Cucumber diet - rids the body of toxins

July 16, 2009

 Cucumber diet
 Cucumber diet - quite a strict diet for a period of a week, which is based exclusively cucumbers. For centuries known as a natural diuretic, cucumber has many other useful properties - not in vain in modern cosmetology cucumber mask for the skin are at the most popular means for skin care. For the health of the organism as a whole, more useful cucumber: cucumber diet helps clean the intestines, eliminate stagnation of fluid in the body, relieve swelling. Useful cucumber diet and certain skin problems - in particular, acne.

 Cucumber diet - rids the body of toxins

Terms cucumber diet

Basis cucumber diet - a simple dish, a salad of fresh cucumbers. As recommended not filling mayonnaise or sour cream and vegetable oil (better - olive oil), or a small amount of vinegar. Although salt is a traditional ingredient vegetable salad, cucumber sticking to a diet of lettuce this component should be abandoned - salt provokes stagnation of fluid in the body, so the cucumber diet with lots of salt can be quite effective, it is absolutely useless. But other seasonings can be any - parsley, green onions, dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices

The daily diet is very simple cucumber: cucumber salad should be consumed three times a day at any time from twelve in the morning and finishing with eight in the evening. In addition to a salad of cucumbers in a small amount can be eaten oranges, pears and bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 . If cucumber diet seems too strict menu to "diversify" whole wheat bread and eat each piece of cucumber salad with a slice of bread. Any increase in the amount of fluid consumed cucumber diet does not imply, however, for safety reasons do not forget about the "normal" two liters a day - too rapid loss of body fluids as a result of diuretic effects of cucumbers may lead to undesirable consequences for health. In general, the amount of calories consumed per day during a cucumber diet is not more than nine - thousand.

 Cucumber diet - rids the body of toxins

Advantages and disadvantages

In cucumber diet, for all its apparent rigor, there are a lot of advantages - and is not just a dietary nature. In the first place, cucumber diet does not require much time and money: Preparation of salad from fresh cucumbers takes a maximum of ten minutes, and to purchase any expensive products or supplements are required. Second, cucumber diet is really effective: a diuretic effect of fresh cucumbers contributes to the rapid excretion of excess fluid, adding a few kilograms on the scales, and limiting the amount of calorie intake causes the body to burn fat faster as an additional source of energy. On average, observing all the rules of cucumber diet for a week, you can lose one to three kilograms.

Of course, cucumber diet, like any other mono-diet, there are several significant disadvantages. Firstly, to comply with such a diet is quite difficult: cucumber salad, no matter how useful it was not - it is not a dish that can be fully satisfied, so long sit on the cucumber diet impossible. Secondly, a substantial caloric restriction organism normally carries only if the duration of the diet is low. Observe cucumber diet can not be more than a few days, because the lack of nutrients and calories (in particular, fats and proteins, which are found in animal products) may adversely affect the performance of the digestive system and the health of the organism as a whole.

Cucumber diet - a way to quickly get rid of a few extra kilos, which, however, should not be treated too often due to unpredictable consequences for health. Therefore cucumber diet (as, in principle, any other mono-diet) should be seen more as a quick and effective way of cleansing the body and eliminate fluid retention, and not as a long-term way to lose weight and stabilize vesv.

 Cucumber diet - rids the body of toxins

Menu cucumber diet

1 day

  • Breakfast: two cucumbers, a slice of rye bread
  • Lunch: 1 apple soup with fresh vegetables (carrots, radishes Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
  • Lunch: 1 orange
  • Dinner: Cucumber salad with herbs in vegetable oil

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 cucumber, slice of rye bread
  • Lunch: salad (cucumber and radish), 50 g of boiled beef
  • Snack: 1 apple
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil

Day 3

  • Breakfast: two cucumber, a piece of rye bread
  • Lunch: 100 g boiled fish, 100 g of cooked rice, 2 cucumbers
  • Snack: 1 cucumber
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil

Day 4

  • Breakfast: 1 cucumber, a piece of rye bread
  • Lunch: 100 grams of cooked rice, 1 cucumber, 20 g of hard cheese
  • Snack: 1 pear
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil

Day 5

  • Breakfast: two cucumber, a piece of rye bread
  • Lunch: salad (cucumber, cabbage, radish, carrots), 1 orange
  • Snack: 1 apple
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil, 20 g of hard cheese

Day 6

  • Breakfast: 1 cucumber, a piece of rye bread
  • Lunch: soup of vegetables (cucumber, radishes, carrots), 1 pear, 1 egg
  • Afternoon: 1 Mandarin
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil

7 day

  • Breakfast: 1 cucumber, a piece of rye bread
  • Lunch: salad (cucumber, radishes, carrots), 1 apple
  • Snack: 1 cucumber
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with fresh herbs in vegetable oil.

A couple of cucumbers can also be eaten every day for 1-2 hours before bedtime. Drink pure or mineral water, green tea. Black tea and coffee consumed is undesirable.

Indisputable advantage cucumber diet is high cleansing properties of this vegetable, which cleans the intestines, eliminating the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Water-salt balance. Cucumber diet practiced often not even to lose weight (fat in a week of such food to get rid of difficult), but in order to bring in excellent condition the skin, which after the liberation of the body from the stored in it waste, significantly cleaned, shining looks very fresh and healthy.

For a week of such a diet, you can lose up to 5 kg.

But be wise: if you suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or excretory system, dust cucumber passions have cooled, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation.

Choose a lightweight version of the menu, where the cucumbers, as a mandatory component will coexist with plenty of lean fish, meat, cheese, rice.

  Eugene Zhirkina

Article Tags:
  • vegetable diet

Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

July 2, 2009

   All variety of diets, the number of which has long been reached several hundred, all can be divided into two main categories: polidiety involving the use of several food and monodiets prescribing renunciation of all foods except one or two. If polidiety quite varied and allow you to vary the daily menu, the mono-diet is not without reason considered the most rigorous - but and benefits of such diets are many.

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

What monodiets

Any mono-diet - a special diet, providing for the use of only one (at least - two or three) of food .  On the basic idea of ​​such diets, and the name itself indicates "mono-diet", derived from the Latin word «mono», means "one" .  Many nutritionists are inclined to consider monodiets soon as one of the varieties of the post to rapidly "dump" extra weight and improve overall health .  Monodiet very much - for obvious reasons, even more than polidiet .  There are, for example, fruit monodiets - i.e. diets prescribing the use of only one or two of fruits, vegetables and so forth monodiets .  The basis for the mono-diet can be, in fact, any food - from the same fruit or vegetables to rice, fish and even chocolate .  So, choose mono-diet in the first place can be, based on their own eating habits if you love the most citrus fruits, the perfect option would be orange or grapefruit mono-diet, if you consider yourself to fans of apples - apple mono-diet, etc. .

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

Monodiet: Mode hunger strike

The very essence of mono-diet - the need to eat only one or two food product - eliminates the possibility of following such a diet for a long period of time. It is best seen as a way of fast mono-diet to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
 , A kind of a short position: professional nutritionists recommend to "sit" on the mono-diet for just one or two days, but on a regular basis - once a week for three to four weeks. Monodiet To be most effective, its duration should be no more than two or three days. For example, the perfect time to "sit" on a mono-diet - this weekend. Unlike polidiet, which may well turn into a way of life, mono-diet - it is rather a "discharge period" for the body. But the attempt to adhere to the mono-diet for a long period of time can lead to a truly devastating health consequences.

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

Limiting the amount of food

Most monodiets allows you to use the selected food in almost unlimited quantities - concerned primarily mono-diet of fruit and vegetable. In some cases, however, the number of food intake is subject to certain limitations: for example, grapes, cheese, or any other products containing large amounts of carbohydrates or glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 You need to use a limited amount of adhering monodiets. Furthermore, the duration monodiets to increase the number of consumed liquid. It is estimated that on average with the help of mono-diet can lose up to four to five kilograms.

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

Advantages monodiets

  • Simplicity: monodiets allow not count calories, do not think about drawing up a menu or selection of products - a minimum of food (in fact, only one, in rare cases - two) makes any mono-diet as simple as possible.
  • Speed: monodiets knowingly considered the most severe - and are accustomed to have a lot of tight, very difficult to give up a variety of dishes, and is, for example, only apples or rice. But this coin has another side - any mono-diet, unlike polidiet finishes very quickly, helping for two or three days to get rid of a few kilograms.
  • Efficiency: any mono-diet ensures rid of a few extra kilograms - primarily because short-term rejection of food is always promotes the excretion of stagnant fluid. Of course, the mono-diet, which lasts only one to three days, is not conducive to effectively burn fat, but as an "emergency measure" is well suited.

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

Types monodiets

Basically, as a product for mono-diet it is now possible to use whatever you want, but at the same time, there are mono-diet, which remains a classic - trust them, sit on them, lose weight, and, of course, scold, and rightly so.

  • Apple diet: 1 to 2 kg of apples during the day.
  • Cabbage Soup Diet: pickled, stewed, fresh cabbage with the addition of crude oil. Since diet is very hard to cabbage allowed to add a bit of low-fat boiled meat and fish.
  • Kefir diet: 1-1, 5 liters of yogurt a day. To facilitate her diet includes 100 grams of meat or fish, fruit savory (0, 5-1 kg).
  • Milky banana diet: 2-3 bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and 3 cups of milk a day. Duration - no more than 3 days.
  • Watermelon diet: 1 kg of watermelon pulp per 10 kg of body weight. Duration - 5 days, when the black bread - 10 days.
  • Buckwheat diet: buckwheat pour boiling water at night or yogurt and eat during the day in any quantity (yogurt - no more than 1 liter per day).
  • Rice diet is very harsh, but cleared. Take the washed rice, boil sugar and salt, and there can be washed down with apple juice. It is best to do the fasting day or 3 days of such a diet, but no more.

 Mono-diet - there are reasons for concern

The effects of abuse monodiet

  • Beriberi. Especially pronounced it will be if you sit for weeks on potato, rice or buckwheat. Hair loss, deterioration of the skin, disturbance of mental abilities - all these "horror stories" become real, if you are addicted these, at first glance, nourishing diet. Potato diet leads to constipation, it is necessary to take note of those who already have similar problems.
  • The occurrence or aggravation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Increased acidity, heartburn Heartburn - no cause for concern?  Heartburn - no cause for concern?
   - Is the most innocuous side effects of apple, watermelon, cabbage diet. In the worst case, you will encounter for the first time or re-learn what gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  • Muscle weakness. The main building material for muscle tissue - a protein. If the protein in your new dietary diet is lacking, it is sure to affect the muscle tone and your overall health. Most monodiets use just carbohydrate products and not rich in protein.
  • Allergies. Not only will your eyes and your nervous system over time will fail and will not be able to look at the product that you have a few days ago put the number 1 in the list of your favorites. The whole body can at some point to say "stop" to a substance that stubbornly embedded in it. Allergies can accompany apple diet, but most likely a reaction to acute satiety occurs allergens such as lactose (milk diet) or chocolate.

In any monodiets body does not receive sufficient for the normal operation of all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which, of course, is a big disadvantage and makes any monodiet suitable only for a short time (3-7 days). Repeat monodiets depending on its severity and content required no earlier than one month or even two.

  Eugene Zhirkina

Article Tags:
  • copyrights diet
