Bilateral pneumonia
Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
- The phenomenon is not so rare. At the same time often taken for bilateral pneumonia acute bronchitis. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the patient must make a lung X-ray and blood count - in this case will clearly see the difference bronchitis pneumonia.
Why are there bilateral pneumonia
Bilateral pneumonia most commonly occur in debilitated patients with reduced immunity. This infectious agent is usually own conditionally pathogenic patient (community-acquired pneumonia), or microflora characteristic of the hospital (nosocomial pneumonia).
Often bilateral lung damage develops at staphylococcal pneumonia, Legionnaires' disease
Legionnaires' disease - travelers as interesting
and length of stay in a stationary state (hypostatic pneumonia).
Staphylococcal bilateral pneumonia
Staphylococcal pneumonia often begin after a viral infection (such as the flu), and usually affect children, the elderly and the sick, debilitated by chronic diseases.
Thus there is a fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough with purulent bloody sputum, severe headache, confusion. The severity of the disease often do not coincide with the X-ray examination revealed the size of the lesion.
On the second or third day of the disease in the lungs produce large cavity filled with air - a consequence of the dissolution of lung tissue by toxins of staphylococci. The configuration and the number of necrotic cavities in the lung is constantly changing. It is also characteristic abscess formation (formation of ulcers in the lungs, the limited capsule) with the breakthrough of pus in the pleural cavity and the development of a purulent pleurisy.
On X-rays when staphylococcal pneumonia can see one or more centers of medium or large size, often located in both lungs. These lesions tend to merge and form zones of enlightenment as a result of the collapse of the tissues. The presence of acute inflammatory process confirms CBC.
Treatment of staphylococcal pneumonia - a difficult task. Treatment should always be carried out under permanent radiological and laboratory control.
Legionella bilateral pneumonia
Legionellosis - a disease caused by Legionella, which is manifested in defeat respiratory, kidney and central nervous system. For the first time legionellosis was identified relatively recently, in the 70s of the last century. It was subsequently found that Legionella - are microorganisms are prevalent in many natural and man-made reservoirs. They easily withstand adverse environmental conditions, particularly in the water as often live inside protozoa (amoebas).
The source of infection for the human Legionnaires' can be water and air conditioning. You can become infected during water treatment (for example, soul), or by inhalation of conditioned air. More common in smokers, people with severe kidney disease with a reduction in their functions, immunocompromised and elderly patients.
The incubation period of Legionnaires' disease (time from infection to the first symptoms of the disease) from two to ten days. Then develop Legionnaires' disease - severe pneumonia. Starts disease with general malaise and headache, and a day high fever, chills and a strong dry cough
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. Some time later, the cough becomes wet, separated muco-purulent sputum, and sputum with blood, shortness of breath, abdominal pain
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, Nausea and vomiting.
On X-rays early in the disease can be seen unilateral lung damage in the form of rounded shadows that the development of the disease are bilateral. Shadows often merge with each other, affecting the whole lung lobes. During the first week of the disease severity increases its temperature is held for almost two weeks. The recovery period lasts a few weeks. Thus effects are often in the form of proliferation instead of lung tissue damaged connective tissue, i.e. fibrosis.
Treatment of the disease held macrolide antibiotics and fluoroquinolones.
Hypostatically bilateral pneumonia
Hypostatically (congestive) pneumonia occurs most often in the lower right lung, but also bilateral and frequently. It develops in frail patients who, because of his illness do not move as well as in patients with cardiovascular diseases with symptoms of stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (ie in the lungs).
Against the background of stagnant blood and edema in the lung develops violation of patency of the bronchi, which lead to violations of their ventilation. In insufficiently ventilated lungs develop opportunistic and pathogenic microflora (most commonly pneumococci), which causes the development of pneumonia.
The disease develops gradually and occurs in the form of weakness, lethargy, general malaise, shortness of breath, cough with little phlegm. And a small temperature (sometimes it is normal).
Imperceptible course of the disease contributes to the fact that it did not immediately identify, and that is often the cause of many complications.
Galina Romanenko