Diet for hepatitis C - the restoration of the liver

March 28, 2014

 Diet Hepatitis C
 Hepatitis C - a serious infectious disease that is unfortunately quite widespread. That treatment was successful, patients must be followed a special diet, gentle liver. Diet for hepatitis C is not too strict, but a number of products have to be avoided for a long time.


About illness

Hepatitis C is developing in contact with the virus of the disease in the blood. At risk are not only drug addicts and people who are prone to promiscuity, but unscrupulous customers manicure or tattoo. Because the vaccine against hepatitis C does not exist, prevention is important. If the infection still occurs, you should immediately start treatment.

This kind of hepatitis is one of the most difficult. Its special feature is considered a long asymptomatic and often hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   C is found by chance at the time of scheduled tests. During exacerbation of hepatitis B patients feel weakness and lack of appetite, over time, these symptoms joins jaundice. If hepatitis C is not treated, the disease will lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for this disease, but the cost of treatment is usually very high.

To protect liver cells assigned chemically and mechanically light diet, which may be more or less strict depending upon the patient's condition.

Of course, a diet for the treatment of hepatitis is not enough, and requires further medical therapy, but proper nutrition plays a very important role and beneficial to the health of patients. Through diet reduces pain and improves the general condition. During an exacerbation of the disease becomes more severe diet, during periods of remission - freer. In any case, the diet can not be neglected because it is reducing the burden on the liver slows down the disease and relieve.


Proper nutrition for hepatitis C - the basic principles

Proper nutrition is essential for the treatment of hepatitis C. Nutritional care for hepatitis C in the acute stage of the disease reduces the load on the liver and the rest of the digestive organs, which in turn facilitates the transition of the disease into remission. If this is not done, high nutritional burden on the liver will slow the healing process. Including reduce the effectiveness of antiviral therapy, which aims to suppress the activity or complete elimination of the hepatitis C virus from the body of the patient.

In acute hepatitis C, the total energy intake should be slightly reduced, the amount of protein in the daily diet of the patient should also be somewhat reduced, and to be on the lower limit of the norm, as its digestion requires a voltage of the digestive system. At the same time sharply limit the proteins whose synthesis is reduced and so is not recommended. No less important is receiving a sufficient amount of carbohydrates needed for energy, the body needs. The amount of fat consumed in a day, it is necessary to limit by eliminating fatty foods of animal origin. Nutrition for hepatitis C in the acute phase should correspond to diet number 5A.

In the convalescent stage of acute hepatitis C or chronic hepatitis C remission diet should not be too strict. Diet for viral hepatitis C at the stage of recovery should ensure the supply of all necessary for the body of nutrients and eliminating the intake of foods that adversely affect the liver. So, the biggest burden on the liver has a fatty animal products, especially fatty meats, cooked by frying. Adverse effects on the liver have also concentrated meat, fish and mushroom broth. When these digestion products formed many toxic substances which altered cells of the liver is unable to be cleaned, they enter the bloodstream and exert a general toxic effect on the body, including the liver. During remission, the patient must stick to a diet number 5.


Special diet for hepatitis C

Patients with hepatitis C are diet "number five" of the products, minimally irritating the liver. Products included in the menu, ensure intake of all nutrients in the normal range. The day should consume no more than 3,100 calories. The diet should contain no more than 100 grams protein, and 100 grams of fat (of which at least 30 grams - vegetable oil) to 450 grams of carbohydrates (including sugars - 50 grams). Sol restricted to 10 grams daily. Calcium 8/10 patients should eat a gram a day, P - 1, 5 grams of magnesium - 0, 5 grams of iron - 15 milligrams. Vitamin A must do in an amount of 0, 5 milligrams, carotene - at 10, 5 milligrams of vitamin B1 - 2 milligrams, B2 - 4 milligrams vitamin C - 200 milligrams of nicotinic acid Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?  Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?
   - 20 milligrams.

There should be small portions of four - five times a day. Of great importance is a method of cooking: dishes should stew, steamed or oven. Fried food is strictly prohibited.

In the period of acute medical patients assigned diet number five "a". This diet is designed to spare the liver mechanically and chemically. Proteins and carbohydrates may be used in normal amounts, and fats limited to seventy grams per day. It is also limited to salt - up to seven or eight grams per day. The rest of this diet is no different from a medical diet number five.


From what foods have to give up?

Do not eat fried, salted, pickled, smoked and canned foods. Under the ban spices. We'll have to give up fatty meat, fish and poultry, as well as the rich broth, containing large amounts of extractives. Banned pastry and baking fats. As for drinks, you need to give up the sweet carbonated water, strong tea, coffee, and any alcohol. Alcohol affects the liver destructive, so from him in hepatitis have to give up completely.


What products may be present in the diet?

Allowed dairy products, especially cheese. You can eat lean meat and low-fat fish. Allowed porridge on the water and milk, various vegetables, fruits and berries, fruit and vegetable juices. It allowed the use of seeds and nuts, herbal teas, green tea. As for drinks, it is desirable to give preference to high-quality drinking water.

Dairy products should choose low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese is desirable to do on their own. It should refrain from the use of sharp cheese, cream, fatty cream. Eggs should be limited to one per day. They can be used as a protein omelet or scrambled, as well as for cooking. Scrambled and hard boiled eggs is prohibited. Kashi is desirable to prefer liquid, the so-called "gruel." Also there may be all kinds of pasta. Vegetables can be consumed both fresh and cooked (including a couple) or baked. We'll have to refrain from eating spicy greens, beans, sorrel, rich in essential oils (radish, radishes, garlic, onions, etc.).

Fruit can be eaten sweet and ripe fresh or in the form of mousses, jelly, cereal casseroles. Sour and unripe fruits are prohibited. You can eat jam, marmalade, candy, honey and nesdobnoe cookies, but the traditional sweets such as chocolate, sweets, cakes, pies and ice cream - a taboo.

From fat to be preferred to butter and vegetable oil. Refractory fats (tallow, lard) and artificial (shortenings, margarine) - banned. Soups should be chosen only vegetarian in the vegetable broth. From sausage is better to give in small amounts admitted "Doctor" sausage and quality lean beef sausages. Fish should be lean - cod, saffron cod, perch, pike, carp and others. From the use of sturgeon sturgeon and fish should be discarded.


A strict diet for hepatitis C patients in the acute stage

Gentle diet for hepatitis C is assigned in the acute stage. The daily diet diet number 5A comprises 80 g protein, 350 g carbohydrates and 70 g fat. The total daily energy value - 2300-2500 CCAAA. The diet in the treatment of hepatitis C: from the daily diet excludes fatty meat, oily fish, fatty dairy products, rich broth, spicy seasonings, salted, smoked, canned food, sweets, pastries, sweet carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, chocolate, all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Vegetables can not eat onions, garlic, radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 , Radish - all vegetables containing a large amount of essential oils.

The diet for hepatitis C in the acute phase should rise white crackers, vegetable and cereal soups, boiled or pureed porridge (buckwheat, oats, rice), lean meat or fish boiled and shredded form, dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, cooked and mashed vegetables, fresh sweet and sour-sweet fruits and berries, freshly squeezed fruit juice diluted with half water, fruit drinks, jelly, broth hips, weak tea.

Special diet for hepatitis Diet for hepatitis - one of the main forms of treatment  Diet for hepatitis - one of the main forms of treatment
   With involves mechanical and chemical sparing of digestive organs. Recipes diet for hepatitis C is very simple: all dishes are prepared by boiling or steaming, then wiped off. Eating small portions recommended 5-6 times a day at the same time.

Fasting for hepatitis C is not recommended, even in the acute stage. Seriously ill sometimes assigned parenteral nutrition in the form of nutrient solutions that are injected intravenously.


Hepatitis C and diet number 5 - the period of recovery after treatment

During the recovery period after the treatment of hepatitis C patients is recommended diet № 5. It is composed of 100 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat (one third of them - plant), 450 grams of carbohydrates (from them 50 g simple, that is, the sweetness). The total energy value of the daily diet - 3,100 calories. Menu hepatitis C. recovery period is the same as in the diet number 5A. But cooked meals are not wiped. The number of meals may also be less - up to 4-5 times a day.


Diet after hepatitis C

After recovering from hepatitis C or long-term remission of the disease requires a strict diet is not enough to adhere to certain rules. Some exceptions in the diet number 5 products can occasionally be consumed in small amounts. For example, coffee for hepatitis C is an exacerbation can drink, but rather weak. Diet for hepatitis C in the stage of stable remission - it's just a healthy diet. The patient must first take care of their weight: excess weight can cause additional liver dysfunction, since it can accumulate fat cells, interfering with cell metabolism.

Diet for hepatitis C should not be very strong, however, adhere to the rules of a healthy diet should be lifelong.

Galina Romanenko

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  • hepatitis C
