Living with pain in the knees: a walk to facilitate
June 25th, 2014
This is a real vicious circle - when you have osteoarthritis of the knees hurt and this hurt you move. But the move is necessary, because in the end you will feel better.
If for some time your joints will be inactive, at a time when you start moving again, you will be hurt, according to specialists, physiotherapists. Therefore, even if your knees hurt, this should not prevent you to do your usual daily activities.
If you have osteoarthritis, you may be a little uncomfortable when you first start to move, because the knee has some inflammation. But when you start to go, you should feel better.
Walking helps ease the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee in many respects:
- It restores the joints. If you have osteoarthritis, cartilage - springy tissue in the joints, which act as a shock absorber in the knee - can be damaged and worn. Result: pain, stiffness and problems with movements. Exercise can help restore joint. Cartilage is like a sponge, and he gets the nutrients in the compression and decompression of your body weight when you walk.
- Walking strengthens the legs. Walking develop your muscles so that they can take the stress off your joints and take most of the weight of a body on itself. This means less pain to your knees.
- Walking helps to lose weight. Each kilogram discarded you four times decreases the pressure and stress
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on your knees. The lower the pressure, the less pain. This can be important for painful joints. Walking is an excellent gentle way to help you lose weight, according to experts.
Listen to your body
To stay healthy, you should walk thirty minutes almost every day. You do not need to do everything at once - ten minutes walk here, ten minutes there - a great idea. And do not push yourself.
Some people are so worried and worried that may be overzealous and sick the next day. Walk a little every day and see how you feel and whether you can increase the load.
Some signs that you should stop:
- A sudden increase in swelling;
- The pain is so intense that you can not stand on one leg;
- You feel unstable, as can fall;
- Feel pain than four or five on a scale of one to ten.
Get help if you need it
Make sure you have a good, suitable for walking shoes. After a walk, if you have pain or swelling, you need to lie down with their legs and put ice on his knees.
If walking causes pain, talk to your doctor. You may have a problem with the alignment of the knees, so assistive devices - such as inserts for your shoes to order - can help. Find out what kind of help you need, so you can move.
Trust your body and the fact that we are made to move, and the movement itself produces a therapeutic effect. What at first is given with some pain, then it will have great results - not only in the state in which your knees are, but in how your whole body feels.
Treating hygroma - possible methods
June 18, 2014
Hygroma - one of the most common benign tumors of the soft tissues. Most often it appears on your wrist, and more rarely - in the elbow joint, on the feet, in the popliteal cavities, and so on. Most hygromas completely painless, but they may interfere with the patient to perform certain types of work. In addition, large tumors look ugly, and it often becomes one of the main reasons why people want to get rid of them and spend treatment hygroma.
Therapies hygroma
Observation. According to the research, only 19.5% hygromas cause any symptoms other than the appearance of blisters on various parts of the body. About 26% of patients who appear hygroma, come to the doctor because of the pain caused by the tumor, 8% of patients complain of reduction in the functionality of the parts of the body, which was formed hygroma
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And all others seek treatment because they are concerned about the appearance of the tumor, that is, for reasons of aesthetic characteristic. In these cases, doctors attributed patients that hygroma - is not a malignant tumor, it is not a threat, and often (average - 58%) over time just disappears. If the patient agrees not to remove the tumor, it will have to undergo regular checkups to the doctor can observe the changes of its size.
When deciding how to treat hygroma, a doctor takes into account the following factors: whether the tumor is a lot of pain, whether it interferes with a person in everyday life, as well as the wishes of the patient.
Sometimes in the early stages of formation hygroma, while its walls are still very thin, the doctor can apply to it a lot of pressure under which influence hygroma burst and its contents are then absorbed into the surrounding tissue. Currently, this method of treatment is used infrequently; This is not only a painful procedure and the risk of complications, but also to the fact that the probability of relapse is very high.
- Puncture and aspiration - a more efficient and fairly simple and safe way to remove hygroma. The procedure takes only a few minutes on an outpatient basis and does not always require the use of anesthetics (however, the patient can always ask to use anesthetics). Content hygroma simply removed via syringe, and then in some cases, make the infection steroids.
- These injections - one of the methods that have been tested in a series of studies in order to make more efficient removal hygroma. However, the likelihood of re-education hygroma after the first procedure, aspiration is still very high. Experts say that only 40% of patients who once passed this procedure does not happen relapse. After three procedures, the proportion of such patients increases to 85%.
- Sclerotherapy. This procedure consists in the fact that in the cavity hygroma injected sclerosing agent, which affects its shell, stimulates the formation of connective tissue, and reduces the likelihood of re-education hygroma. Results of the first studies on this treatment gave cause for optimism - the effectiveness ranged from 78% to 100%. However, later observations of patients who have undergone this therapy have shown that in 94% of cases of relapse. In addition, the researchers noted that the sclerosing agent can penetrate beyond hygroma, and cause damage to the tendons and even joints. Currently uses special technology to ensure accurate administration of drugs, but the risks associated efficiency sclerotherapy
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It remains relatively low.
- Surgery to remove hygroma - is currently the most effective method of treating hygromas. The probability of relapse with the complete removal of the synovial cyst is between 13% to 40%, by removing the capsule hygroma, this figure drops to 4%.
To remove hygroma can be held open or arthroscopic surgery. In the second case, use smaller incisions, and hence operation remained after only small sutures. Moreover, arthroscopy
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It allows you to get a better look inside the joint, and to identify some other disorders, for example, damage to the cartilage and tendons. No matter what method was used hygroma removal in the first 3-7 days it is recommended to fix the joint in the region which has been removed hygroma. However, this does not mean that patients require immobilization - on the contrary, the performance of special exercises, which should show the doctor helps to avoid stiffness of the joints.
The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia (if the patient is a child younger than ten years old, can be used general anesthesia) and only lasts about half an hour. For most people, this treatment is perfectly safe; Specific complications associated with surgery are rare. These complications include severe swelling, joint stiffness and damage to the nerves surrounding the joint, which is why the functionality of the operated limb may be temporarily disrupted. Fortunately, in most cases these side effects disappear after only a few weeks after surgery.
Removing hygroma laser performed almost as well as conventional surgery. Surface hygroma pierce or make her small incisions. Hygroma therethrough on exposure to the laser beam, whereby it is destroyed, but the surrounding tissue thus remain undamaged. Content hygroma can be removed through a hollow needle. After completion of the incision was closed with small sutures. Hygroma laser treatment is performed under local anesthesia. The effectiveness of this treatment and surgery is approximately the same, but it is believed that the use of the laser allows faster postoperative recovery and reduce the chance of complications.
Treating hygroma at home
Hygroma treatment at home is not desirable and usually does not give a positive result. In no case do not try to crush the tumor alone - it can only do a doctor, and only in certain cases. In addition, if you have not been examined, it is likely that the tumor - not hygroma, and in this case, the application of pressure to it can lead to undesirable consequences. The effectiveness of home remedies that have traditionally been used to treat hygromas, very doubtful. For example, some traditional healers recommend hygroma tied to the copper coin, and wear it until the swelling has passed.
It is also advised to make alcohol compresses, hygroma smear honey, juice of celandine
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, and so on. Many people claim that they helped certain home remedies. However, as mentioned above, hygroma often disappear on their own, so it is very likely that such cases can be explained by mere coincidence.