Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke

December 9, 2011

  • Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke
  • Balanced diet

 Protivoinsultnaya diet
 The effects of stroke are so exhausted, that he had undergone often regret that have not started at the time to eat right. One of the most frightening features of stroke is, how it occurs suddenly, often without any warning signals.

It is true that after a stroke not too late to take steps to reduce some of the damage that its effects are applied to the body. One of the best ways to do this - go to the right diet. Of course, it would be absolutely prevent stroke, but if it has already happened, it is better not to engage in self-incrimination.

Even if a stroke occurs quite suddenly, the problems that led him to accumulate over the years.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome are among the major risk factors, as well as among the factors, the impact of which can be reduced or completely avoid it by eating right.

Many doctors say that diet plays a critical role in the prevention of stroke. This is shown by the results of numerous studies, and it also proves the experience of many people who suffer a stroke every day, as well as those who eat correctly and faces this problem is much rarer. What exactly needs to be done to prevent a stroke?

 Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke

Reduce blood pressure by using dairy products and potassium

Protivoinsultnaya diet, primarily, has a great influence on blood pressure. The pressure above 135/85 doubles the risk of stroke. Why is that?

The arteries of the brain, which is constantly going too fast circulation of blood, thicken with time, and at some point may become completely "impenetrable" for blood. Under pressure, which is generated because of this, thin artery can burst. High blood pressure also increases the risk of thrombus formation on blood vessel walls.

If all those who are now high blood pressure, have started to monitor their diet, we could prevent thousands of strokes each year.

Protivoinsultnaya diet is, first of all, lots of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products. According to some studies, the risk of stroke in a person who does not drink milk is the same as in those who drank 450 ml of milk daily. So milk and various milk products, are very necessary, but they should be low-fat or reduced fat as saturated fats in milk can negate all of its beneficial properties.

Foods rich in potassium, too, must include in the diet of those who suffered a stroke. Potassium prevents the formation of thrombi, thereby reducing the risk of stroke.

 Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke

Fight with the metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome - a combination preddiabetnogo state comprising insulin resistance The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   (this occurs when the cells are no longer fast enough to respond to the command of insulin to absorb sugar from the blood), a little high blood pressure, high blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   and triglycerides, and low levels of "good» HDL-cholesterol. Most people with metabolic syndrome Metabolic Syndrome X - drugs do not exist  Metabolic Syndrome X - drugs do not exist
   are overweight.

The presence of the metabolic syndrome doubled the risk of stroke and causes considerable discomfort to people - all this is a great reason to start using protivoinsultnuyu diet.

Those with metabolic syndrome need to eat more fiber, lean protein, healthy fats (especially a lot of them in marine fish, nuts and flax seeds).

Regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and nizkoglikemicheskih helps maintain a normal level of blood sugar and insulin.

Moreover, such a diet helps lose weight very quickly and make the body's cells more sensitive to insulin signaling.

Foods to avoid: pastries and sweets, drinks with lots of sugar, white bread.

If it happens that you need or really want to eat a product containing lots of refined carbohydrates, eat with him that day, rich in protein and fiber - a slow increase in blood sugar levels Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator

 Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke

Lose Weight

An important role in the prevention of stroke is played not only what foods you eat, but how much you eat.

Being overweight increases the risk of stroke in women by 75%, obesity increases the risk by half. People with obesity are several times more likely than people with normal weight, there is high blood pressure, which, as mentioned above, increases the risk of diabetes and is often a major cause of stroke.

Protivoinsultnaya diet will help you cope with being overweight, and at the same time reduce the probability of such serious health problems.

 Protivoinsultnaya diet and other ways to prevent stroke

Control your diabetes with the help of slow carbohydrates

The probability of stroke in women with diabetes are 2-4 times higher than those who are not sick with diabetes.

Men with diabetes, this risk is somewhat lower but also higher than for those who are not sick with diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled by eating useful, slow carbohydrates, which are found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Through this feeding the blood sugar level becomes more stable, which accordingly stabilizes and insulin levels.

Experts say the sharp rise in insulin levels after consumption of refined carbohydrates contribute to biochemical changes in the body, due to which increases blood pressure and blood clots - are two factors that significantly increase the risk of stroke.

The Japanese diet for men: intrusive option

April 12, 2012

 Japanese diet men intrusive option
 Men and diet - concept of seemingly incompatible: men are not used to limit yourself to food, and even a "beer" belly optimistically trying to drive away in the gym, but has long been known that the only effective way to get rid of fat deposits - is to combine exercise with the right Power Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 . From this perspective, the Japanese diet for men - perhaps one of the most "benign" variants: a balanced diet, envisaged the Japanese diet can significantly cut down the amount of calories consumed without causing an unpleasant feeling of hunger that accompanies many diets.

 The Japanese diet for men: intrusive option

Basics of nutrition

Three components of the Japanese diet - rice, fish / seafood and vegetables - can rightfully be called the basis of good, balanced diet, which is especially useful for men, because they, unlike women, you need a lot more energy, and following a strict diet of the stronger sex simply "contraindicated" .  The ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet, the alleged Japanese diet is optimal: the main energy source act in full accordance with the canons of proper nutrition, carbohydrates (such as rice), fish meat is a source of "useful" cholesterol-lowering fats, and soy products - an excellent source of healthy protein .  Although the Japanese diet for men and involves a limitation on the number of calories (mainly by reducing the size of the portions), it passes as "painless" that man, even adhering to such a diet, most likely will not even notice the difference .

 The Japanese diet for men: intrusive option

The Japanese diet is useful for men?

  • The Japanese diet increases life expectancy

According to statistics, the average life expectancy for men is less than seventy (sixty-six years in Russia and, for comparison, sixty-seven and a half years in the US). In Japan, the figure is much higher - according to the World Health Organization, life expectancy in Japan is seventy-four and a half years, more than one hundred and ninety other countries included in the WHO ranking. Big Japanese life expectancy must not only a high level of health and diet: foods that form the basis of the Japanese diet, reduce the risk of many of the most dangerous diseases. Thus, the Japanese diet for men - is a guaranteed way to extend life and prevent the development of a number of serious diseases.

  • The Japanese diet for men reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Acute diseases of the cardiovascular system - one of the most common causes of death in the developed world, and men from such diseases are affected more often than women (namely that, in many respects, and explained that the average life expectancy for men is less than that of women ). Due to the specifics of the diet and, above all, a large number of fish in the diet of the Japanese diet for men to help prevent the development of dangerous diseases. Older people in Japan - the lowest rate of heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
   and arteries, the lowest level of cholesterol due to the fact that the Japanese consume a lot of omega-3, the main source of which is the meat of oily fish. These acids are effective in reducing cholesterol, prevent thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   arteries - not without reason fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
   It is recommended as a preventive measure for people at risk for cardiovascular disease.

  • The Japanese diet helps maintain normal weight

To force a man to follow the rules of strict diet - a task almost impossible, and the Japanese diet - one of the best options for men who need to maintain normal weight. The Japanese diet - is one of the few power modes, allowing both to limit the number of calories consumed, and not feel the painful sensation of hunger. Men, adhering to the Japanese diet, will certainly appreciate one of its main advantages - rapid saturation due to the large number of rice and fish in the diet.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • Japanese diet
