Irritability - you try to control my temper
December 11, 2013
Irritability called recurring inadequate, too violent reaction to habitual stimuli. Irritability can be a character trait, but in most cases, she has other reasons. To cope with the irritability may be difficult, but it is quite possible, and even necessary, that the person can live a normal life.
Causes of irritability
In irritability can be a lot of reasons, for example:
- Premenstrual syndrome;
- Menopause;
- Ear infections;
- Toothache;
- Polycystic ovary syndrome;
- Hyperthyroidism;
- Stress;
- Anxiety disorder;
- Depression;
- Bipolar disorder;
- Abuse of alcohol or drugs;
- Cancel nicotine;
- Cancel caffeine.
Irritability may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as sweating, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, confusion, anger, headaches, fever, hot flashes, irregular menstrual cycles, loss of hair
Hair loss - the distress signal
If the previously calm, balanced person regularly fits of irritability, that it is practically impossible to control, should consult a doctor. First the doctor will talk with the patient and explore its history; doctor is especially important to know whether the patient has any mental disorder. Then, usually given blood
Blood tests: a mirror of health
and urine. If the tests show that the level of certain hormones is abnormal, it is likely that it was the cause of irritability hormonal imbalance. The level of sugar in the urine may help identify diabetes, which is sometimes also causes irritability. If you suspect a mental disorder the patient may be referred to a therapist.
If cause irritability is any disease, patient following treatment. If the patient is generally healthy, the doctor may send it to a psychologist to help him deal with the causes irritability and learn to control it. In any case, it may take some time before people get rid of this line, and as long irritability will pose a significant threat to both personal life and for his professional career.
Irritability - the rules of conduct
Treatment may produce results not immediately, irritability and flash will be repeated from time to time, in addition to your will. In order not to spoil relations with loved ones for a while, while you struggle with irritability, should adhere to certain rules.
- Tell us about your problem. You may be embarrassed and uncomfortable telling someone that you can not cope with his irritability, but it is better to do this than to force them to wonder what caused your behavior. They will be easier to calmly respond to outbreaks of irritability, if they know that the reason for this disease, and you are taking steps to recover. In addition, it is important to regularly and openly talk about any difficulties you have difficulties because the triggers irritability often unspoken problem.
- Quickly apologize. As soon as you realize that you have given vent to irritation and hurt someone, apologize. Be honest - admit his guilt, and do not try to explain to the other person that he, too, is guilty (even if it is - provide himself to do an analysis of their behavior). If possible, explain what brought you out of yourself - it will avoid conflicts in the future.
- Explain your needs. Often, people close to the person suffering from irritability, do not know when you can talk with him, and when it is better not to touch, and gradually begin to communicate less with him, causing new psychological problems. Explain that you know when it is best to refrain from criticism to your address when you should generally leave alone, and when you are able to easily listen to them and respond adequately to heard. Also tell them that such measures are not always necessary that you are treated, and soon your condition is normal.
- Watch out for the needs of the organism. If you are too cold, hot, and especially if you're hungry, the likelihood of outbreaks is greatly increased irritability.
- Remember that other people have feelings too. Even if your loved ones know about the causes of your irritation, sometimes your behavior can still hurt them and they do not have to meekly endure all that you do and say. If you see that someone has wronged you, do not rush to blame the person that you just do not understand and does not want to reckon with your illness. Instead, once again apologize, tell us about the progress of treatment, and let them know that soon you will again behave normally.
- Do not make excuses. Accept that they were wrong, do not try to hide behind the disease. What you annoyed by trifles, for example, because of the anxiety disorder does not mean that you are doing the right thing. In addition, the quiet acceptance of their own error helps to gradually reduce the frequency of attacks and irritability.
Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
December 11, 2013
The term mood swings are often used incorrectly. Many people say that they are mood swings, but in fact they just naturally give way to emotions that are normal reactions to various events. A man who cries often or easily loses his temper is not necessarily suffering from mood swings - most likely, it's just a feature of temperament.
About the mood swings can say when the transition from joy to sadness, or vice versa, instantly, without objective reasons. The most common transition is toward negative emotions - such people have mood swings can be combined with a high level of anxiety and other psychological problems.
Mood swings can be a sign of more serious disorders, such as anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder.
When bipolar disorder mood swings happen spontaneously at any time. However, sometimes they can be caused by certain triggers - situations or events that trigger mood swings, such as sleep deprivation, crossing multiple time zones, and so on. Some patients say that they have a sharp improvement or worsening of mood only at work, on weekends, and so on.
To highlight the triggers, you can keep a diary, recording it in the events preceding the next mood swings.
People suffering from anxiety disorder, anxiety itself can lead to severe stress, due to which the mood is changing dramatically. In both cases, the causes of mood swings may be:
- Hormones and neurotransmitters. These substances are considered to be the main causes of extreme emotional instability in bipolar disorder and anxiety
Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
. In these disorders there is a change in hormone levels and reduced production of certain neurotransmitters. Usually people think that their thoughts and feelings are always rational and have specific reasons. In fact, changes in the level of chemicals in the body can affect them is not less than events taking place in the surrounding world. As a rule, people who suffer from mood swings, sometimes reduced levels of serotonin and norepinephrine. Often bring them to normal level is possible only with the help of antidepressants.
- Psychological fatigue. Anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder can lead to severe psychological fatigue. The man begins to feel that he does not control his condition, he is afraid of exacerbations, he fears that the disease could affect his relationship with loved ones, and so on. All this may lead to more frequent mood swings, as well as panic attacks
Panic attacks - fear of nowhere
- Other reasons. Because of a mental disorder may be a feeling of isolation, isolation from others, which have a significant impact on the attitude of man to himself and to life. Mood swings may be the result of a sharp decline in self-esteem because of illness.
- Prolonged stress, is not associated with mental disorders, sometimes also causes mood swings.
How to cope with mood swings
Consciously control emotions is difficult, because they occur against the will of man, and often seem irrational. From the beginning, it is better not to set the task to suppress emotions when mood swings (and even more so - to prevent their occurrence), but simply to reduce its response to them. To do this, use the following guidelines:
If you notice that your mood start without reason to change (especially - in a bad way), stop doing what you are doing at the moment and try to understand why you're upset, and do you have at the moment are objective reasons for the negative emotions. Consider the events that occurred recently and may happen in the near future, and decide whether a bad mood adequate response to them.
If you feel that you begin to change the mood, if possible, stay for some time alone. Give yourself a few minutes to think about and to do nothing under the influence of emotions.
Simulate positive emotions. Sensing that the mood is changing for the worse, try to artificially improve it, but do not suppress the bad emotions - so you make it worse. Instead, imagine that you are playing the game by the rules of which you can experience all the emotion, but to behave as if you are completely calm, even cheerful. No need to ban myself to be angry or sad - this may increase stress levels
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
and anxiety. Giving vent negative emotions inside, and posing positive emotions "outside", you will soon find that to cope with its own mood is easier than it seemed before. If you are very difficult to keep calm, breathing exercises, drink a glass of water in small sips, take a short walk.
Tell your loved ones that you are mood swings, because of which you can behave in a way unusual for you. This will help to cope with the anxiety that you can hurt loved ones, and they do not even understand what is the reason. If they know about your psychological problems, it would be easier not to take offense at your anger or irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
Consult a physician. Since mood swings can not always cope on their own, and if you feel that sometimes you can not control yourself, be sure to seek professional help.