Diets for quick weight loss: is there any point?

November 8th, 2011

 Diets for quick weight loss
 There are many diets for quick weight loss. But most of them are too extreme, and can cause the body harm. However, sometimes urgently needed to lose a few kilos, then better, of course, consult your doctor who will pick up an individual diet based on your health.

 Diets for quick weight loss: is there any point?

What if an urgent need to lose weight?

Of course, such situations are. In this case the use of diet, the duration of which does not exceed three days, with such short cycles of even the most extreme diet does not have time to cause harm to the body. But after the discharge diet is also necessary to adhere to certain rules in the diet, otherwise all the kilos back, but still with the additive.

The rules are simple: the exception of fatty, sugary and rich dishes and rational exercise. And then once thrown Weight hold out for long.

 Diets for quick weight loss: is there any point?

Diets for quick weight drop

That's what diet to quickly drop weight using Sophia Loren.

  • First day. In the morning - boiled egg and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for dinner - salad, a third of a cup of cooked turkey, low-fat cheese, lettuce. In the evening - half a cup of pasta with shrimp, spinach salad with lemon juice, apple.
  • Second day. In the morning - a cup of cereal with low-fat milk. At lunch - fresh fruit salad, and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. In the evening - half a cup of pasta with meatballs of lean meat, lettuce, seasoned with lemon juice, pear.
  • Third day. In the morning - half a bagel with low-fat cheese. At lunch - half a cup of lettuce, a slice of chicken decoction. In the evening - part time cup of pasta with low-fat cheese, salad greens, seasoned with soy sauce, apple.

Quickly you can lose weight on a diet of tomato, it is also used for three days: every day 5 times a day to eat a tomato, adding to his cottage cheese, cheese and egg.

Kefir diet: in three days every day to drink 1, 5 liters of yogurt. If you really want to eat, you can add a little low-fat cottage cheese.

 Diets for quick weight loss: is there any point?

Pineapple diet

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins. Weight is lost by improving metabolism (due to activation of protein metabolism is activated and other kinds of exchange) and low calorie pineapple Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit  Pineapple: caloric and other features of sweet fruit
 . Furthermore, this product much fiber, which is not absorbed in the intestine, but suppresses appetite and a feeling of satiety.

Optimally use pineapple as a daily supplement to each food intake, without using products thus promoting weight gain. Since pineapple reduces appetite during each meal it is required less. In addition, a daily intake of pineapple accelerates all metabolic processes. But that's if you do not need to lose weight in a hurry and do not rush.

To quickly drop weight pineapple can be used in the form of a three-day diet unloading. Every day you want to eat a kilo of pineapple pulp, in six steps. You can drink a lot, but water instead of pineapple juice, it will already too much, because it irritates the stomach lining. If, after such a diet continue to limit foods that contribute to weight gain, the weight can be reset very well.

 Diets for quick weight loss: is there any point?

Juice Diet

Juice diet - a diet unloading, it can be done in different ways. For one-day juice diet recommended dose of 600 ml of fresh juice of any vegetables or fruits, and mixtures thereof per day. Juice must be diluted with water and drink six times a day (obtained from 100 ml of pure juice). The water can be drunk in unlimited quantities, you can not eat anything. If you pursue a discharge every week at constant balanced diet, you can lose weight well.

The three-day juice diet is often not carried out (not more often than once every six months). Diet, this requires preparation, that is, reducing caloric intake. To do this, 3 days can not eat meat, carbohydrate dishes, spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods, drink alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, good coffee and tea.

Over the next three days will be drink only fruit juice and herbal infusions. The principle is the same as in the one-day handling juice diet, but added more infusions of herbs, such as lemon balm, mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 , Oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort, marjoram.

It is a heavy diet when it is usually on the third day comes the breakdown. And the effect of it in different people may be different. For some it causes a surge of strength and acceleration of metabolic processes, for others it may instead cause a slowing of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and therefore no reduction in weight will not.

But the most important thing when using extreme diets - is to remember that after these problems do not end and just the right food Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   It helps consolidate the achieved results.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Fast diet

Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

September 9, 2010

 banana diet
 Banana Diet - a very popular and inexpensive way to lose weight. Several years ago, a description of the diet appeared on the Internet, and since then around the world a lot of people successfully lose weight because of it.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective


During the diet you need to avoid sugar, alcohol, and various carbonated sweetened drinks.

Diet Menu:

  • Breakfast: a banana and a glass of water. If you wish, you can complement the low-fat protein foods - such as cheese or cheese.
  • Lunch: one banana and a glass of water, vegetable salad with a piece of lean meat or sea fish.
  • Dinner: banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and a glass of water. After half an hour you can eat any protein low-calorie dish.

It is believed that bananas help to control your appetite, so that a person is limited to the consumption of bananas, or eat other foods in very moderate amounts.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

Expert opinion

Many experts agree that the banana diet can be quite effective, but unsafe. For example, it is dangerous for the health of teeth, so as sugars contained in bananas, stick to teeth and gums stronger than that found in other fruits. Partly they can remain on the surface of the gums and enamel even after brushing. If the bananas you eat something else, it is to some extent helps to clean teeth from sugar sticky when you are limited to only a banana, over time it can seriously affect the condition of the teeth.

In addition, the body is difficult to process bananas, especially if you eat them on an empty stomach. For this reason, during the diet can appear symptoms such as abdominal cramps, constipation, and some other features of the violation of the digestive tract.

Banana - one of the sweetest fruits, bananas and abuse increases the risk of Type II diabetes. Of course, a few days of the diet is unlikely to happen, but those in whose family history has diabetes, as well as those who have already been identified insulin resistance Insulin resistance - as it is dangerous for the body?  Insulin resistance - as it is dangerous for the body?
 Should apply to the banana diet with caution.

Finally, the long banana diet threaten deficiency of essential nutrients. Due to the small content of protein diet can lead to a decrease in muscle mass. For this reason, adhere to the banana diet for longer than three to five days, is strongly discouraged.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

How useful bananas

In bananas, there are two indisputable advantages: they are rich in fiber and potassium. Fiber helps rid the intestines of toxins - it is literally "brings to itself" from the gut all the "garbage". In addition, it enhances intestinal motility and, therefore, prevents constipation, which is very important for low-calorie diets, because if the food arrives a little, then constipation is almost inevitable. On the positive properties of bananas is that due to the gentle cleansing of the bowel normalize metabolic processes, that is good affects the appearance, especially on the skin, which is important for women. He goes into the first intestinal contents, this has its advantages: normal metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 And if not immediately go back on fat and sweet food in large quantities, the resulting weight of the diet is maintained.

Potassium - is a mineral which requires the muscles. Without it, a person worried about sluggishness and fatigue. Especially potassium needed heart muscle - the myocardium. Potassium promotes the excretion of fluid, that is, reduced edema, including hidden. With a lack of potassium heart muscle loses its strength and motility, there may be pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   and cardiac arrhythmia. That is why bananas are useful for all cardiovascular diseases.

Bananas also contain phosphorus (element of thought), magnesium (the "heart" mineral - it regulates heart rhythm), calcium (essential for strengthening the fabric of bones and teeth), vitamins - A and E (promotes skin rejuvenation), Group B (give the body extra energy), C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the immune system).

Despite the fact that bananas are enough calories to get rid of a few kilograms on a banana diet can be. A mean value peeled banana weighs about 130 g, in 100 g of banana contains 90 kcal, then one banana their average about 117. Thus bananas sufficient nourishing food, because it contains a lot of natural sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose), so that You do not have to starve.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

The three-day banana diet

The three-day banana diet rather extreme, but its authors promise that in three days you can lose three kilograms of weight. It is evident that the weight loss is due to bowel cleansing and getting rid of hidden edema. But it's not as bad as it seems. As a result of such a diet will accelerate metabolism and if it does not start up after the winds, and adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, the result will be good.

On this diet for three days every day should eat no more than three bananas and drink three glasses of low-fat milk or yogurt. The daily ration is best divided into 6 meals, you get half of the banana combined with half a glass of milk, of which the blender can make a cocktail.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

The seven-day banana diet

The seven-day banana diet begins with preparatory days, during which time excluded from the diet of sweet, fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. After preparation of the day for a week to eat bananas only one (in any amounts) and drink plenty of fluids as still mineral water, green tea without sugar or simply drinking water.

This diet is more dangerous than a three-day, as during the week the body is not receiving the animal protein. This may adversely affect the state of the immune system and the appearance. But you can lose weight, as you know, a banana - it's 117 calories so you can eat them even 10, and it will only be 1170 kcal, while as an adult women's health, are not engaged in physical labor requires a minimum of 1700 kcal. Reset may be up to 7 kg and it will have not only the loss of fluid and toxins, but also fat.

 Banana diet - delicious, useful and effective

After the banana diet

Of great importance is the further nutrition after any short-term diets, including after the banana. If such diets are transferred with great difficulty, it is better not to use them, because after the "heroic deed" evolving appetite and everything dumped kgs come back, and sometimes with the addition. If the banana diet is to your taste, it means that it is your diet and it can be repeated periodically. Three-day diet can be repeated once a month, seven-day - every two - three months.

Once the diet is over, you need to go to a normal balanced diet. You should not eat fatty meats, fried foods, sweets, pastry, sugary sodas. Instead, try to eat more vegetables and fruits, both fresh and in heat-treated form.

Eat right, and so that food gives you pleasure, then the fasting days in the form of extreme dieting will go in your favor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • fruit diet
