Atkins diet - too extreme - Basic Principles

December 13th, 2009

  • Atkins diet - too extreme
  • Basic principles

The body's metabolism and the Atkins Diet

With the nutrients our body receives protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proteins are to amino acids, which are then built their own cells of the human body, carbohydrates - to obtain energy for life processes, fats - to maintain proper metabolism, vitamins and minerals - in the construction of hormones and enzymes that are involved in almost all biochemical processes in our body.

The idea of ​​the American Dr. Atkins is to limit the intake of carbohydrates and rebuild the body to use as an energy material proteins and fats. But the problem is that unlike carbohydrates with proteins and fats for energy obtained side toxins that poison our body. Suffer with many organs and systems, but most of all goes to the kidneys. And if you are on a diet with restriction of carbohydrates to sit permanently, then sooner or later the kidney will not sustain this burden and will slowly but surely lose their function, that is, reduce the possibility of the withdrawal of toxic substances from the body and begins its slow gradual poisoning. This condition is called chronic renal failure Chronic renal failure - what to do and how to be?  Chronic renal failure - what to do and how to be?

 The basic principles | The Atkins diet - too extreme

Basic principles

The Atkins diet has four phases. The first phase lasts two weeks, during this time the body is reconstructed to obtain energy from protein and fat. It is in this phase is a rapid weight reduction. Permission is granted to use protein and fat in any amount, broths, carbohydrates is limited to 20 g per day: greens (lettuce, celery, spinach, dill), any cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Recommended to drink 8 glasses a day (weak tea black, green or herbal, non-carbonated mineral water, drinking water).

Second phase - a continuation of a weight loss diet and the adaptation to his tastes. This is continuously monitored carbohydrate intake, other products can be used indefinitely. During this phase, gradually increasing the amount of carbohydrates at the same time build-up physical activity. Each week consumption of carbohydrates increased by 5 grams - the weight of mandatory supervision, which should steadily decline. When the weight is no longer declining, it is an indication that a person has reached the threshold of carbohydrate consumption, for which their consumption can disrupt the existing balance. Further weight reduction should be very slow, almost imperceptible. The amount of carbohydrate in this phase is increased by the same vegetables, as well as by nuts, fruits, berries and juices. The second phase lasts as long as until the ideal weight will remain about 3-4 kg.

The third phase involves a gradual increase in the amount of carbohydrates in their diet (10 grams per week). The slower to enter into the diet of new products and the more diverse they are, the higher the individual allowable consumption of carbohydrates to maintain a constant weight. For weight should be monitored closely and eliminating foods that cause an increase in body weight. During this period, you can gradually introduce legumes, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, white bread, expand the intake of fruits and berries.

The fourth phase - to maintain a constant weight, it is on the advice of Dr. Atkins should last a lifetime. It is recommended to strictly adhere to their individual level of carbohydrate intake to maintain a constant weight, to have sufficient exercise and control your weight, avoiding its deviation from the ideal more than 2-3 kg. To maintain proper metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   it is also recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements and food supplements.

 The basic principles | The Atkins diet - too extreme


Contraindications for this diet are kidney disease, impaired renal function, pregnancy and breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. With care this diet should be used in case there is a serious disease of the liver with the violation of its function (liver as well as kidney cleanses our body of poisons), bowel disease as well as food with lots of protein causes the intestine putrefaction, which promote the development of pathogenic microflora.

Dr. Atkins recommends a diet before conduct a full examination of the body with the study of the kidneys and liver as well as metabolic Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . In addition, it recommends regular inspection and during the diet.

Before proceeding to the Atkins diet, talk to your doctor.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • copyrights diet

The three-day diet - long effect is not guaranteed - most fashionable diet

September 19, 2010

  • The three-day diet - long effect is not guaranteed
  • The most fashionable diet

So how do you get rid of the extra kilos?

Start this process is quite possible with any three-day or even a day a strict diet. Only need to clearly understand its purpose: removing excess fluid from the body (and in some kinds of diets and clogging the intestines of stool) and activation of metabolic processes in the body. The faster the flow all biochemical processes in the body, the more energy it will take.

For the body does not remain too much "fuel" in the form of food eaten, you must adhere to the principles of good nutrition. If energy burn even further using for this exercise, the number of calories ingested is smaller than the amount expended. Whence do these extra calories? From the fat that is deposited in the body "in reserve", and in the process of proper weight loss gradually consumed. Such weight loss may not be large, but they are irrecoverable. That is, if a person is constantly adhere to proper nutrition combined with moderate exercise, he had better not be.

 The most fashionable diet | The three-day diet - long effect is not guaranteed

The most fashionable three-day diet

The most fashionable three-day diet is composed of American style. It is low in calories (900 kcal per day), the authors argue that it is easily tolerated. The food is taken every day 5 times a day, in addition, it is recommended to drink more ordinary drinking water:

  • Day 1: Breakfast - black coffee (tea) sugar, a piece of dried bread, meal, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (high in calories - 100 grams of product Kcal 600) or jam; lunch - half a grapefruit; lunch - half a tin of tuna in oil, a piece of dried bread, meal, 4 radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 ; Dinner - 100 grams of chicken without skin and fat, cooked on a dry frying pan, cup of cooked beans (or a glass of boiled beets), one crispbread; at night - a small apple;
  • 2nd day: Breakfast - black coffee (tea) sugar, egg, a piece of dried bread, meal; lunch - a small banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 ; Lunch - cup of cottage cheese, 4 radishes, dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
 5 crackers; Lunch - 2 sausages, a glass of boiled broccoli, half a cup of carrots, bread; at night - two prunes;
  • 3rd day: Breakfast - black coffee (tea) sugar, 5 crackers, a piece of bread; lunch - a small apple; Lunch - boiled egg, cucumber, radishes, 4; lunch - half a cup of tuna fish, a glass of boiled beets (or cup of cooked carrots), crispbread; at night - half a small melon or a small apple.

Once the diet is over, it is recommended to go to a normal diet, eliminating fatty meat, sweet, sweet and fried foods. It is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables.

 The most fashionable diet | The three-day diet - long effect is not guaranteed

Other three-day diet

All three days of the diet - fasting, so more than three days can not use them.

Milk (kefir) diet unloading :

  • 1st day - one boiled egg plus an unlimited amount of skim milk (other liquid drink);
  • Day 2 - kg of fruit, a small piece of bread, salad, vegetables, water in unlimited quantities;
  • Day 3: two liters of skimmed milk.

Diet is good, as is built on the contrast of protein and carbohydrate foods.

Curd unloading diet : For three days daily with 100 g have skim curd five times a day; drink a liter of fluid a day, two cups of green tea, a glass of infusion hips, two cups of low-fat yogurt.

The three-day diet from Sophia Loren :

  • Day 1: Breakfast - boiled egg and half a glass of orange juice; Lunch - salad from any vegetables with three tablespoons of cooked turkey and low-fat cheese, laid on lettuce leaves; dinner - half a cup of cooked pasta with shrimp, spinach salad with low-calorie dressing; dessert - apple;
  • 2nd day: Breakfast - a cup of cereal, meal (you can muesli) with skim milk; Lunch - fruit salad and half a cup of fat-free yogurt Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
 ; dinner - half a cup of spaghetti with meatballs of lean turkey or chicken, lettuce, mixed with low-fat dressing; dessert - pear;
  • Day 3: Breakfast - half of dried beygale (donut-like pastries - from the pre-scalded dough) with low-fat cheese; lunch - half a cup of green salad with a piece of chicken decoction; Dinner: half a glass of lasagna (Italian pasta in the form of broad and long plates) with low-fat cheese, a large salad of various greens with low-fat dressing; dessert - apple.

Tomato three-day diet - daily five times a day there on the tomatoes, adding to it, or egg, or a piece of cheese, or a little low-fat cottage cheese.

All of these diets are good if they are used correctly and as intended. But the main thing you need to remember that there are no magic diets, kilograms only be added quickly and discharged as a result of long and hard work.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Fast diet
