Extrovert - think of it as it really is,

May 17, 2009

 According to CG Jung, extraversion - the ability to pay interest and power of the mind to the events, people and things that are in the outside world. Speaking quite simply, an extrovert - a person prone more interested in what is happening around him, rather than inside it. At the household level, extroverts are often referred to people who are easy to start dating, find common language with different people - and, in general, are very fond of communication.

 Extrovert - think of it as it really is,

Biological features

Some scholars suggest that the cause of extroversion is the variability of cortical arousal. They believe that introverts cortical arousal is at a higher level and less change than the extroverts - that's why so often extroverts need external stimulation.

Extraversion also linked to increased sensitivity of the mesolimbic system to potentially useful incentives.

In one study it was found that extroverts are more active than in introverts, blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes and the posterior thalamus - the brain areas responsible for sensory and emotional experience. Do introverts most active circulation in the frontal lobes and the anterior thalamus - the brain region involved, eg in the planning and problem solving.

 Extrovert - think of it as it really is,

Features extrovert

In fact, if you see a man who almost can not do without the party and many friends - he probably an extrovert. These people constantly need to communicate, love to be in the spotlight; often they consciously choose work that requires frequent communication from them. Of course, there are different degrees of extroversion - someone needs some time to get used to the new company, someone in any society almost immediately becomes "their". They get bored (although some of their sociability may cause discomfort), have excellent communication skills, and this - their inherent feature.

Extroverts are confident, rarely looking for opportunities to be alone and, as a rule, the nature of their work for them - thanks to extensive dating is easier for them to find a good job, and they quickly adapted to the new location. On the other hand, many extroverts need to learn to restrain themselves, to overcome the tendency to say the first thing that comes to mind. This character trait extroverts can hurt other people because of their friendliness but it is easier to forgive the petty grievances.

In addition, extroversion is often seen in the desire to wear a bright, beautiful clothes (especially introverts think about the convenience and practicality), to decorate their homes and workplaces by various decorative details, listen to fun, energetic music. In the office, the extrovert are more likely than in the office of an introvert Introvert - not breaketh himself  Introvert - not breaketh himself
 Will be an additional seat (and possibly more than one), a basket of fruit and sweets, coffee machine and other things calculated to create the most comfortable atmosphere for communication.

The researchers found a positive correlation between extraversion and happiness - often extroverts than introverts, call themselves happy. This, however, does not mean that introverts are unhappy. Extroverts are more likely to experience positive emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   and better able to talk about it; emotions as introverts often neutral and they are not very good at transmit their feelings in words.

Moreover, according to many studies, self-assessment extroverts on the average higher than introverts. This is probably not least due to the fact that extraversion in modern Western society is more socially acceptable than introversion. However, this particular there are drawbacks. Scientists say that the likelihood of delinquent (antisocial) behavior in adolescents extroverts significantly higher than introverts.

Substance abuse - as a child back to life?

May 14, 2009

 Drug abuse
   Among all kinds of narcotic addiction substance abuse, according to drug treatment and psychotherapy, among the most severe varieties. This is because, firstly, the wide availability of funds that have a toxic effect on the brain. Indeed, the substance with the effect of toxic substances are not included in the list of drugs, and thus are not illegal for distribution. For this reason, their purchase and storage are not subject to criminal liability, as opposed to the same drug. Second, victims of abuse are mainly children of primary school, and sometimes even pre-school age.

Given the rise for abuse "epidemic" among children contingent, it is not surprising that almost all representatives of progressive public expressed a common opinion that the inhalation of chemicals is a serious threat to the welfare of the entire nation.

What makes children on the path to become addicts? First of all, it is a curiosity, the sharpness of new sensations and the desire to keep up with their peers. More unformed will and weak capacity in risk assessment does not allow reasonably think about the consequences. Besides the fear of ridicule from friends, unwillingness to show himself "boyaguzom" and strong calls by the more experienced "mentor" finally persuaded to take the first breath of the toxic drug. It should be emphasized that to cope with the temptation to resist outside influence and help children a proper parent word. A simple categorical "no" the child can not hold. This will only increase his curiosity. Children need to explain the dangers of substance abuse, it is necessary to cite specific examples or invented.

What is going on in the development process of the toxic effect? The first reaction to the introduction of toxins - protective. The body in every way of the danger signals: a headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 , Dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Increasing the pressure on the temples, nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Weakness, quickens the pulse, there is a strong heartbeat and others. Such a reaction occurs after the second - the third breath, and excessive severity causes a person to refuse further use (and this is for the better).

After the fourth - fifth inhalation protective manifestations go by the wayside and was soon extinguished at all, but instead increases the mood, he becomes careless and happy, all the cares and worries disappear, the world is perfect, there is uncontrollable desire to laugh and admire the surrounding reality .  Some stop at this stage, but most continue to make further "tightening", after which consciousness is clouded, there is a feeling of flight, or the failure of the ground .  Sounds become bizarre, with the presence of echo, with the distant sounds seem close and vice versa .  Surrounding reality loses its sharpness, but "reach out" to the consciousness is still possible, but not so on the next stage, when the "stir" addicts is almost impossible, consciousness is almost completely plugged .  This gives rise to phantasmagoric visual hallucinations .  These hallucinations are replaced in a kaleidoscopic manner and reminiscent of the "cartoons" .  That's what they are called sniffers, with many of them for the sake of "cartoons" and taking up the varnish, glue or any organic solvent .  At this stage, says the unreality of what is happening .  Thus, the surrounding objects change their dimensions and proportions, it begins to seem disproportionate, even your own body: hands "lengthened" legs "shortened" or vice versa .  Sometimes addicts are beginning to "see" inside your body: the heart, stomach, brain, etc. .  Periodically, instead of pleasant hallucinations which leads to unpleasant or even aggressive and scary .  Because of them, running away from an imaginary monster, kids can jump out of the window of a multistory building .

This effect on the brain is due to the tendency of neurotoxic poisons accumulate in the lipid of the brain, which leads to the gradual destruction of brain cells and the degradation of the individual. For this reason, according to experts, get rid of the addiction is sometimes more difficult than other types of drug addiction. In addition, toxic substances are a springboard to go to other kinds of "mania" - alcoholism and drug addiction.

In such a situation the child to return to a healthy lifestyle can only be a long stay in the hospital and continue to support the therapeutic tactics. However, only the joint efforts of the doctors, parents and a sick child can snatch it from the clutches of addiction for abuse.

  Zhiguli Andrew

Article Tags:
  • drug abuse
