Features food at a diabetes of the first type: the simple rules

03 August 2011

 especially food at a diabetes of the first type
 For patients suffering from diabetes of the first type, the main treatment is insulin. Changing the principles of nutrition is auxiliary, so many patients in this group do not attach any importance to their diet, but it is the wrong position. When diabetes first type of compliance with the rules of use in food products is important, so you need to not only know about them, and stick to them.

 Features food at a diabetes of the first type: the simple rules

The main recommendations

For patients suffering from diabetes of the first type, it is important to control the amount of food eaten, because they need to maintain their weight within normal limits. If they eat more individual rules - quickly gain weight, and if less - it catastrophically lose, with the risk of hypoglycemia. This is due to the exchange of these people.

The amount of carbohydrates consumed should be constant, with an established schedule of meals, it helps to stable insulin The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything  The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything
   and eliminates the continuous calculation of the required dose of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 Though if necessary, can estimate the amount of carbohydrate taken, and make a correction of insulin.

Meals should be maximally diverse, wherein proteins, fats and carbohydrates are balanced for a particular patient, since the rate of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   - Individual indicator. Alcohol is eliminated completely.

 Features food at a diabetes of the first type: the simple rules

Carbohydrate intake

For an adult human, suffering from diabetes a first type, the use of less than one hundred grams of carbohydrates per day - not enough, and more than two hundred fifty - has redundant average recommended dosages are dependent on the degree of activity and energy of the patient. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, so they account for 55-60% of the daily diet.

  • It is recommended as a basis for food: vegetables, nuts, herbs, soy, lentils.
  • Recommended: fruit, pasta, legumes, milk, dairy products.
  • Recommended limit: oats, corn, rye bread, natural fruit juices, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
  • It is recommended to limit sharply: white and brown bread, cookies, biscuits, shortbread dough, beer, rice.
  • It is recommended to exclude sugar, honey, potatoes, rice and cereals, sodas.

 Features food at a diabetes of the first type: the simple rules

Acceptance of proteins, fats and fiber

Proteins - the carriers of the essential amino acids. They must necessarily enter into the diet of patients with diabetes of the first type. The main sources of protein - meat, eggs, fish, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, beans. They account for 15-20% of the daily diet.

Fat improves the flavor of food and increase its calorific contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, and other essential elements.

Recommended products: eggs, liver, butter, brains, lean meat, fish, milk, vegetable oils, only 25-30% of the daily ration.

Not recommended for sausages, fatty meats, fried foods, fat, meat sauces.

Fiber is required for consumption, especially if overweight, as well cleanses the intestines, provides a feeling of fullness and practically not absorbed. It is contained in the bran, bread made from whole grains in cereals, beans, peas, lentils, buckwheat, oats, barley, fruits and vegetables.

 Features food at a diabetes of the first type: the simple rules

Bread unit and the distribution of the daily energy value

Cereals units are of great importance for patients with a first type of diabetes, as calculated on the basis of their insulin requirements. One bread unit corresponds to twelve grams of carbohydrates.

With five-time meal with the first type of diabetes is recommended to take 25% for breakfast, 15% - for lunch, 30% - for lunch, 20% - for dinner and 10% for the second dinner. Such a diet is most suitable for parenteral administration of insulin.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in diabetes

Meat diet - is not suitable for all

September 27, 2009

 Meat Diet
 Meat Diet - rather peculiar diet, involving the consumption of large amounts of protein sources (i.e., different types of meat), in some cases - in combination with vegetables. The effectiveness of such a diet - a moot point: on the one hand, the exclusion from the diet of carbohydrates, the main sources of energy for the body, really helps burn fat. However, on the other hand, the lack of nutrients over a long period of time can lead to very serious consequences for the health and, above all, a violation of the digestive system.

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all

How does meat diet

At the core of the meat diet - lean (lean) meat cooked in special ways. Thus, the meat diet - a diet protein, because that meat is the main source of animal protein for the body. Without an adequate amount of protein in the diet to maintain health of the body, by and large, it is impossible: a protein "building block" of cells and tissues, is involved in almost all biochemical processes in the body. The importance of protein in diet due to human amino acids: as products of the breakdown of proteins, amino acids are essential elements for the work of all internal organs: the lack of any amino acids can cause quite serious health problems from the weakening of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   to kidney damage.

Sticking to a diet of meat over a long period of time is not recommended - though the man needs protein foods, carbohydrates and fats to maintain the normal operation of all body systems are important in no less degree. Since proteins - this is the last of the three sources of energy for the body, splitting their body spends a lot more time and energy than the main "fuel", carbohydrates and fats, long-term adherence to a diet prescribed by a meat diet, can lead to lack of energy.

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all


The main component of the diet, the estimated meat diet - it is a different kind of meat. Despite the apparent diversity, meat diet is strict enough: first, the meat must necessarily be lean, with a minimum of fat, and, secondly, it is recommended to use only boiled. Although less strict version of a meat diet and allows the use of dishes from fried in olive oil, meat, the effectiveness of such a diet, of course, much smaller.

In addition to meat, the "menu" meat diet also includes a variety of dishes from vegetables which can be used in almost unlimited quantities - it can be mashed potatoes and vegetables, and steamed or boiled vegetables and raw vegetables. Of course, in respect of vegetables and some restrictions - in particular, can not eat vegetables rich in carbohydrates such as potatoes, corn and carrots.

Meat and vegetables - the only product category that solves meat diet. All the other food on the menu meat diet does not include completely banned products - sources of carbohydrates, such as fruits, dairy products, sugar and sweet drinks (not just soft drinks, but also fruit juices), confectionery products, flour products. Keeping meat diet, it is necessary to forget about all cereals and flour products - pasta, pasta, bread. Finally, during the meat-based diet is forbidden to consume any alcoholic drinks - even with an extremely low content of alcohol. By adding salt during cooking meat must be abandoned, and ideally on all the time the meat diet is necessary not to use salt at all - including those not ready to add some salt dishes.

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all

How to comply with the meat diet

Recommended duration of a meat diet - no more than ten days. Instead, three times a day diet meat diet involves eating food five or six times a day, provided to reduce the size of servings, and dinner must be no later than three to four hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . There is no separation of food: meat dishes with side dishes of vegetables can be eaten at any time. Food can not drink: eat liquid - coffee or tea without sugar, mineral water or normal - can be no earlier than half an hour after a meal.

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all


For human nutrition needed proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Lack of any of these components gives the metabolic processes in the body and can lead to disease. Proteins are essential for the organism in order to decompose them into components (amino acids), and those parts of the new construct required for the needs of the body's protein. Carbohydrates - a source of energy, and fats - is the energy reserves, the body can not live without reserve. Proteins are derived primarily through the kidneys.

With a lack of proteins affected the immune system, a person begins to ache often colds, his skin becomes dry, dull hair and nails and brittle. If the proteins come in excess, the kidneys begin to suffer - they can not handle the heavy load and the decay products of proteins accumulate in the blood. This is a dangerous condition, because chronic administration of large amounts of protein may occur renal failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital

If excess protein diet body loses carbohydrates (energy source), it starts to use for energy proteins intermediate metabolic products resulting from these reactions are very toxic to man.

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all

Features meat diet

The meat diet is not harmful, such as the Kremlin, since in addition to the meat lets eat vegetables in any quantity.

Meat should be low-fat varieties and prepare him better by boiling (broth in a food is not used). Permission is also fry the meat in olive oil (recommendation is questionable, as well as the use of cold cuts and sausages, it is better to do the boiled meat). Part of the meat can be replaced by other products - fish and eggs.

Vegetables (boiled, stewed, steamed and raw) can be eaten in any quantity, with the exception of potatoes, carrots and corn. It is also impossible to use any flour products, cereals, sugar and any sugary drinks, fruits, dairy products and alcoholic beverages.

Any small amounts is recommended 5-6 times a day, combining protein foods with vegetables, the latter receiving the food to be no later than 20 hours. Just a day should eat no more than 450 grams of protein foods (here sprout all protein - meat, fish, eggs). You can drink tea, coffee (no sugar), mineral water, vegetable juices and no earlier than half an hour after eating. It is desirable to cook food without salt, replacing it with spices on the basis of lemon juice and herbs.

Duration meat diet should not exceed ten days, often this diet should not be used. Lose on a meat diet can be about 5 kilos. The positive fact is that the body is not hungry (ie not experiencing a state of stress), a small amount of nourishing food to the stomach allows the cut and with a further transition to a normal diet do not need a man "eat off".

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all

Indications and contraindications

If you come to this diet is rational, it may be useful, for example, by strengthening their muscles (remember only then do gymnastics). If severe enough to combine with fish meat of animals that digest easily and incorporates a lot of phosphorus and calcium, it can be strengthened and the skeletal system.

Meat diet has contraindications:

  • kidney disease;
  • older age (age kidneys work less actively);
  • age of 18 years (any organism grows and eating disorders may be the basis for endocrine disruption);
  • Any acute and worsening of chronic diseases (the body fights disease and is simply not able to process large amounts of protein).

 Meat diet - is not suitable for all

What can happen with long-term use of meat meal

Long-term consumption of meat food may lead to renal failure, which requires immediate medical attention.

In addition, disturbances and can relate to the gastrointestinal tract, since meat is more difficult to digest other products. In the course of its processing in the intestine often occur processes of decay, helping to increase the number of conditionally pathogenic and displacement due to its proliferation of normal microflora, helps digest food. This condition is called dysbiosis and make it easier than cure: the restoration of normal intestinal microflora - the process time-consuming.

Meat-based diet is better to use in the fall and winter - a time of endless colds and flu diseases Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 Because our defensive (immune) system is built mainly of proteins.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • unusual diets
