Cystitis - is whether treatment tablets?

August 16, 2011

 In the treatment of cystitis apply any pills. For example, cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   viral runs independently in compliance with bed rest, diet and taking plenty of fluids, but to relieve spasms and pain pills are taken. If cystitis is caused by a bacterial infection, you need to antimicrobials.

Today, it is believed that the treatment of cystitis without pills can not do. Tablets relieve pain, reduce dysuria (frequent painful urination), destroy the infection and relieve the spasm of smooth muscles of the bladder.

In addition to tablets, is appointed and other treatment, but the tablets often play a crucial role in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis.

 Cystitis - is whether treatment tablets?

Antibacterial agents in tablet form for the treatment of cystitis

Antibacterial agents used in the treatment of cystitis are mainly Monural and drugs of fluoroquinolones group.

Monural - a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can kill virtually all pathogens lower urinary tract. Available Monural not tablets, and granules used to prepare oral solution.

Monural construction prevents the cell walls of bacteria. It is active against almost all bacteria that cause cystitis (eg, E. coli, Proteus Staphylococcus).

Monural peculiarity is that it is rapidly released into the blood, does not accumulate in the body, it is not decomposed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, making it high concentrations necessary to suppress infection.

The drug is non-toxic and approved for use in pregnant women. Contraindications to its use are the idiosyncrasy of its components, severe kidney disease, children's age (up to 5 years) and the period of lactation. Appointed Monural usually in the treatment of acute cystitis Treatment of acute cystitis: an integrated approach  Treatment of acute cystitis: an integrated approach
   once, but by a physician and it may be administered twice.

From today fluoroquinolones for the treatment of cystitis is most often used norfloxacin, which has a strong bactericidal action and the lack of it resistance (immunity) of the urinary tract infection pathogens. Norfloxacin suspend the synthesis of some essential enzymes for life bacteria, causing bacterial cell death. The drug acts quickly and effectively suppressing the microflora, causing the majority of infections of the lower urinary tract, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa - one of the most antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Contraindications norfloxacin are hypersensitivity to the drug, age 15, severe renal dysfunction. During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breasted the application of norfloxacin solved individually for health reasons.

When using norfloxacin may experience side effects from the internal organs and the central nervous system, so it can only appoint a doctor who will determine the dose and duration of treatment.

But in some cases the patient Monural and fluoroquinolones are not suitable. Then designate such reserve drugs like furadonin and nevigramon.

Furadonin - a broad spectrum antibacterial action, referring to the group of nitrofurans. It inhibits the vital functions of the various agents of urinary tract infections (eg, E. coli, Proteus) and is effective against bacteria resistant to other antimicrobial drugs. Furadonin negative qualities is its relative toxicity, it has many side effects and contraindications.

Nevigramon is a synthetic antibacterial drug, it is also active against major pathogens of lower urinary tract infections - Escherichia coli and Proteus. The drug has a lot of side effects and contraindications.

 Cystitis - is whether treatment tablets?

Antispasmodics as tablets for the treatment of cystitis

By antispasmodic agents used in the treatment of cystitis include Nospanum and papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
 . The latter, however, is more often used in the form of rectal suppositories. These tablets lower tone and reduce the contractile activity of smooth muscle, including muscles in the urinary bladder wall. This reduces the compression of the nerve and relieves pain.

At the same time removed from the walls, and a spasm of blood vessels, causing them to expand and blood flow to the bladder - all this contributes to a more rapid elimination of the inflammatory process.

Do not self-provide choices tablets for the treatment of cystitis doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • drug treatment of cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder - uncomfortable and unpleasant - Signs

August 9, 2013

  • Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant
  • Signs
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies

 inflammation of the bladder symptoms


Inflammation of the bladder wall or cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   - It is a common disease, they get sick more often women because of the anatomical features of the urethra (in women it short and wide, while men - long and narrow, which contributes to "settling" there is infection and the appearance of urethritis).

The cause of cystitis is most often infection (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and so on) that gets into the bladder upward (from the external genitalia and urethra), descending (kidney) or through the bloodstream from distant foci of inflammation.

But bladder mucosa normally resistant to infection, and only with a decrease in immunity may develop inflammation. It occurs when supercooling, after acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases, exhaustion (eg, subject to long-term limiting diets), chronic stress, fatigue, etc. Sometimes the inflammation begins to the damage of the outflow of urine and stagnation, for example, narrowing of the urethra or prostate cancer.

Bladder infection may occur without infection, such as damage to the inner lining of the bladder an acute urinary stone, chemicals (including some medications) after prolonged use at high doses, with thermal and chemical burns (usually a consequence of health care manipulation).

Symptoms can vary slightly, depending on the cause of inflammation of the bladder.

Inflammation of the bladder can occur acutely and chronically.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Signs of acute inflammation

Acute inflammation of the bladder begins suddenly (for example, after hypothermia). At the same time there are multiple painful urination in small portions (sometimes stands only a few drops of urine), pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the vulva, signs of inflammation in the urine (the presence of a large number of white blood cells in the laboratory study).

In most cases, these symptoms end even after a few days without treatment. If after a week the patient returns to normal, you need to search for or an obstacle to the flow of urine (eg, prostate adenoma), or complications.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Symptoms of chronic inflammation

The inflammatory process becomes chronic in the delayed treatment of acute inflammation of the bladder Acute inflammation of the bladder - How big is the problem?  Acute inflammation of the bladder - How big is the problem?
   and manifests periodic exacerbations with slightly less severe symptoms than in acute process. Chronic inflammation can occur and continuously with constant violations of urination (dysuria), and a pronounced decrease in immunity.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Non-infectious inflammation of the bladder

Common symptoms of the inflammation are straining to urinate, frequent urination, pain and a burning sensation, a feeling of pressure in the bladder even after his discharge.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Acute cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder caused by acute cystitis Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly  Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
 Especially common among sexually active women. Sex increase the risk of penetration of various bacteria in the urethra, and then - in the bladder.

Symptoms of acute cystitis usually appear suddenly. The most common of them - the pungent smell of urine, change its color, pain during urination and / or intercourse. There are also strong urge to urinate during sexual intercourse.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Recurrent cystitis

Cystitis is considered recurrent if a person observed this disease, at least twice within six months. The symptoms of recurrent cystitis symptoms similar to those of acute cystitis. The probability of relapse is increased in patients with diabetes, infections of the genitourinary system in history, as well as people with multiple sexual partners.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Interstitial cystitis

This type of cystitis is different in that it only causes inflammation of the bladder without affecting other parts of the urinary system. Its main symptoms are frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during urination and pain during intercourse. In many patients, the first signs of interstitial cystitis Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder  Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
   expressed so weak that they have not take them seriously.

According to experts, between the first appearance of symptoms and diagnosis extends, on average, four years. Gradually, bladder infection and its symptoms are exacerbated, until finally, the patient does not go to a specialist.

 Signs | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant


Inflammation of the bladder may be complicated by the spread of infection in the overlying sections mochevydelitelnoy system - the ureters and kidneys. Thus against cystitis appears high fever and unilateral pain (bilateral inflammation of the kidneys is rare) in the lumbar region. Nedolechennaya pyelonephritis may acquire chronic course with periodic exacerbations and decline in kidney function.
