Oral surgery: the removal or retention? - What it is

April 28, 2011

  • Oral surgery: the removal or retention?
  • What does

 what the dental surgery

What does the dental surgery

Today, dental surgery not only allows you to delete, how to keep your teeth, and sometimes hopeless. The oral cavity may also be inflammatory processes, tumors, congenital and acquired defects - also treats all the dental surgeon.

Surgical dentistry deals with the study and diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the oral cavity, the development of surgical, including surgical treatments. It includes dental surgery, purulent surgery of the mouth, treatment of tumors and congenital abnormalities of the oral cavity. Today's trend in surgical dentistry is dental implants.

Until a few decades ago, dental surgery was associated mainly with the removal of teeth, today dental surgeon aims to save the teeth. The list of services includes dental surgeon zubosohranyayuschie procedures and operations (sometimes they allow you to save considerably damaged teeth), complete or partial removal of teeth, treatment of inflammatory processes, removal of benign tumor implantation.

Dental surgeons work closely with dentists of other specialties - general practitioners, orthopedists, orthodontists, as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery. An example of such cooperation is the implantation, the surgeon-dentist works with a dentist-orthopedist.

Big developing section is a surgical dentistry aesthetic dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry: everything is possible  Cosmetic Dentistry: everything is possible
 In which hosts a variety of cosmetic surgery Cosmetic surgery: radical transformation  Cosmetic surgery: radical transformation
   on the soft tissues of the oral cavity, the elongation of the crown of the tooth.

Surgical care is required, and in some chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the periodontal tissues. In this case, surgical operations and procedures help to eliminate the causes of inflammation of soft tissue healing and inflammation.

Extractions today also performed at the advanced level, and the use of quality of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia allow to make this unpleasant process is completely painless. One of the most unpleasant procedure is considered to be the removal of wisdom teeth Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer  Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer
 If it is impossible to cure. And this action today learned how to make quick and painless.

 What does | Dental surgery: the removal or retention?

Zubosohranyayuschie operation

By zubosohranyayuschim operations include removal of various cysts and benign tumors in bone or soft tissues of the mouth, the amputation of the roots of teeth, crown-radicular separation, as well as various methods of treatment of periodontal disease (periodontal tissue).

Cyst removal tooth - one such zubosohranyayuschih operations. Cyst tooth is formed as a result of injury, and the tooth attachment infections. She is mainly in the apex of the tooth can cause pain and contribute to its destruction. Therefore cyst removed together with the apex, while keeping the tooth.

Removal of one of the tooth roots - as an example zubosohranyayuschey operation which is carried out if one of the terminally struck trehkornevogo tooth roots. At the same time the tooth continues to function.

When disease or injury dvuhkornevogo tooth in place of branching roots (place of bifurcation), held the crown-radicular separation. To do this, sawed in half crown of the tooth, severing the roots. This allows open access to the root of the patient and carry out his treatment.

Much attention is paid to dental surgical operations that help prevent and treat periodontal disease. This is usually complicated, tailor-made for the patient a combination of operations and manipulations to eliminate inflammation. These operations also help to keep patients teeth.

Oral surgeon treats suppurative complications of dental caries, when there are different kind of festering in the tooth.

 What does | Dental surgery: the removal or retention?


Dental Implants - this is one of the most popular destinations in dentistry. Surgical dentistry brings to the process a bit. So, after tooth jaw bone, not ispytyvayaneobhodimoy load when chewing begins to decrease in volume and if a person wants to install an implant in a few years after the removal of their own teeth, it becomes impossible: for him there is no place: teeth closed. In this case, the dental surgeon doing surgery bone augmentation own or artificial bone, and then after some time possible implantation, which takes place in two phases: installation of a titanium implant dental surgeon and subsequent prosthetics Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly  Fundamentals of prosthetics - not just for the elderly
   Implant dentist-orthopedist.

Dental surgery - an important, constantly evolving branch of dentistry.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of dentistry

Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia? - The threshold of pain

June 3, 2010

  • Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?
  • Pain threshold
  • Methods
  • Local anesthesia

 dental treatment pain threshold

Pain threshold

The threshold of pain - is another important issue that needs to be taken into account when discussing a painless dentistry. There are people who experience significant discomfort even during dental checkup. Others may move without anesthesia root canal treatment, and some dental surgery (this, however, is not recommended, even if the patient is not against such treatment). If you know that you have a low pain threshold, ask your dentist to use a pre-anesthesia for any medical procedures - knowing that you will be given an anesthetic, you are likely to be less fearful of the visit to the dentist.

Often, however, patients who are very afraid of pain during dental treatment, a high pain threshold. These patients avoid long visits to the dentist and can endure years of discomfort caused by not completely healthy teeth. People with low pain threshold, on the other hand, refer to the dentist at the slightest hint of pain or increased sensitivity of the teeth Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
 . Patients first type of fear of dental procedures is usually held as soon as they realize that the discomfort caused by them - is nothing compared with the daily discomfort that causes the aching tooth.

Often patients are afraid of pain that may occur after treatment, the effect of the anesthetic when stopped. Indeed, it happens, for example, after root canal treatment, tooth extraction, periodontal surgery, dental fillings Tooth filling - do not fear the dentist  Tooth filling - do not fear the dentist
 . Usually in such cases, dentists use a long-acting anesthetic, such as bupivacaine, or prior to the procedure given patient analgesics such as ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
   - These measures reduce the pain that the patient may feel after treatment.

Also, dentists have the right to prescribe opioid painkillers, which can even shoot a lot of pain after dental treatment. Of course, this is only done in extreme cases, but the potential to receive, if necessary, almost instant relief from the pain, can greatly contribute to overcoming fear.

 The pain threshold | dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?


Most people who have fears of dental treatment, are willing to tolerate a very strong toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
 If only to avoid visiting the dentist. Often the pain is stronger than the one they would experience during some rare dental operation, conducted without anesthesia. The reason for this is quite simple: psychologically much easier to endure the pain that man inflicts himself (in this case - through inaction) than to endure the pain that will cause someone else. Subconsciously, agreed to "take" the pain of someone's hand is seen as something akin to torture. Obviously, to the fear of pain mingled with unconscious fear of humiliation, which may not be less strong.

However, whatever the cause of your fear, it can and should be overcome. Armed with the knowledge of the impending medical procedure you look at the dentist as a partner, not an enemy, and then look at your teeth that you are right and stand to you for the sake of their health stepped over their own fears.
