Diet prostatitis - a healthy balanced diet

January 23, 2014

 Diet for prostate
 Diet prostatitis is important, however, is specially designed diets for patients with prostatitis do not. But there are certain rules of supply, which should adhere to each patient if he is to achieve positive results in the treatment of prostatitis Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task  Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task


Why is it so important diet for prostatitis

Within, both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases is of great importance metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . If disturbed protein metabolism, is suffering immune system (impaired formation of immune cells and antibodies - proteins, antibodies), carbohydrate - disturbed flow in the cells energy (and without energy affects all other kinds of exchange), fat - on the walls of blood vessels delayed atherosclerotic plaques and broken microcirculation of an organ. There are many other minor effects of metabolic disorders.

All metabolic processes in the body occur at the expense of exposure, processing and assimilation of food. From the fact that the body has as power and flow dependent metabolic processes.


What is recommended to eat with prostatitis

For the full metabolism in the body of the patient with prostatitis should do a sufficient amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Vegetable proteins - nuts and seeds, are particularly useful in prostate pumpkin seeds, they can eat 50 pieces a day. Since the inflammatory process takes a lot of energy, all food must be easily digestible for the splitting and assimilation which will spend a minimal amount of energy.

From protein food especially recommended for dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese. In addition, useful lean poultry, beef and pork. But fat and fried meat should be excluded from the diet. These products also contain vitamin A, which plays an important role in metabolism.

Useful for prostate products, which contain complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are not immediately degraded in the body to glucose (the main source of energy), and a source of long-term energy intake in the body. The source of complex carbohydrates are cereals (buckwheat, oats, corn) and vegetables. From diet to exclude peas, beans, a large amount of raw cabbage - are products of decomposition in the intestine when a large amount of gas that can provoke a relapse of prostatitis.

From fat useful vegetable oils (sunflower, olive). Animal fats in sufficient quantities come from animal proteins (dairy products, meat and fish).

The source of vitamins and minerals are primarily vegetables and fruits. In addition, vitamins, macro- and microelements may be contained in other products included in the diet. The important point is the cooking of food - during acute illness all meals should be prepared by boiling, stewing and steaming. In remission prostatitis preference should also be given to these methods of cooking, but occasionally tolerated and fried foods.


From what is necessary to give the prostate

If prostatitis should give up the foods that can aggravate prostatitis. These may be products that irritate the tissue of the prostate, and may - cause dysfunction of other organs, such as foods that contain large amounts of fiber (beans) can cause flatulence Flatulence - when too much gas  Flatulence - when too much gas

First, we should give up the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, particularly spirits, as they adversely affect the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation in the prostate. However, a small amount of dry wine for the holidays does not hurt.

It is also impossible to eat sharp, salty, smoked foods, spices, canned meat and fish, strong tea, coffee and other caffeinated products. It is necessary to eliminate from the diet and sweets - candies, pastries, cakes, carbonated soft drinks and so on. From the diet will need to rule out fatty meats (oily fish can sometimes use). Can provoke an aggravation of radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
   and radish - they contain substances that irritate the prostate. Legumes and Fresh sprouts are high in fiber, so they should also be deleted.

Diet pi prostatitis - is the basis for the recovery (if prostatitis is acute), or to suppress the inflammatory and metabolic-distrficheskih processes in the prostate gland. If the patient is malnourished, then cure it only medicines and various treatments will be impossible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Diet for prostate

Diet for a set of muscle mass: the alliance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

October 11, 2011

 Diet for a set of muscle mass
 A set of muscle mass are mainly interested in men, especially engage in such sport as bodybuilding. But just to build muscle, too bad, especially teenagers. You should not just forget that the passion for any one-sided diet before a fall, our body requires a varied diet.

 Diet for a set of muscle mass: the alliance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

Basis of preparation of diets for a set of muscle mass

Muscle mass - is the mass of the protein, so it is natural for it to increase required animal and vegetable protein. In humans, the protein food breaks into individual amino acids of which are constructed of bricks protein that is part of the muscle cells. Vegetable proteins do not contain all the necessary set of amino acids which is required for the synthesis of human protein, however, a combination of animal and vegetable protein.

In order to carry out the process of protein synthesis, the body requires energy in the form of carbohydrates. If you sit on a diet of protein, to obtain the energy will be consumed protein foods. Furthermore, it becomes little that for construction and use of the protein for energy entails a large amount of toxic products of metabolism that will poison the body.

 Diet for a set of muscle mass: the alliance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

Fats, vitamins and minerals to the organism

Therefore, a balanced diet for a set of muscle mass should include plenty of protein, sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Eating better five - six times a day, dividing it into equal portions, so it will be better absorbed.

The food should be high, otherwise there is an overload gastrointestinal decrease nutrient absorption. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber that is not digested, it should not constitute more than a third of the diet. Nevertheless, they are important as a source of vitamins and minerals. Caloric intake is necessary to increase gradually as long as the weight starts to increase.

It is necessary to limit the intake of foods rich in animal fats (fatty meats, lard, fatty dairy products, sausage) and carbohydrate (candy, pastries, sodas). And those and other products contribute to the deposition of fat in the body.

Since the high-calorie diet combined with physical activity sharply accelerated metabolic processes, including produced increased amounts of toxic products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 It requires a large amount of liquid to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   - At least two liters per day or more.

The food should contain fifty - sixty percent complex carbohydrates (cereals, wholemeal bread, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables, fruit), thirty - thirty-five percent of protein (lean meat and fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes) and slightly reduced fat - ten - twenty percent - mostly vegetable (animal fats are also needed, but enough of them do to low-fat protein products). It is useful to take fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?

Before training you need to eat two hours before its start. To do this, fit foods containing complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, pasta) - they will saturate the body glycogen, who during training will be converted into glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   and a source of energy.

After training, you can eat in half an hour. At this time, the amount of food can be more and should include a large number of proteins (they start quickly assimilated) and complex carbohydrates (energy source for protein digestion).

 Diet for a set of muscle mass: the alliance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

Diet carbohydrate alternation

Today, such a diet is popular. The gist of it is that constantly alternates amount of carbohydrates consumed. A diet designed for twenty-eight days, and consists of seven identical four cycles:

  • first and second day - in combination with low-carb consumption of large amounts of proteins (three - four grams per kilogram of body weight);
  • third day - high carbohydrate, the amount of carbohydrates should be increased to five - six grams per kilogram of body weight, and the amount of protein is reduced to one - one and a half grams per kilogram of body weight dramatically reduce fat intake;
  • fourth day - a moderate, carbohydrates are consumed at the rate of two - three grams of proteins - two - two and a half grams per kilogram of body weight.

It is believed that the first two days the body devastate glycogen (from his body produces glucose - the energy source) and starts to cover the cost of energy by burning fat. A protein will go to the muscle protein synthesis. On the third day, the body of inertia continue to spend fat reserves that enable complex carbohydrates accumulate in the body as glycogen. The fourth day is needed for glycogen stores replenished in full.

Products of this diet is necessary to use only those that are recommended for all diets while building muscle mass. Training is best done on the fourth day, when the body will store it for a sufficient amount of glycogen.

And do not use steroids and special protein supplements - it is harmful to the body.

Galina Romanenko

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  • how to gain weight
