The word depression is now widely used in ordinary speech, but in fact it does not mean the state when a person in a couple of days of feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfaction with life, as a mental disorder, because of which the patient remains in a state of depression for a long time. Many people still think that depression - is a kind of artificial problem, not a real disease. They are mistaken.
Depression - a disease, and not simply a sign of weakness from which a person can not get rid of just because of his laziness. However, the disease can be managed, and the majority of people who seek help, it is possible to fully recover.
Symptoms of depression
The main symptoms of depression are well known: it is sadness, hopelessness and lack of interest in activities that previously brought pleasure. In depression also experience the following psychological and physiological symptoms:
- Low self-esteem;
- The feeling of helplessness;
- Tearfulness;
- Feeling guilty;
- Irritability;
- Intolerance of other people;
- Lack of motivation;
- Difficulties in making decisions;
- Anxiety, restlessness;
- Suicidal thoughts, or thoughts about self-harm and suicide attempts
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- Constipation;
- Slower than usual, speech and movement;
- Changes in appetite and weight (usually becoming weaker appetite, and weight is reduced, but it happens and vice versa);
- Pain occurring for no apparent reason;
- The weakening of sexual desire;
- Changes in the menstrual cycle;
- Sleep problems
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(for example, a person can be difficult to fall asleep and / or wake up).
These symptoms persist for several weeks or months, and have a significant impact on the work, social and family life of a person. If the above symptoms persist for two weeks or more, you should consult your doctor.
The result often become depressed following social symptoms:
- Man can not cope with the work previously carried out successfully;
- He begins to avoid contact with friends, and less likely to take part in various activities;
- Ceases to devote time to their hobbies;
- In humans, there are problems in family life.
Often depression develops gradually, and the man did not immediately notice that something is wrong. A lot of people for a long time themselves somehow cope with their symptoms without realizing that they are sick. Often patients come to the expert only at the insistence of relatives.
Doctors are three main types of depression severity:
- Mild Depression has some impact on daily life.
- Moderate Depression has a significant impact on human life - to cope with its symptoms becomes difficult.
- Patients with severe depression is almost unable to perform their daily duties.
Causes of Depression
In depression there is no one particular reason - this is one of its differences from the experiences of grief in the loss. During normal grieving (this process is different, but the concept of the norm there still exists) periods of severe depression interspersed with glimpses of optimism and joy, which in time becomes more and more. In this state, a person knows exactly why it is bad, but he still realizes that with time it will become easier. If a person is depressed, it is constantly suppressed, and no more optimistic future he sees. He also can not name the specific cause of the condition ("life is horrible," "I am a worthless person" and similar words - is not the specific cause).
Often there are multiple triggers of depression, the combination of which leads to disease. For example, people feel depressed after an illness, and later in his life happened traumatic events - such as the loss of a loved one. These events alone may not lead to depression, but in combination they were too heavy for a human test.
Many patients tell their therapists about the "downward spiral" of events that result depression. For example, the patient completed with a partner, because he stops to chat with friends and family, but because of the arisen as a result of loneliness begins to drink. Alcohol abuse causes a feeling of guilt and possibly health problems, because of which the depression will only get worse. Man is no longer able to get out of this state, although he may not admit it.
Experts note that the probability of depression is highest in the elderly, when many people appear serious problems of social and economic plan.
Some factors that increase the risk of depression:
- Illnesses and injuries. Patients with chronic or life-threatening diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease, there is a greater likelihood of developing depression.
- Head injuries can cause mood swings
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and problems in the emotional sphere.
- Another possible cause of depression is hypothyroidism.
- Personality characteristics, such as low self-esteem or excessive self-criticism, are common triggers of depression.
- Family history. At risk are people whose close relatives have suffered from clinical depression.
- Childbirth. Changes that occur in women after childbirth, sometimes become a cause of postpartum depression.
- Loneliness increases the risk of depression, especially extroverts, which is almost always needed company.
Observation. If the doctor diagnosed mild depression, he may prefer a strategy of observation. In this case, the patient will need to once every few weeks to visit a doctor so that he could monitor changes its state.
Exercise is a proven remedy for mild depression. The doctor may refer the patient to a qualified fitness trainer to help develop a suitable training program.
Support Groups. Talk openly about your feelings is important, and patients with mild depression that is often enough to cope with the disease. For information about support groups in your area can be obtained from your doctor.
In addition to the above methods for the treatment of moderate depression can be used techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological counseling, psychoanalysis
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, and so on.
Antidepressants are usually prescribed if symptoms of depression have a significant negative impact on quality of life. We must bear in mind that they suppress the symptoms temporarily, but do not address the psychological problems.
Combination therapy is a combination of drug therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Typically, for severe depression combining these techniques is more efficient than using them separately.