Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

September 14, 2013

  • Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
  • Analysis

 A unique drug that is guaranteed to have no side effects, but without a trace eliminates any pain symptoms. It is a placebo, totally harmless and inactive agent that has no effect on your body, but your brain is convinced of the opposite. It may be tablets do not contain any drug, expensive electronic device, which is of no use, the inhaler, which allows the air you breathe, and so, or simply massage therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 That does not heal.

 Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

"I pleasant"

The form can be any placebo. This is not only an important component of clinical tests, but effective therapeutic agent itself. In the end, "placebo" in Latin means "I am agreeable."

Most people have heard about the use of placebo medication - pharmacologically indifferent substance that mimics the drug - in the medical testing. At the same time in a properly organized nor controlled experiment the scientists nor the subjects do not know what kind of drug is used that allows you to get a good idea of ​​the actual effectiveness of the new drug compared to placebo. But many do not know that even in the control group receiving a placebo, the results are often better than in the group of participants who did not receive anything at all. The fact is that when you think you are being treated, you often feel some relief because of the subconscious psychological expectation.

Although the placebo effect can be strongly pronounced, it has no therapeutic value in treating diseases of the physiological nature. In addition, a placebo does not provide any measurable improvement. Its value is reduced almost exclusively to the reduction or elimination of symptoms, which, incidentally, is known only from the words of the patient. In principle, the placebo helps the patient feel better, but does not affect the process of the disease and its cure. We can talk about exceptions in the case of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Insomnia, nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   and other conditions where the physical condition of the patient is suffering, but no causative agent.

Placebo - is not only tablets or medicines. Placebo therapy may be the application of heat, ultrasound, massage, injections, manipulation, or almost everything that can be done with the human body.

 Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

Who responds to a placebo?

Essentially, any means placebo effect, typically only one third of all individuals; although almost everyone responds to at least one type of placebo. Many non-prescription medicines, and even some drugs have an effect comparable only with the effect of a placebo. And yet, we see that they work, and we continue to buy them. Thus, review of randomized controlled trials of OTC cough syrups showed that none of them is as effective a drug is superior to placebo. Thus, we can conclude that OTC cough syrups are a placebo. This does not mean that they are ineffective; it only means that they are no better than a harmless inert substance that you think will help you get rid of cough. In most cases, this effect is sufficient.

But not all equally effective means placebo. Some of them have a much more effective than others. It turned out that various factors have a definite influence on the effectiveness of placebo. If it is a placebo tablet, its effectiveness affect the color, size, shape, taste and even smell.

 Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

Secrets of the placebo

Regardless of the form of a placebo, on the strength of its effect, and thus its value affects the method and ease of administration. The effectiveness of the placebo effect is often even such factors as the time and place of its use: the impressive interior of elite clinic more patient to arrange the placebo effect than the sad situation of urban clinics. Here are a few secrets to placebo:

  • Blue pills more effective than red, relieve fatigue and stress, help to calm down. Red pills are more effective than the blue, when it comes to stimulation.
  • Two tablets provide a greater effect than one.
  • Tablets advertised name, produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies, recognizable packaging, are more effective than pills unknown to the patient a pharmaceutical company, of which he had never before heard. One large study published in the British Medical Journal, showed that corporate aspirin is more effective than generic aspirin, which was more effective than placebo branded drugs, which, in turn, on the effectiveness of the drug ring surpassed placebo.
  • Expensive treatment is more effective than expensive.
  • Description of the placebo effect also an important factor of influence. Patients whose doctors warn about the strength of the drug, there is a strong placebo effect, than those who have only a distant preparation of the presentation. But both groups show a significant improvement, compared with those who did not know anything about the effects of the drug.
  • Patients receiving placebo from the hands of a man in a white coat, there is much to placebo, compared with those who received the drug from the hands of a man in casual clothes.
  • Best results are observed with placebo in those cases where the physician spends more time with the patient, explaining the essence of treating him.
  • Morbidity and invasiveness of receiving a placebo - another important factor in its effectiveness. For example, a placebo injection is more effective than tablets. Electric shock therapy is considered more effective than treatment with ultrasound. Acupuncture is more effective than chiropractic.
  • Paradoxically, but the placebo therapy, accompanied by unpleasant side effects, is more effective than placebo, without any side effects.

As these small, seemingly items affect the outcome of clinical trials, in which a control group taking a placebo? For example, you are trying to develop a new drug for the treatment of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 And your product - it's a little blue pill in a white bottle with no label and a placebo control group - a big shiny red pill in a recognizable bottle with a label known firm. What do you think, what will be the result of the test? Chances are that placebos can give better results than your drug, although, in contrast to the placebo, your preparation can be really effective. This is not as rare as you might think. In our chosen example of product characteristics placebo poorly matched, so the results of this experiment, if it really took place, it can not be considered valid. The organizers of the clinical trials are aware of this, and an important part of their job is to eliminate variables that can skew the results. Features placebo should best meet the properties of the active drug.

How to beat stress? Create an oasis

October 26, 2008

 How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   Stress and anxiety, being an integral part of our lives, can prematurely wear out your body - how the mind and body. And if not effectively deal with these phenomena, from the DC voltage will suffer from cardiovascular and immune systems. A person who is under the continuous influence of stress, often a bad mood, he becomes sullen and gloomy, reduced cognitive function, he feels the absolute discomfort.

He was imperative to find a safe and comfortable place, where he could relax and rejuvenate, restore a sense of peace and serenity.

Well, if such an atmosphere you will be able to create a home. However, if in a city apartment to allocate one room for these purposes is quite difficult, try to arrange at least a sitting area. As for the working place, add to your desk in the office at least a couple of strokes, dry and businesslike atmosphere will be more pleasant for you. We offer you eight ways of transformation of personal space in an island of genuine comfort and grace.

  • To quickly restore power, refer to the sound generated by the serenity. This can be your favorite music, the singing birds or the noise of the waterfall will help you relax and appease. Sounds can sharpen perceptions and improve mood.
  • Live plants. Fresh flowers and plants in pots create an aura of peace. They beneficially influence the indoor air, produce positive energy.
  • Lighting. Soft lighting soothes and promotes relaxation. Ceiling fixtures should provide enough light, but in any case not to be rude and too bright. The ability to adjust the brightness of the lighting give a sense of security and control over personal space.
  • Pleasant smells. Nice fresh flavors are also able to square off. Regularly ventilate the room even in cold and windy weather - slightly open the window for a little while, let the fresh air. Use fresheners, ionizers of air, however, comply with the measure. Choose a fragrance that for you is the most enjoyable.
  • Placement of furniture. Place the furniture in complete accordance with your needs and convenience. Complete interior details that evoke pleasant memories.
  • Fabric texture. Use pillows, blankets precious natural fabrics. The same must be blind. Remember, in the creation of mood plays an important role our sense of touch. Everything we touch, to be pleasing to the touch.
  • Symbol of nature. Place in a corner for rest objects, reminiscent of the charm of nature. It can be the shell, stones, bird feathers, leaves, etc.
  • VoiceMail. If you need time to relax and rejuvenate, phone calls can be a hindrance. Turn on the answering machine, set the minimum level of the call. Fully rested, you can answer incoming calls without the irritation.

Monitor their surroundings - both at home and at work, consciously avoid anything that irritates and can develop into a conflict. Use our tips, and during the holidays, when you are forced to absent himself from home for a long time. By creating your own oasis, you can freely relax just when you need it. After all, in fact, to relieve fatigue and restore power, need a little.

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  • stress
