Coxarthrosis 3 degrees - the late stage of osteoarthritis - Operation

May 18, 2014

  • Coxarthrosis 3 degrees - the late stage of osteoarthritis
  • Transaction
  • After operation

 coxarthrosis grade 3 operation

Coxarthrosis Grade 3: Operation

Hip replacement, or arthroplasty, were first held in 1960, and now it is considered one of the most effective surgeries in the history of modern medicine. Of course, with this operation, and associated some risks - we'll talk about them later.

For a couple of weeks prior to hip replacement patients undergo a thorough medical examination, during which they do blood and urine tests, X-rays and electrocardiography.

After surgery, hip replacement is most people need outside help, and it is necessary to take care in advance. Patients who live alone, it is recommended, if possible, ask someone from relatives or friends to stay with them for a while after the surgery to help cope with daily activities - at first it can be quite difficult. People who live with the patient before surgery should know how to take the post-operative period; perhaps someone from them will have to take a weekend to help close a few days after returning from the hospital.

Sports in general any physical activity can also be considered a preparation for hip replacement. The stronger the muscles in the affected joint, the faster the recovery. Experts advise a few weeks, but better - months before the surgery regularly diving as much as possible to walk, perform stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful
 , and so on. Of course, the load should be feasible, or they may accelerate the progression of coxarthrosis.


How is the operation

The operation can be carried out under full or epidural anesthesia. In the latter cases, anesthetic is injected into the spinal column, and anesthetizing only the lower part of the body. In conjunction with epidural anesthesia are often used sedatives. Typically, such anesthetic is selected in cases where there is an increased risk of complications of general anesthesia.

After anesthetic starts to operate, the surgeon removes one or both hips - depending on the type of coxarthrosis. In place of the diseased joint prosthesis set, which is a smooth ball, and the "nest" for a suitable size. The prosthesis is held using special hardware and / or acrylic cement. The details of the prosthesis, which are not fixed with cement, make a plurality of small holes. During the post-operative recovery of bone tissue grows through them, and because of this prosthesis is kept even better. The stem of the prosthesis is usually made of titanium, the ball may be made of an alloy of cobalt, chromium and molybdenum. Other parts are also made of metal or plastic or ceramic.

Currently, there are only 60 types of prosthetic hip joint, but in practice the choice is usually limited to four or five different prostheses.

Typically, doctors try to choose a prosthesis which 90% or more are used at least for ten years. When selecting prostheses takes into account such factors as the degree of damage to the bone tissue, the patient's lifestyle, age, and so on.


The risks associated with the operation

  • Wear artificial joint. From whatever material neither has been made prosthesis, he has a certain lifespan. In addition, bone next to it eventually becomes less dense, and the prosthesis is held in place worse. Signs of wear of the artificial joint are pain in the hip joints and in the groin area, as well as a feeling of instability of the joint;
  • The rigidity of the hip joint. Sometimes the soft tissue around the implant becomes denser, causing movement of the joint decreases;
  • The formation of blood clots - a fairly rare complication, which may be the result of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Signs of thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   deep veins are pain, swelling and heat sensation in one leg; Typical symptoms of pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation  Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation
   - Shortness of breath, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 Which may be aggravated by the breath, and coughing. When any of these symptoms after surgery should immediately consult your doctor;
  • Infections. Consult your doctor if you notice the following symptoms of infectious diseases: increased body temperature to 38 degrees Celsius or more, fever or chills, purulent discharge from the incision in the hip joint, pain in the hip that persists even at rest.

Systemic lupus erythematosus: how to recognize the disease - Symptoms

December 18, 2011

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus: how to recognize the disease
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • How to prevent exacerbation

Symptoms of systemic lupus

Most often, patients with lupus complain of fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, muscle pain, ulceration in the mouth and nose, a rash on the face (known as a rash in the shape of a butterfly, which occurs on the nose and cheeks), increased photosensitivity, pleurisy, pericarditis , poor blood circulation in the fingers and toes.

Skin rashes are common in lupus and often leave scars. When discoid lupus rash usually affects the scalp and face; it usually does not cause itching and pain, but sometimes the skin loses the hair on the place where the scars are formed.

With proper treatment, the rash is usually not leave scars. The majority of people with systemic lupus eventually develop arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 Which is often accompanied by tumors, pain, numbness, and even deformation of the small joints of the hands, wrists and feet.

When lupus can increase blood clotting and increases susceptibility to infections.

Inflammation in muscle tissue - myositis - causes pain and weakness.

Inflammation of the blood vessels that supply tissues with oxygen (vasculitis) may cause damage to the nerves, skin, or internal organs.

Acute chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   It can cause inflammation of the membrane of the lungs (pleurisy) and heart (pericarditis). Cough, deep breathing, and some changes in body position can also increase the pain. Inflammation of the heart muscle (carditis) in lupus is rare. In young women with lupus, significantly increases the risk of heart attack.

When inflammation of the kidney associated with systemic lupus can increase the amount of protein in the urine, blood pressure; In rare cases, there is an infringement of the kidneys. The patient in this case may notice symptoms such as weakness and leg swelling Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention  Swelling of the legs - do not leave without attention
   and feet. In violation of the liver is necessary to clean the blood - dialysis Dialysis - maintains normal body  Dialysis - maintains normal body

If erythematosus are affected brain tissue may occur in a patient thought disorder, psychosis, convulsions and even coma. Damage to nerves sometimes become a cause numbness, tingling and / or weakness in some parts of the body. Violation of the brain called lupus lupus encephalitis.
