Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair - Recommendations

September 3, 2009

  • Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair
  • References

What can the dental hygienist

Professional oral hygiene holds dental hygienist who has a post-graduate training in dentistry that section and the skill to use special equipment, tools and medicines intended for these purposes. The duties of the dental hygienist is also carrying out control over the quality of individual hygiene, diagnosis of the initial stages of dental and periodontal (periodontal Tacna).

During a routine inspection dental hygienist evaluates the general state of the oral cavity, including the state of oral hygiene, oral mucosa and soft tissues surrounding the teeth, ascertain whether there is a malocclusion Malocclusion - what if the mouth is not so as it is necessary?  Malocclusion - what if the mouth is not so as it is necessary?
   (between teeth) or the risk of developing diseases of the teeth and mouth. After examination of the patient are given detailed guidance on oral care, treatment of dental diseases and possible prosthesis. If necessary, it is recommended to visit the profiles of other dentists (general practitioner, surgeon, orthopedist, orthodontist).

During the reception at the dental hygienist to clean the teeth of the patient his individual toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
   followed by staining of the remaining plaque at irregular and insufficient cleaning. Required are trained patient the correct sequence of movements when brushing your teeth, massage gums, made the selection of means and methods of personal oral hygiene.

Professional teeth cleaning should be carried out twice a year, such cleaning takes at least an hour. In addition to patient education to the rules of individual oral hygiene, while receiving dental hygienist removes soft and hard plaque (for this there are modern high-performance machines), produces polishing teeth (on completely smooth surface is less delayed soft plaque), flyuorizatsiyu (coating the teeth with special means to improve the metabolic processes occurring in the hard tissues of the tooth) and deep fluoridation - dental fluoride treatment drugs, it helps to strengthen the enamel fluoride and calcium, that is, increases its salinity.

 Recommendations | Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair

What can the patient

The patient can regularly carefully remove food debris and plaque from the surfaces of the teeth and gums with the help of special funds for the care of teeth Professional dental care - see your dentist-hygienist  Professional dental care - see your dentist-hygienist
   - Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss (floss), rinse and so on. All personal oral hygiene Individual oral hygiene: proper care  Individual oral hygiene: proper care
   are divided into major (toothbrushes, pastes and powders), and further (all other means).

For the prevention of dental diseases must be regularly:

  • carefully chew food for a long time, be sure to include in the diet hard fruits and vegetables;
  • renounce carbohydrate (candy, cakes, etc.) = they are a good food for the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • use different combinations of food, while adhering to the principles of a balanced diet;
  • drink more, doing it slowly, holding the liquid in the mouth (germs washed maximum);
  • after a meal sure to rinse your mouth with water;
  • brush your teeth, observing all the rules in the morning (after breakfast) and evening (after dinner), rubbing his fingers then paste into the surface of the teeth for a few minutes;
  • between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, rinse your mouth with a 5% solution of salt;
  • to do gymnastics for the teeth and jaws, clenching his teeth first weakly and then firmly several times, slamming his mouth easily and with great force, placing the lower jaw to the side;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the gums and other soft tissues to continuously strengthen the body's defenses, while working out and hardening.

Professional and individual oral hygiene - it is a whole, but this combination will allow you to have healthy teeth.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dental care

How to whiten your teeth at home: tips - Tools

March 14, 2013

  • How to whiten your teeth at home: tips
  • Strips White strips
  • Facilities

 How to whiten your teeth at home means


Even with careful care of stains on the teeth is inevitable; This "guilty" of coffee, soft drinks, tea, drugs, smoking, and other factors. Leftover food get into the microscopic cracks in the surface of the teeth and clean them with a brush is almost impossible. Whitening toothpaste helps only if insignificant diskoloratsii.

 Tools | How to whiten your teeth at home: tips

Home remedies

Drugstore means for whitening teeth Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?  Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
   and do not always give good results; home agent may not only be cheaper but also bole effective.

  • Baking soda - this is a long-known remedy for teeth whitening. Most dentists agree, that it is safe to use and gives a fairly rapid results. To neutralize the salty taste, using it can be mixed with toothpaste.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - one of the most popular home remedies. Hydrogen peroxide, along with certain other ingredients included in many commercial facilities for whitening teeth. Most likely, for some time you will feel a burning sensation on your gums, but the teeth will become much whiter. As a rule, the results become noticeable after a few weeks, but sometimes it happens much earlier.

Brush your teeth brush and paste as usual, and then rinse your teeth with hydrogen peroxide in one minute. Then spit out the peroxide and several times thoroughly rinse your mouth with water; do not swallow hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can also be applied to the teeth with a piece of cotton wool.

  • Strawberries: Not many people know the fact that strawberries contain natural bleaching agents. Since it furthermore much sugar and acids, essential immediately after use to clean the strawberry whitening teeth. For teeth whitening simply wipe with a piece of strawberry or put pressure on them strawberries and leave for two or three minutes.
  • Wood ash: This might seem strange, but the wood ash really helps to whiten teeth. It contains potassium hydroxide, the substance having a whitening effect. Small crystals remove dirt, which does not help against the brush and paste. However, frequent use of wood teeth can cause damage to tooth enamel, so it is not recommended to use it only occasionally.

Mix the wood ash with toothpaste and brush your teeth for two to three minutes. Then you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth; if necessary, brush your teeth once again - this time without the ash.

  • Home toothpaste: Mix a little baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt and toothpaste Toothpastes - how to choose?  Toothpastes - how to choose?
 And brush your teeth with this mixture. This mixture will help to cope with a number of spots, but do not use it too often, to avoid the destruction of tooth enamel.

Remember, however, that the yellowish tint of the teeth is the norm - because of calcium, an element necessary for a healthy, strong tooth enamel. But white teeth is not the norm, but the result of human effort directed. Too frequent whitening leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, thereby teeth become more fragile and susceptible to high and low temperatures.

Article Tags:
  • home,
  • Teeth Whitening
