example, instead of yelling at the house, you can wash the floors in the house. And instead slapped her husband slaps, is a little beat up a pillow.

During an argument can not be:

  • To generalize from one particular act spouse to make far-reaching conclusions;
  • Recall past wrongs;
  • Insult and humiliate the opponent;
  • Destroy furniture, dishes and beat spoil things;
  • Engage in physical abuse (better to beat the dishes);
  • To take hasty decisions;
  • Threaten divorce.

Instead, you should try:

  • Talk about your own feelings;
  • Understand partner;
  • To seek a compromise and a way out;
  • Search a reasonable argument;
  • Refrain from asking relations in the presence of children.


After a quarrel

During an argument, many can not help but do not slander your loved one evil and hurtful words. But the anger passes, and becomes ashamed of his outburst. But many do not dare to ask for forgiveness, because they think it means to completely abandon the protection of his interests.

This is not so. It is not necessary to take full view partner some question of principle, but need to apologize for being rude. To apologize first? Typically, the initiator of reconciliation is the one to whom the relationship is more expensive. Or one who is wise. And when apologies are accepted, you can go to a calm discussion of the subject of quarrels and look for compromise solutions.

Situations where after a quarrel one spouse apologizes and the other catches it in his arms, forgetting about the conflict often found in melodrama, but very rarely - in real life. More often, both spouses need some time to cool off. And only after that we manage to come to some decision, and make peace with each other.


It is worth considering

Not every quarrel leads to divorce. And yet, if the couple began to quarrel frequently than before - it is a serious reason to wonder what happened to the relationship. It is very dangerous sign - the quarrel in the presence of strangers. Usually couples trying "not to wash dirty linen in public" and not to sort things out in public. If, however, even in the presence of others can not keep anger, it often indicates a crisis in the relationship.

If your partner is aggressive, then quarrel with him can be dangerous: in the heat of passion a person can not stop at nothing. In this situation, need expert help.
