Coping with grief: how to deal with emotions

June 25, 2012

 overcoming grief how to deal with emotions
 Traumatic events are a shock to the mind and body and can cause the whole spectrum of experiences. For some time, the person may not understand how to live on after what happened. To cope with their grief and continue normal life, it takes time, help others and the understanding that it will not be easy.

 Coping with grief: how to deal with emotions

The range of emotions

Woe - it is the emotional state, which is required to overcome a lot of time. This is a healthy reaction to any traumatic event and it is important not to suppress it, and give yourself time to go through all the stages of grief. Among the emotions that you will experience can be: a sense of guilt, sadness, anger, fear, denial and disbelief, depression, numbness.

 Coping with grief: how to deal with emotions

Adoption of his grief

Do not try to run away from sorrow, turn to face him. Recognize that what happened actually happened, it can not be changed, and this will lead to profound changes in your personality, which in many ways will also be irreversible.

 Coping with grief: how to deal with emotions

Looking for help

Perhaps you'll want to spend some time alone to gather his thoughts and somehow learn to cope with their grief, but it is important to admit that you need help from others.

If after a while you will find that you can not go about their business as usual, you have sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and / or there were thoughts and feelings that interfere with daily life, you need to turn to a psychologist. He will tell you ways that you can control your emotions and eventually overcome the grief. It is important to recognize the problems and start talking about it - this is in one voice say many experts.

  • Ask for support from your family, friends, the people who are going through similar loss.
  • It is not necessary to speak loudly about their emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . They can write or draw, or, for example, to play the guitar - do it in such a way as best he can.
  • Farewell ceremony with the dead - a very important and beneficial ritual. It helps to recognize and accept the death of a loved one. By the way, if you overcome another difficult situation, you can also come up with a ritual that is making you acknowledge accept and release your pain.

 Coping with grief: how to deal with emotions

When it becomes easier?

There is no set period for which a person has to cope with grief. Unfortunately, many people, the pain never goes completely. However, this should not prevent you to live happily, despite the fact that at times of sadness may return with renewed vigor.

Allow yourself to experience the mountain as long as necessary. You need to return to a normal life, but be prepared for the fact that it will take some time.

Moments of happiness, which at first appear rarely, and then more and more, they say that you will cope with grief. Once you realize that the sadness and depression are no longer dominate your emotions - and it will be your victory over pain.

If you do not allow yourself to feel the mountain in full, forced himself to look outwardly calm (sake, you think, well-being of your family or not to show weakness), you may experience problems with the full acceptance of what happened, and the emotions that you have suppressed, They show themselves in a different way.

You will live on, and even if part of your consciousness will always be longing for the departed person, once again you will laugh.

Article Tags:
  • How to survive the grief

Autism: helping parents - understanding and patience

July 24, 2012

  • Autism: helping parents - understanding and patience
  • Stress

 Autism assistance to parents
 The struggle that has to lead the parents of autistic children seem endless. Many of them are tormented by guilt and anxiety. In addition, they need to constantly find the money and resources to help their children. All this is depressing. On the care and treatment of a child suffering from autism, it takes a lot of money. Working parents who too often arrive early to pick up their children from school or day care at risk as a result of losing their jobs. This further complicates the situation, increasing stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and exacerbating the financial problems.

There are many ways to find support, time off, money and friends to help you cope with any difficulties.

 Autism: helping parents - understanding and patience

Do not go crazy

First of all, it is necessary to study how to more information about autism. This will help to maintain composure in difficult situations. In addition, it will allow to understand how family members can find the contact with the child.

But do not go crazy! Very often parents whose children suffer from autism spectrum disorder, throw all their forces to ensure that a detailed study of all available data about the disease and its treatment methods. This is quite natural, but not always good for the parents themselves, child marriage and other family members. And the truth is that, in this zeal is not necessary.

How many years would not have been patient - 2 years, 10 years or 25 - applied treatments can improve his condition. Of course, the sooner you start treatment, the better, but the notorious "window of opportunity" in the treatment of autism - it is rather an exaggeration. Therefore, no matter how many years of patient, never too late to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Some parents are afraid to miss a new opportunity to treat - the same opportunity that will finally cure their child. In fact, many children have a positive effect different types of therapy, and in those children who seem to have recovered, yet still some symptoms of autism. Since there is currently no means to cure the disease, do not need to worry about it.

Media in excess supply us with stories about what causes autism. Answer There are many: television, Pitocin, vaccines, Lyme disease Lyme disease - beware of ticks  Lyme disease - beware of ticks
   and so on. Could one of these responses to be true? Of course. But can we find out exactly what was the cause of the disease? Unfortunately no. You can analyze and weigh the evidence and draw their own conclusions. But to date, no one can say that causes autism. Therefore, rather than dig into the past, the better to focus on the future.

When a child is diagnosed with "autism", many parents feel thrown out of life, because their child does not like the others, and they will never again be able to become "friends" among all the other parents. But they are not alone. There is a world in which there are support groups, newsletters, clubs and parent groups, and measures are being taken, in which parents whose children suffer from autism, will be very happy to see.

No need to "put an end" to the child. "In the treatment of autism should not expect too much" - is realistic, but wrong. Sometimes people with autism, talk, and sometimes not. They may have great talent and create a lot of difficulties. But all of them are worthy of love and respect.

No need to "put an end" to his family or his life. Sometimes parents of autistic children feel exiles. In fact, they are still able to participate in society, even if it is somewhat more difficult. They can also go on vacation during the holidays, arrange family holidays, to visit my grandmother and dedushku- it just requires patience, planning and a sense of humor. And for some people, success in any business the sweeter than the big obstacles they had to overcome in this case.

 Autism: helping parents - understanding and patience


Respite care - this is the substitution of a person caring for a relative with special needs. Any person or institution that provides temporary care in cases where the responsible guardian must be somewhere to go, and when he needs to rest for a certain period. This period may last several minutes, several hours, several weeks or more.

In some cases, the guardian of an autistic child may seek the assistance of the person performing temporary care? For example, in the case where the trustee is necessary to absent himself to be examined or to consult with your doctor. In the case where a guardian has another child, spouse or parent who needs help. And when the spiritual and physical strength guardian exhausted, and he was unable to exercise proper care of the child. When it is too long it is not able to be alone with yourself or with your loved one. Also, in cases where no respite, he risks losing their health, their relationships and their sense of humor. These are the most important things in our life, without which the trustee would not be able to help your child suffering from autism.

Many parents find it difficult to decide on what to transfer care for their autistic child into the wrong hands. They think they always have to be close to the child, because no one can replace them. But this way of thinking is wrong. The desire to make a break or to spend time alone with your partner, instead of 47 times to watch the same video, has nothing to do with love. The more you take care of yourself, the better it will be able to take care of his family.

 Autism: helping parents - understanding and patience

Options for respite

What type of respite is best to choose depends on the needs of the caregiver and the needs of an autistic child. If the guardian is necessary to absent himself for one night, it may help to ask your friends, family or an experienced babysitter. If this is not possible, you can reach out to people serving in the church, in institutions for the disabled or to the agency for families and children.

In addition, there are summer camps for the disabled, which are sometimes more preferable option than an invitation nanny to care for the child at home. Sometimes a few hours of rest from the cares of helping to establish health and to take another look at this world.
