- Guessing - a phenomenon predictions
- Psychology
People at all times sought to lift the veil of secrecy and know what awaits them in the future. When the first divination just appeared, people still know little about the world and trying to gain confidence, looking at the day tomorrow. But today, when we know about the world much more than before, guessing is not dying: Probably every woman once in my life tried to stretch the map "to narrow" or tell fortunes from coffee grounds.
"Tricks" the subconscious
Unpredictable situation - is always stressful
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. Throughout the ages, people have tried to find solace, trying to predict the future. In some cases, this can be done quite deliberately. For example, if the clouds in the sky, there is every reason to suspect that it will rain soon. Another example: if the army and a strong opponent, the odds to win the war against this enemy small.
In some cases knowledge of the situation may be insufficient. And then comes to the aid of the subconscious. It is known that the person knows a lot more than he realizes. The subconscious captures the little things that instantly disappear from memory, and cause-effect relationships that go unnoticed consciousness. But the subconscious in humans typically "crushed" consciousness and does not manifest itself.
Extract knowledge from the depths of the subconscious can be difficult. This usually occurs when a person is in an altered state of consciousness - for example, in a dream
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or immediately after waking up, under hypnosis
Hypnosis - ability, sent from above
or psychotropic substances, in some other cases. In such situations, a person can not consciously evaluate and monitor the situation, and then turn on the subconscious mind, which offers ready-made solutions. It is known that some outstanding discoveries were made in a state of altered consciousness, for example, Sigmund Freud used the potent drugs, and Dmitri Mendeleev first saw the table of the chemical elements in a dream.
The phenomenon of divination
Guessing is, in fact, communicate directly with the subconscious. When a man asks a fortune teller (or cards, tea leaves, melted wax) question he had in his heart knows the answer. We can only get the answer on the surface - to realize it.
Experienced fortune teller very easy to fall into a trance at will "lulling" the mind and letting the will of the subconscious. Thus they give predictions based on the smallest details - the appearance of the client, the timbre of his voice, minor reservations. All these details allow to create a view of the nature of the client, and knowledge of the nature suggesting future developments. Fortune Teller easy to "read" what unconsciously already knows the client, thus being a mediator between man and his own subconscious. The consciousness of the client also varies - monotonous speech soothsayer and a variety of special effects that really help.
As a rule, fortune-tellers and interpreters of dreams speak platitudes - vague enough to allow many interpretations. First prophetess only schematically depicts certain characters and gave the floor to the client. The customer willingly provide additional information, which may be already enough to make more specific predictions. Not a fact, of course, that these predictions are correct: from the subconscious, too, may not be enough information, and draw conclusions from existing knowledge can be made properly.
It turns out that only a prophetess helps a person understand himself, to recognize unconscious before. Interestingly, on the same principle psychologists and psychoanalysts - they only facilitate a dialogue with oneself, almost without interfering. Such dialogues between consciousness and subconsciousness cures neuroses and many other ailments related to internal conflicts.
Programming fate
Most soothsayers avoid clear guidance to future events, and it is no coincidence. There are many cases when divination literally "programmed" people, and they began to build their lives in line with predictions. Well, if the predictions were optimistic - and yet people often went to meet his own death.
The man is very suggestible: it has long been used, for example, sorcerers, who could order the victim to die at a certain hour, and precisely at this time the man fell dead, but did not suffer until no disease. Therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that divination can change destiny. And for better or for worse - it depends on the soothsayer.
Can you guess yourself?
It would seem, why pay a fortune for the mediation of money, if you can try to communicate with their own subconscious mind directly? However, even the most experienced prophets do not dare to guess yourself. They argue that in this case the consciousness actively resist attempts to enter into a trance, and divination can not.
At the same time, sometimes in life people try to "hear" your subconscious. For example, widely distributed this way to get answers to the question as rocking "pendulum" from the ring on a string. First you have to decide which direction the rocking ring denotes a positive response, and what - no. After that you need to formulate a question and focus on it, holding a "pendulum" suspended. After a few minutes the ring starts to wobble, and the direction of its movement can learn the answer.
Explain what is happening is simple: without being aware of his actions, a person commits a completely unnoticeable hand movements that cause the pendulum to swing. And if the subconscious knows the answer to this question, then the answer would be obvious. It is, of course, remember that the subconscious mind may well be wrong, so completely trust his answers still not recommended.