- Periodontitis - a serious complication of pulpitis
- Kinds
What are the periodontitis
Periodontitis may occur acutely or chronically, when the periods of acute inflammation are replaced by calm. Chronic periodontitis, in turn, are divided into fibrotic, granulating and granulomatous.
Acute periodontitis
Acute periodontitis may be limited to small pockets of inflammation or spread to all of the surrounding tooth tissue. It begins suddenly, there is a strong toothache
Toothache - itself does not take place
And if there is a festering, it may suffer overall (chills, fever), grow toothache. Time has not treated acute periodontitis extends farther to the jaw bone or may become chronic.
In the treatment of acute periodontitis conducted special treatment root canal (its expansion, removal of dead tissue, disinfection), followed by sealing. Sometimes assigned overall treatments (antibiotics and other drugs) and physiotherapy.
Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
In chronic periodontitis periodontal fibrous grows coarse connective tissue, with small areas of inflammation. The disease often goes unnoticed for the patient, with his only symptom may be a change in the color of the tooth.
Chronic periodontitis is treated fibrous stages. First, open access to the root canal of a tooth, it is removed from the products of inflammation is treated with disinfecting agents. Then imposed a temporary filling with anti-inflammatory medications. After inflammation subside, the tooth is sealed. Sometimes, to relieve inflammation in periodontal apply physiotherapy.
Chronic granulating periodontitis
Chronic granulating periodontitis - against the background of this proliferation of inflammation of the connective tissue that surrounds the tooth root and is soldered to its top. Connective tissue can grow into the canal of the tooth, under the periosteum, forming stroke (fistula). Pain in the tooth appears only when biting, and sometimes opens fistulous course. In the area of the tooth much redness, swelling and tenderness of the gums.
Treatment: removal of the contents of the root canal of a tooth, its special treatment and sealing (channel and cavity). In advanced cases, remove the affected tooth root multirooted and the remaining root is used under the bridge.
Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
In chronic granulomatous periodontitis at the site of inflammation grows connective tissue that forms around the capsule (granuloma), which can be simple or complex (all of its strands penetrate the epithelium). If the teeth are left untreated, granuloma can go into a cyst. Proceeds of such periodontal symptoms, but sometimes with pressure on the painful tooth pain appears. Granuloma may occur on caries, or tooth sealed and be a random finding on x-ray.
In the treatment of chronic granulomatous periodontitis is treated with a cavity, removing the previously delivered seal, then remove the pulp, including tooth root channel, processes the sealing. In the absence of a positive result tooth removed.
In acute periodontitis or exacerbation of chronic periodontitis need:
- take frequent warm rinse with a solution of baking soda (1/2 teaspoon per cup of water);
- ingest drugs painkillers (analgin);
- seek emergency dentist.