Buteyko Breathing: Exclusive method

September 30th, 2010

  • Buteyko Breathing: Exclusive method
  • The essence of the method

 Buteyko breathing
 Buteyko Breathing - this is not just another form of breathing exercises and a set of techniques aimed at the treatment of a number of lung diseases. Buteyko Breathing can be called a kind of hypoxic training - this technique is taught to breathe "correctly", that is, so that breathing does not lead to hyperventilation Hyperventilation - when breathing is not easy  Hyperventilation - when breathing is not easy
   (which, according to the Buteyko theory is "hidden" cause of some lung diseases are very difficult to treat).

 Buteyko Breathing: Exclusive method

Buteyko Breathing: breathing exercises with a scientific approach

In the sixties of the twentieth century, the Soviet physiologist Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko offered a completely new method of treatment of bronchial asthma - the method actually a conscious elimination of the so-called deep breathing. The theoretical basis for the development of a fundamentally new system of breathing exercises was the position that the underlying cause of many respiratory disorders actually becomes a chronic hyperventilation - deep breathing, which causes a permanent deficit of carbon dioxide (hypocapnia) and a glut of oxygen. The basis of the Buteyko method laid down three basic principles: breathing through the nose, shallow breathing and relaxation.

 Buteyko Breathing: Exclusive method

All diseases - oxygen?

The basis of the theory of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, and many followers of the method Buteyko breathing lay concept of "hidden" hyperventilation, which, according to the theory of Buteyko, is the real reason for a significant amount of a variety of diseases - including asthma .  Even before the Buteyko method has been known that hyperventilation lowers the level of carbon monoxide in the blood (called hypocapnia) - and this, in turn, upsets the balance of oxygen in the tissues and blood .  Buteyko theory, meanwhile, argues that the effects of chronic hyperventilation far more extensive and dangerous to human health: it causes hyperventilation disrupting not only the lungs but other body systems .  Thus, the main purpose of the Buteyko breathing - is normalization, "restore" the natural rhythm and depth of breathing to prevent chronic hyperventilation and hypocapnia .

 Buteyko Breathing: Exclusive method

How effective breathing Buteyko

The effectiveness of Buteyko breathing techniques has been confirmed by numerous studies - and carried out not only on the territory of the former Soviet Union, but also in Western countries .  Conclusions dozen studies conducted to test the effectiveness of the proposed Buteyko technique generally repeat each other: Buteyko breathing is safe for the patient (of course, subject to the control of the doctor-methodologist) and really helps to control and suppress the symptoms of asthma and other lung diseases .  In general, studies are two types of effects caused by Buteyko - a better control of asthma, or reducing the required dose of drugs to treat the disease .  Thus, for example, conducted in 2008, Canadian scientists study the Buteyko method has shown a direct link between breathing exercises and dosage of drugs: six months of regular hypoxic training dose of medication required to suppress the symptoms of asthma, it was reduced by a record eighty-ninety percent .  In fact, today in some European countries Buteyko method was almost the official status of an additional type of asthma therapy - even in conservative Britain in 2008, was allowed to use the Buteyko method as an additional method to control asthma symptoms .

However, a panacea, a magic cure for all diseases of the respiratory system breathing Buteyko considered in any case impossible. This method has several significant limitations, the most important of which - a ban on the self. Trying to deal with their own on the proposed Buteyko method without consultation with a specialist can cause significant damage to health (in the end, experiments with breathing and balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body - not a safe activity).

Mucosolvan - solution: oral and inhalation

July 8, 2012

 Mucosolvan solution
 Mucosolvan is a mucolytic (phlegm) and expectorant drug. It also helps to prevent discharge of phlegm and wears off the walls of the alveoli. This versatile solution lets you apply effects Mucosolvan in many diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

 Mucosolvan - solution: oral and inhalation

What particularly Mucosolvan in the dosage form as a solution

The solution is the most versatile dosage form Mucosolvan: it can be applied, both internally and in the form of inhalation, and ingestion can be combined with inhaled without exceeding the total daily dose. The 1 ml solution for oral and inhalation contains 7, 5 mg of active substance (ambroxol). Mucosolvan solution works quickly and efficiently.

When administered solution Mucosolvan takes effect within 30 minutes. It is rapidly released into the blood and carried along with it in the body, acting including the fabric walls of the bronchi and alveoli. Under the influence of Mucosolvan cells of the bronchial mucosa are starting to allocate more secret. This drug also helps activate enzymes phlegm. Thus, in the bronchi of the liquid produces a lot of phlegm and bronchial mucosa villi begin to actively promote it in the direction of the upper respiratory tract. Positive effect Mucosolvan and alveoli: it stimulates the synthesis of surfactant in the walls of the alveoli, which prevents them from sticking together, thus increasing the respiratory surface of the lungs.

If you use Mucosolvan solution for injection, it begins to act more quickly, providing the same effect as if swallowed. But it Mucosolvan enters the bronchial mucosa is not with blood but with an aerosol - a very fine drug particles that can penetrate into the remotest corners of broncho-pulmonary system.

Effective Mucosolvan for 6 to 12 hours. During this time, the drug gets into the brain (passes the blood brain barrier) and the placenta to the fetus in pregnant women. In nursing mothers, it is highlighted with milk. Mucosolvan decomposed in the liver and then excreted through the kidneys, so it is used with caution in the human liver and kidneys.

 Mucosolvan - solution: oral and inhalation

When appointed

Inside solution Mucosolvan often prescribed for acute diseases of the trachea, bronchus and lung - acute tracheobronchitis, pneumonia. But you can apply for these diseases and Mucosolvan inhalation or ingestion of combining with inhalation. This helps the patient to get rid of sputum, which will be held in conjunction with, and inflammation.

In chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs by inhalation is preferred, but depending on the individual patient and the severity of the disease Mucosolvan solution can be used in different ways. With diseases such as chronic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), introduced in the form of inhalation solution Mucosolvan quickly promotes liquefaction and expectoration conclusion, restoring patency of the bronchi.

When bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis - when the work light under threat  Bronchiectasis - when the work light under threat
   in the bronchi of the patient formed bronchiectasis - enlargement, pus-filled. In this case, the patient develops chronic intoxication, which seriously affects the body as a whole. Mucosolvan, are inhaled deep into the bronchial tubes, dissolving phlegm and gradually removing clumps of pus from bronchiectasis. In exchange application Mucosolvan inhalation solution in the complex treatment of these patients have quickly start to improve.

 Mucosolvan - solution: oral and inhalation

As used

Inside Mucosolvan solution used after a meal, washing it down with water, tea, juice, milk or any other liquid. Adults and children over 12 years, he was appointed to 4 ml (100 drops) three times a day. Children under 12 years of age the dose administered in accordance with the age.

The inhalation solution Mucosolvan applied using a nebulizer - a special machine that crushes the medicine into very small particles, forming from a solution aerosol. The nebulizer solution Mucosolvan placed, diluted half with saline - it contributes to better hydration of the airways. Before use, the solution should be slightly warmed. Adults and children older than six years, used for 2-3 ml of solution per inhalation, spend a day not more than two procedures. Children under 6 years are inhaled using no more than 2 ml Mucosolvan.

 Mucosolvan - solution: oral and inhalation

Are there any contraindications for the use of the solution Mucosolvan and its side effects

Contraindications for use Mucosolvan solution are the same as for the application of other dosage forms of the drug: hypersensitivity to the solution and the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Caution should be taken when appointing him throughout the pregnancy, feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast and liver problems or kidney problems.

The solution Mucosolvan nontoxic drug, side effects from allergic reactions known only Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   and some discomfort on the part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Mucosolvan
