- Malocclusion - what if the mouth is not so as it is necessary?
- Progenichesky, prognathic, open bite
Progenichesky bite
Progenichesky bite - a malocclusion in the direction back and forth. The lower jaw is pushed forward.
Signs of progeny:
- front teeth of the lower jaw are arranged in front of the top.
- first bicuspid contacts at the same time with the same tooth of the lower jaw with the back facing the tooth.
When progenicheskom violated bite nibble food, chewing, speech, and even swallowing. Change the appearance of the child's profile.
Treatment progeny is carried out depending on the condition and age of the child.
During the milk teeth should:
- try to wean the child from bad habits such as thumb sucking;
- to treat diseases of the teeth, mouth and throat;
- orthodontic apparatus which retard the growth of the lower jaw, and stimulate the growth of the upper jaw.
In establishing permanent dentition treatment hardware progeny passes with great difficulty.
Prognathic bite
Prognathic bite - a malocclusion in the direction of back and forth, with the upper jaw thrust forward, her teeth and pushed forward with respect to the teeth of the lower jaw.
Signs of prognathism:
- front upper teeth protrude, and are not in contact with the bottom;
- the first large molar tooth of the upper jaw is in contact both with the same tooth of the lower jaw and in front of standing;
- a gap between the tooth rows of the upper and lower jaw.
Prognathic bite accompanied by a breach biting and chewing food, speech and breathing.
In profile at such a child is visibly out the upper lip, teeth, and in severe cases - the entire upper jaw. The chin is displaced posteriorly, the lips are not closed.
Treatment prognathism carried out depending on the child's age. During the period of suckling bite spend treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, are separated from bad habits
Bad habits - second nature?
Prescribe physiotherapy. At the same time begin treatment hardware that most children is lead.
After replacing the milk teeth
Milk teeth - how they are formed?
the constant in children slows growth of the facial skeleton, making it difficult to cure. Adolescents orthodontic treatment is often combined with surgery.
Malocclusion in the top-down is called open bite. Signs of open bite: no contact between the dental arches and the presence of the gap between the vertical at the serried ranks of the tooth.
When broken open bite and chew it, produced the oral type of breathing, causing suffering oral mucosa - there is dryness, inflammation, periodontitis may begin.
An open bite can be formed during prolonged sucking nipples violation of nasal breathing or tongue tumors.
Treat open bite better early childhood. First of all, you need to wean the child from bad habits, regularly treat diseases of the mouth and throat, detect and treat tumors. Appointed physiotherapy, speech therapy classes
Speech - when to resort to the help of a doctor
. During the period of suckling bite appoint hardware orthodontic treatment to correct jaw bone growth.
After the appearance of permanent teeth, orthodontic treatment is not as effective, so it is often combined with surgery.
Over bite
Malocclusion in the top-down is called a deep bite. There are two types of deep bite: upper front lower cover teeth more than 1/3 of the tooth crown or top arch has a larger radius and completely covers the mandibular dental arch.
Deep bite is always accompanied by a dysfunction of the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joint.
Treatment of deep bite is better to start at an early age, to good effect hardware orthodontic treatment.
Cross bite - a malocclusion in the right-left direction due to improper closing of the molars. The front teeth are displaced to the opposite side of the midline, central incisors contact between a cross, the lower molars are displaced.
Cross-bite treatment depends on the cause of its occurrence. According to the testimony orthodontic apparatus - plate with special pads on the side opposite to the displacement. Treatment ends after the occurrence of multiple contacts on the teeth in the correct position of the mandible.
Remember: the best malocclusion
Malocclusion: fix is never too late
treated at the children in the period of milk teeth, so if you suspect your child malocclusion, refer to the orthodontist, the sooner the better!