Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?

June 3, 2010

  • Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?
  • Pain threshold
  • Methods
  • Local anesthesia

 dental treatment without pain
 If you feel too painful dental procedures, or even intolerable, probably you have at least one very unpleasant experience gained in the dentist's office. The reasons for this can be many: the dentist started the procedure too early, when the anesthetic has not had time to act; dentist misused anesthetic; injection was painful; you had an active infection of the tooth; or maybe you had to be moved any dental procedure without any anesthetics.

Maybe you got a dentist who did not interrupt the procedure, even when you were obviously very painful. In general, some dentists are considerate of other much, but there are those who seem to be made anyway, he feels caught them in the hands of the patient. However, when used properly, anesthesia and are qualified dentist dental treatment can be almost painless.

 Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?

But what if I'm afraid of injections?

There is a cream or gel that is applied to the gum to reduce its sensitivity before being injected local anesthetic. If you do not like the kind of needles (in general, very few people like it), just close your eyes. Patients with a very strong fear of injections and phobias can help alternative methods of pain relief. For example, if a person is afraid of injection into the mouth, it can be used intravenous sedation. Sometimes also used inhalation sedation with dinitrogen oxide (also known as laughing gas). In case of very severe phobia can be used general anesthesia, but that experts are trying to avoid by all means.

 Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?

Is it possible to dental treatment without pain?

This question can not be answered clearly and confidently. Most dental procedures using local anesthesia are completely painless. Anesthetics entering the rear part of the upper gums and the front part of the bottom is also usually not painful. When entering the anesthetic into the front of the upper gums and the back of the bottom, you can feel a slight tingling when the fabric will come the first drops of the drug. Then, feeling cease. Samu injection if using an anesthetic gel, the patient may not even notice.

To reduce pain to a minimum, the anesthetic is administered as slowly as possible. Entering the two-millimeter cartridge takes about two minutes. There are also special device controlled by a computer that is very slow administered local anesthetic agents - although the same effect can be achieved by using good technique injections.

Some dentists anesthetic is administered too quickly; in this case, the pain is caused mainly lacerations. However, most experts do everything needed to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible.

In some cases, such as during major dental procedures, infections of the teeth, and the patient has certain anatomical features may require additional equipment analgesia. Sometimes their use is also quite painful, even though such a need arises rarely.

This information is not intended to scare the patient even more, and to prepare it. Not worth going to the dentist, I expect that you do not feel anything. It is much easier to cope with the fear of pain, having realistic expectations.

 Dentistry without pain - general anesthesia or local anesthesia?

Overcoming the fear of pain

The first step to overcoming the fear of pain during dental treatment - collection of reliable information that can help you decide whether your fear is justified. Knowledge in general is one of the most powerful weapon against fear, because most people are afraid of the unknown.

For most healthy people, there is the fear of injuries - and by itself it is very useful. This fear does not allow us to touch a hot stove (more than once) or to display the car into the oncoming lane. Fear - a protective, instinctive emotion Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 That helps us to maintain our health and life. And as a signal of injuries is pain, we are trying by all means to avoid situations that can carry us pain. For this reason, some people go to the dentist only when it becomes absolutely necessary.

No need to rely on the fact that dental treatment is completely painless. However, in most cases, patients do or do not feel anything, or feel a slight discomfort. In addition, the majority of dentists are very well aware of their patients' fears and try to do everything so that the treatment took place with minimal disruption. Many of them are proud of the fact that patients almost do not feel their actions - and, accordingly, are not afraid of them. Otherwise, your dentist may lose a significant portion of their patients. Going to the doctor, think about what he is really trying to make the treatment painless - it's in your and their interests, so take a dental office as a hostile environment just not worth it. Adequate attitude to the forthcoming treatment - one of the most important steps to overcome fear.

After entering the anesthetic the doctor started to treat teeth, you may ask, do you feel his actions. If you answered yes, he can enter another dose of painkillers and wait a few minutes before it will work.

Be sure to tell your dentist if you feel pain during the procedure. If he does not listen or ask "suffer", find another expert.

Dental treatment under general anesthesia: painless or dangerous?

June 12, 2011

 dental treatment under general anesthesia
 Today, some clinics that provide such services, advertising, general anesthesia is absolutely safe and no one type of anesthesia is not contraindicated. Is it safe to dental treatment under general anesthesia, and whether there are contraindications for this type of pain relief?

 Dental treatment under general anesthesia: painless or dangerous?

General anesthesia and the conditions for its conduct

Anesthesia - a profound inhibition of the cerebral cortex under the influence of various drugs. With this braking cortex patient's consciousness is completely turned off, so it does not feel pain.

General anesthesia - is always a risk for the patient, as there is a likelihood of complications such as asthma (for example, the tongue, glottis spasm or inhalation of vomit, saliva, blood, produced during dental procedures).

Therefore, in order to use general anesthesia for dental operations, should be at least two conditions.

The first condition - the equipment is adequate dental office with all necessary (including respiratory) equipment that would monitor the condition of the patient (pulse, blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Heart and lungs) and, if necessary, carry out intubation (introduction into the trachea of ​​a special breathing tube, which will not allow the patient to choke) .  In addition, anesthesia should only give the anesthesiologist .  Of course, the patient is not required to detail questioned doctors than equipped office, but he has to ask the institution's license for provision of health services for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care .  Data on permitted types of medical services are listed in the annex to the license .  The license application and it should hang in a prominent place - they say that the premises, equipment and expertise allow the doctor to provide such services .  For high-quality dental treatment in the study should also present a portable rentgenapparat because the patient is not itself able to go to the X-ray rooms to clarify the condition of the tooth .  Today, dentists are increasingly using radiovisiograph - rentgenapparat a portable computer, allows you to estimate the quality of obturation .

A second prerequisite is the existence of the patient indications for dental treatment under general anesthesia. They are not so much, it is a disorder in the patient's intelligence, which does not allow the doctor to achieve contact with him allergic to painkillers local action, lack of effect of local anesthesia and the patient's insistence in the absence of a contraindication. In any case, the patient must be advised of the risks.

Contraindications for the use of general anesthesia in dentistry more than testimony. It is any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, severe diseases of internal organs, severe diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Alcohol and drug intoxication, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), low hemoglobin Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?  Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?
 And drug addiction.

If you are in the hospital reported the possible effects of general anesthesia, and, by contrast, is widely advertise these services, you should think about whether or not to resort to such services.

 Dental treatment under general anesthesia: painless or dangerous?

The techniques of general anesthesia in dentistry

First of all, prior to any kind of anesthesia anesthesiologist examines the patient and assigns a preliminary survey to identify contraindications to anesthesia.

For general anesthesia conducted on an outpatient basis in order to remove pain during dental treatment, applied techniques and inhalation neingalyatsionnyh (intravenous) anesthesia.

Inhalation anesthesia is carried out through a special mask that is applied to the patient's face. Through a mask in the patient's airway enters inhalation anesthetic (nitrous oxide, halothane or metoksiflyuoran) and oxygen. Today, this type of anesthesia used less and less, as the patient requires quite a lot of time to fully withdraw from the anesthesia. In addition, the dentist also forced breathing vapor anesthetics, which may affect its operation.

In our time more often used intravenous anesthesia with the introduction of drugs such as hexenal, thiopental sodium, sombrevin, Kalipsol that turn off the consciousness for a certain time - from a few minutes to half an hour.

In order to achieve the desired duration of anesthesia, the anesthesiologist each patient selects individual drugs and their dosage.

At that time, while the patient is under general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist did not leave him for a minute. With special equipment it controls the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ensures that the patient's airways were not vomit, blood, mucus, teeth. After anesthesia anesthesiologist also monitors the condition of the patient as long as it is not completely out of the anesthesia.

General anesthesia looks attractive and harmless procedure only unfair advertising. In fact, it is always a risk.

Galina Romanenko

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  • anesthesia
