The deposition of salts - a disease of old men? - Kinds

October 4, 2009

  • The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
  • Kinds

Salt and violations of their exchange

Salts - chemical compounds resulting from the reaction between acids and alkalis. Salts play a crucial role in the distribution of fluid between the tissue and in the maintenance of acid-base equilibrium.

The deposition of salts in the tissues occurs only when one disease - gout. In this case violated the exchange of uric acid salts - urates. The increased amount of urate in blood contributes to their deposition in tissues, mainly in the tissues of the joints and the kidneys.

Plays a role in the development of salt deposition of gallstone and kidney disease, but this role is secondary to the fore in this case, the outputs of other metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

 Forms | Salt deposits - a disease of old people?

The most common "salt deposits" - arthrosis

"Salt deposits" in the people often referred to changes such as arthrosis. Osteoarthritis - joint that change the nature of the exchange, which develops with aging, after an injury or inflammation of a joint. The result of such an impact - the death of the cells of the cartilage surface of the joint, the cartilage becomes less elastic, crack, it appears the irregularities under it grows bone. On the rough rub the joint surface, causing additional injury, pain and inflammation of the lining of the joint.

Develops arthrosis very slowly and never leads to severe abnormalities in the joints. Symptoms of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
   - A pain, stiffness, fatigue, limited joint mobility and change its shape (due to an increase in joint overgrowth of bone tissue).

In the treatment of arthritis affect the cause of the disease (for example, treating an injury), restore joint function (physiotherapy, therapeutic exercise), using various methods of stimulating the growth of cartilage tissue, drugs and treatments that eliminate the muscle tension, reducing blood flow.

There are also steps: improve the blood supply to the joint, relieve muscle tension in the field of joint replacement patient with an artificial joint.

 Forms | Salt deposits - a disease of old people?

Heel spur

Heel spur - a sprawl of the calcaneus bone from the foot. Heel spurs develop with constant injury of the heel bone for flat feet, high weight, injury, poor circulation, and so on. Initially developed inflammation of the periosteum, and then the bone grows. A sign of heel spur is a severe pain that occurs when walking and standing, which disappears when the load is removed.

Treatment of heel spurs should be wearing orthopedic shoes Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?  Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?
   or a special insole which respectively pain in the heel area is deepening. Applied also anti-inflammatory drugs: a warm foot bath, paraffin baths, mud Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
 , Laser, ultrasound therapy, injections of anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of the effect of heel spurs are removed surgically.

Remember that the "salt deposits" - a diagnosis that may include various diseases, to understand that only by a doctor.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • salt deposits

Koenig's disease - reasons still unknown - How is

July 1, 2010

  • Koenig's disease - causes are still unknown
  • How is

What Koenig's disease and its causes

Koenig's disease, or osteochondritis dissecans Osteochondritis dissecans - often suffer from knees  Osteochondritis dissecans - often suffer from knees
   - A disease that manifests itself limited subchondral (subchondral), necrosis (necrosis) of the joint surface of the bone with the formation of the fragment osteochondral which can then get into the joint cavity.

Most often the disease develops in 15-35 years of age, but sometimes there are sick and older, and children under 14 years.

Cause of the disease Koenig is currently not precisely known, it is believed that they can be different: small constantly repeated trauma to the joint, thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   or a sharp spasm of blood vessels and some other reasons. Contributing factors are hereditary features of the structure of the joints, endocrine disorders, some diseases of internal organs, and so on.

Under the influence of these factors develops circulatory disorders of bone tissue and cartilage formed under the seat of aseptic (without infection) necrosis, which leads to the destruction of bone and the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, which further aggravates the condition of the patient and helps the formation of free osteochondral bodies.

In most cases, the disease develops in the knee joint. Less affected radiation, elbow, ankle, hip joint.

 How is | Koenig's disease - causes are still unknown

How is detected and

Koenig's disease occurs imperceptibly and long. The first signs of the disease are a little discomfort in the joint concerned. And as the disease is often a consequence of Koenig injury, discomfort is often seen as a normal little damage. Occasionally, the disease begins acutely immediately after the injury.

There are four phases of the disease Koenig:

  • Phase I is characterized by the appearance of discomfort and mild pain in the joint, associated with the exercise or transfer of body weight on his injured leg; It can be seen on X-ray center collapse of bone wedge or oval;
  • Phase II of the process - there is increased pain in the joint, joins inflammation (swelling of the joints appear, his tenderness to palpation or bending); focus on the X-ray bone decay is seen more clearly;
  • Phase III - there is incomplete separation of necrotic bone, which can lead to permanent note (contraction) of the joint; It appears on the radiograph characteristic shadow joint "mouse" - necrotic necrotic bone;
  • Phase IV - necrotizing section is completely separated from his bed, increasing the pain and inflammation associated with the migration of osteochondral area; on the radiograph is determined by intra-articular body.

To clarify the diagnosis in addition to X-ray studies (including, if necessary, the computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) occasion, ultrasonic and radioisotope studies, as well as arthroscopy Arthroscopy: help determine the cause of the disease  Arthroscopy: help determine the cause of the disease
   - The internal surfaces of the joint research with the help of special equipment (arthroscope) which is inserted through small incisions in the skin.

 How is | Koenig's disease - causes are still unknown


In the initial stages of the disease should be conservative therapy unloaded joint, physical therapy (eg, electromagnetic stimulation), massage, drugs that improve blood flow to the joint and metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissue. The duration of this treatment - to 1, 5 years, during this time eliminates all physical activities, walking on crutches - up to 2 months, and then (if there is no pain) associated physiotherapy.

In the case of early detection of disease Koenig method of treatment also depends on what the patient performs the exercise. At high physical activity (such as athletes) performed surgery. During the operation done resection (removal) of the hearth decay of bone tissue, removing part of the body and methods of stimulation of regenerative processes in bone. After surgery on the bone is gradually formed new cartilage covering the articular surface. In some cases, operations are performed using arthroscopic techniques, they are generally less traumatic. After a timely manner of the operation of the joint function is usually restored.

Remember: any discomfort in the joints require careful examination.

Galina Romanenko
