Fish Diet: seafood in your diet - fish and vegetable diet

April 1, 2007

  • Fish Diet: seafood in your diet
  • Diet and precautions
  • Fish and vegetable diet
  • Health Food
  • Advice

Fish and vegetable diet

If you decide, there is (or is not) certain products, is an important choice based on a variety of factors, from the moral and ethical aspects of weight loss prior to selecting a different lifestyle in order to maintain health. One of the most popular diets based on the use of fish and vegetables. It's called "pescetarianism." This is the right health choices, but here it is necessary to pay special attention to the balance of the diet.

 Fish and vegetable diet | Diet Fish: seafood in your diet


Pesketariantsy can eat only fish and vegetables, for reasons of moral, ethical and / or environmental nature, especially in matters relating to cattle farms and poultry farms. Some vegetarians who need more protein than a vegetarian diet can provide, and which were therefore health problems are introduced into the diet the fish. For many other pescetarianism - a transitional stage to vegetarianism.

 Fish and vegetable diet | Diet Fish: seafood in your diet

Health Benefits

Fish has always been considered "food for the brain", as well as an excellent source of lean protein. Studies have shown that young men aged 15 to 18, consuming fish more than once a week, receive higher scores on standardized tests during the passage of the level of intelligence than boys who did not eat fish. This study proves the rightness of those who speak about the impact of fish on the brain activity. According to other studies, the fish - a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce arrhythmias Arrhythmia - when we hear your heart  Arrhythmia - when we hear your heart
 , Lower triglidtseridov blood and blood pressure. Moreover, these studies show the benefits of daily consumption of vegetables.

 Fish and vegetable diet | Diet Fish: seafood in your diet

Weight loss

Fish and vegetables - the perfect choice for people who want to lose weight. These foods high content of nutrients and low in calories, unless they prepare properly. For example, a fillet half carcasses of wild Atlantic salmon contains about 280 calories, and many kinds of raw vegetables calories no more than 50. It is advisable to have these products are steamed, boiled, grilled or raw.

 Fish and vegetable diet | Diet Fish: seafood in your diet

Taste preferences

Fish and vegetable diet is sometimes called the Mediterranean, as it resembles a useful Greek and Italian cuisine. Such a diet includes fresh fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, eggs, wine (in small or moderate amounts), and most importantly, olive oil. The combination of fresh ingredients make this diet is not only popular because of its beneficial properties, but also thanks to the excellent taste of its constituent products.

 Fish and vegetable diet | Diet Fish: seafood in your diet


According to the statement of the Office of Environmental Protection, any fish contain small amounts of mercury, but for most people the risk of mercury poisoning is minimal. Yet care must be taken, how many and what kinds of fish you eat. The larger the fish, the more mercury it contains, so there is undesirable shark, swordfish, king mackerel and grebnegolova.

Montignac diet - get used to a healthy diet - Basics

September 30, 2007

  • Montignac diet - get used to a healthy diet
  • Basic provisions

The main provisions of the Montignac diet

  • Good or useful carbohydrates (low glycemic index) should be eaten separately; sugar, glucose, potato desirably excluded from the diet.
  • Fats and carbohydrates should not be mixed. If the food composition comprises fats, foods with carbohydrates can be consumed no sooner than four hours. Fats can consume three hours after the carbohydrates.
  • Alcohol intake should be minimized. I drink a glass of wine or a glass of beer at dinner.
  • Between meals it is recommended to drink plenty of water.
  • The diet involves consuming large amounts of fiber.
  • The consumption of beverages containing caffeine should be minimized.
  • Try to eat at regular intervals, at least three times a day. Snacking between meals is not recommended. It is also advised not to eat late at night.
  • Fresh fruits (except strawberries and raspberries) should not be mixed with other products; recommended to eat fruit between meals separately.
  • For roasting and cooking write advisable to use olive oil.
  • Keep an active lifestyle.

 Main provisions | Montignac diet - get used to a healthy diet

Principles of the Montignac diet

The basic principle of the Montignac diet is that this diet provides two modes (or phases) power. The first diet aimed at weight loss, and the second - to maintain a normal weight. In the first phase diet toxins from the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 That improves glucose tolerance Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   and prevents excessive production of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 . The minimum duration of this stage - two months. The second phase of a diet aimed at weight saving achieved in the first phase.

  • Montignac Diet recommends eating foods with a low glycemic index.
  • Montignac diet does not recommend to consume low-calorie foods.
  • Montignac Diet is aimed at correcting the unhealthy eating habits that cause metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
  • Montignac Diet recommends eating healthy fats and high in fiber.
  • The main source of inspiration for Montignac served traditional classic cuisine. Montignac diet allows the consumption of chocolate and cheese in a limited number, which distinguishes it from other diets.

 Main provisions | Montignac diet - get used to a healthy diet

Advantages of the Montignac diet

  • Consumption of foods with a low glycemic index has a number of advantages for people with diabetes and other diseases.
  • Montignac diet reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, heart disease and other diseases associated with the violation of the weight.
  • Montignac Diet does not regulate the selection of products, and does not prohibit entirely any product.
  • Compliance with this diet for a long time is very good for health and gives the desired weight loss.
  • Montignac diet is not boring as it involves a wide variety of products.
  • The diet is based on consumption of a large amount of fiber, which promotes weight loss.

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