- Dislocation of the lower leg: required hospitalization
- Types of injuries
Types of dislocations shin
Open position of the leg and that it makes the load of the entire body, explains the relatively frequent damage to this part of the body - tension, torn ligaments, sprains and subluxations, fractures. The cause of damage can be an immediate impact on the shin, or (more commonly) indirect impact, such as falling from a height on his feet.
The structure of the human tibia
Shin - is part of the lower limb, located below the knee and limited knee and ankle joints. The drumstick consists of two bones: the inner surface of the tibia is located on the outside - fibula. Between the two bones of the interosseous membrane stretched thick. At tibia has front and rear surfaces, the rear surface of the top of the bone, there are three strong muscles in the front surface and no large muscle can be palpated tibia.
The knee joint - a movable joint of the femur with the tibia, which involves a small bone, covering the joint front - patella. Ankle - is also moving articulation of the tibia and fibula to the talus foot.
Dislocations shin - a dislocation of the knee (tibia bones themselves and the patella), as the name defines dislocated bone located below the joint.
Dislocations of the tibia in the knee joint
The rarity of dislocation tibia (up to 0, 6% of all dislocations) is due to the anatomical features of the knee joint, firmly reinforced ligamentous apparatus. Dislocations in the knee result from direct, indirect and combined injuries of great strength and are accompanied by rupture of the joint capsule and ligaments. Dislocations tibia can occur in all directions, but the more common front dislocations. With posterior dislocation is frequently observed damage to the neurovascular bundle, which is located in the popliteal fossa.
When dislocation shin appear sharp pain, change in shape of the knee joint, the lack of movement, inability to support the feet, shattered position (balloting) patellar because bleeding into the joint (hemarthrosis), rupture of ligaments. Often joint surrounding soft tissues (including blood vessels and nerves popliteal fossa) fall within the cavity, causing circulatory disorders limb.
The x-ray is a clear picture of the dislocation of the tibia bone in relation to the femur.
Treatment of dislocation of the tibia is an immediate manual reduction of dislocation under anesthesia by means of traction on the axis of the limb in the opposite direction of displacement. After that applied a plaster cast for a period of 6-8 weeks. In some cases, reduction of dislocation imposed skeletal traction with two crossed spokes. Surgical treatment of fresh dislocation
Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
tibia shown in the case where the dislocation straighten closed method fails due to ingress into the joint area of the surrounding soft tissues.
In open primaries sprains shin debridement (remove dead tissue), followed by open reduction of dislocation. When chronic sprains good results are obtained with a gradual closed reduction using special devices (eg, device-Oganesyan Volkova).
Patellar dislocation
Traumatic dislocation of the patella are fairly common. They can be sharp and familiar, complete and incomplete (subluxations). The reason for such an injury is often a drop to one knee, hit on it with a hard object or a sharp turn to the hip. Thus there is a shift of the patella outwards with rupture of the joint capsule.
Acute patellar dislocation is characterized by severe pain, changes in the shape of the knee (patella is displaced laterally and the knee as it becomes wider), the lack of movement because of the pain. The knee is usually bent, shins turned out, on the outside of the knee patella palpable, tense muscles surrounding the joint. Often there is bleeding into the joint, or joint effusion fluid - it further increases the pain and limits movement in the joint. Leg bent at the knee and lower leg rotated outwards.
The presence of dislocation is confirmed by radiological studies. Reduction of dislocation of the patella
Dislocation of the patella: a common knee injury
held closed method under anesthesia, and then applied plaster splint for three weeks, which is carried out after removing the regenerative treatment.
Part of the displacement of the patella leads to dislocation or subluxation that becomes habitual. With newly developed habitual dislocation
Habitual dislocation - that kind of attack you pursue?
spend conservatively (without surgery) treatment: applied plaster bandage appoint physiotherapy and massage. If this does not help, surgery is shown in the form of plastic surgery at the joint capsule and tendon muscles.
First aid in the dislocation of the tibia
If you suspect that reduce a dislocation of the tibia it in any case should not be. The leg must be locked in the position which it adopted after the injury. To do this, you can bandage a healthy leg. In place of the injury should be accompanied by cold and immediately bring the victim to the hospital.
The sooner the victim is taken to hospital, the better the prognosis injury.
Galina Romanenko