- Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable?
- How is the procedure
- Discoloration
Beautiful smile, opening even white teeth - a necessary condition of beauty. But, unfortunately, the color of teeth in many poor and have to resort to bleaching procedure. Change the color of tooth enamel has many causes, but in any case, prevention of yellowing enamel cheaper than teeth whitening.
Internal staining of teeth
Tooth enamel is extremely rare birth is a snow-white color, but with age, teeth usually darken even more. There are surface and internal discoloration of the teeth. For example, internal disorders include darkening after removal of tooth nerve. The materials used for sealing the channels can often shine through the enamel, resulting in teeth appear darker.
Furthermore, quite common so-called "tetracycline" tooth staining caused by the use of tetracycline antibiotics. Particularly sensitive to tetracycline teeth in formation, that is, during the prenatal period of development before the age of eight. Over time, including exposure to sunlight, tetracycline teeth can acquire a gray or brown tint. Fully formed adult teeth tetracycline is not dangerous, but in adolescence this antibiotic should be avoided. But monotsiklin used to treat acne
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It can cause darkening of the teeth, even in adults.
Sometimes the staining of enamel cause systemic disease. For example, a teal or brown shade of deciduous teeth
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can talk about transferring hemolytic jaundice in infancy. The greenish hue of permanent teeth may indicate a fungal infection. Sometimes teeth become greenish color after the installation of copper amalgam fillings.
In such rare diseases as porphyria, the human body produces too much pigment, and teeth as a result of stained reddish-brown color. The growth of the connective tissue - is also fairly rare phenomenon: a result of blood vessels shine through the thinned enamel and tooth acquires a pinkish hue.
Internal staining of teeth - a defect that is quite difficult to fix. Typically, conventional bleaching effectively only if expressed slightly staining and teeth have a uniform shade. In the case where conventional bleaching fails, it helps restoration of teeth using veneers - thin plates that are attached to the front surface of the teeth.
Surface disturbances
Surface staining of teeth can be caused by eating certain foods or drinks. Despite the fact that tooth enamel is an extremely hard substance, it is permeable for dark pigments. Therefore, the use of black tea, red wine, coffee and chocolate over time causes darkening of the teeth enamel appear brown and black spots.
Fast yellow teeth smokers. On peresheechnyh parts of the teeth and the lingual surface of the tobacco spots appear yellow-brown color. Smoking marijuana causes spots close to radical edge teeth. The characteristic reddish color becomes tooth enamel after prolonged consumption of water with high iron content.
As a rule, teeth change color with age, even in nonsmokers. With time microcracks appear enamel surface to facilitate the penetration of pigment into the interior of the dentine. As a result, the teeth become dull, become more or less pronounced yellow tinge. Very often, the teeth darken as a result of continuous contact with metals - eg, miners and residents of areas where drinking water is oversaturated with these metals.
Pinkish hue of teeth can be caused by abuse of sodas, candies and other products containing a large amount of red dye. In addition, such group tooth enamel often acquires a result of the potassium permanganate solution rinsing - e.g., in inflammatory processes in the mouth. To the teeth in this situation have not acquired a pink tint, should be thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth as much as possible
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After these procedures, and after the use of brightly colored products.
Sometimes tooth discoloration may be due to improper care. Thus, awkwardly spent bleaching teeth using baking soda can lead to that the tooth surface becomes unnaturally chalky.
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The method of teeth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
It depends primarily on the reason why they have changed their color. If tooth staining caused by external factors, it is enough to undergo the procedure of whitening in the dental office or at home and then try to avoid factors contributing to the darkening of the teeth. Sometimes it is enough to hold your teeth professionally cleaned by removing from the surface of the enamel coating - it will return the original tooth color. On the surface stains caused by drinking black tea or coffee easily handle almost all modern whitening systems. The darkening of the teeth caused by smoking, is more stable, but in this case it is possible to return the original whiteness of the teeth.
If tooth staining caused by internal factors, whitening procedure will be less effective. In advanced cases come to the aid aesthetic restoration: the use of veneers or crowns will make a dazzling smile. However, you must first try less traumatic ways to whiten your teeth.