- Candidiasis in men: what is the reason?
- Treatment
Candidiasis genitals could begin in men, but not in the "empty" place, but only if the man is lowered immunity. The reasons for the decrease in immunity can be set, is how different urological and any common disease.

Candidiasis in men - an alarming sign
Candidiasis or thrush genitals caused by the yeast genus Candida, who constantly live on the genitals of women and to a much lesser extent - on the genitals of men, as men, they take root worse. At normal immunity does not occur in men candidiasis, even if the sexual partner is suffering from this disease.
If a man falls ill candidiasis, it is said that he had something wrong. The most common cause is some urologic disease or genital infections, which "willingly joins" candidiasis. Can start candidiasis and against the background of common diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
or frequently recurrent infectious and inflammatory processes. In any case, the reason for this decrease in immunity to be established.

Candidiasis genitals in men manifests defeat of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis candidiasis). This area appears first swelling and redness, accompanied by itching and burning. Then, at the site of inflammation appear white cheesy raids. Swelling of the glans penis can cause disorders of urination and pain during urination. In addition, the pain may occur during intercourse.
But in general, candidiasis occurs in men is less pronounced than in women, and sometimes they just do not give it much importance, not going to the doctor. This is a wrong tactic, as a result of which Candida can spread to the internal genital organs and cause significant complications.

The diagnosis of candidiasis in men is usually made by the characteristic manifestations of the disease. But this is not enough, because candidiasis is often associated with a bacterial infection, so the diagnosis should be confirmed by laboratory tests. For examination under a microscope takes a scraping from the head of the penis or prepuce. In the study of the scrapings under a microscope, you can see a large number of fungi of the genus Candida and yarns (pseudomycelium). Set all infectious agents (including bacterial) may result in the discharge of crop on nutrient medium (microbiological studies), this analysis will reveal not only pathogens, but also by their sensitivity to antifungal and antibacterial drugs.
Also carried out a general survey of the men (including urology) to identify the reasons for the decline of immunity.

Will the antifungal drugs?
Treatment of candidiasis held antifungal drugs which, when expressed manifestations of candidiasis appointed interior and local, while milder forms - only locally.
From the antifungal drugs are now the most popular drugs in which the active agent is fluconazole
Fluconazole - used with caution
(Diflucan, mikosist
Mikosist - another remedy for thrush
, Medoflyukon, fljukostat
Flucostat - do not take without medical supervision
and others). Fluconazole is effective and not too toxic drug that is not heavy and not at advanced forms of yeast infection in men is enough to take one time. But if the thrush runs hard and it often recurs, it is a little reception, in which case the doctor prescribes fluconazole individual schemes, sometimes once a month for a sufficiently long time.
Topically for the treatment of candidiasis in men most commonly used antifungal creams and ointments. For example, clotrimazole cream or cream Makmiror complex with Nystatin and antibacterial drugs. The cream is applied with a thin layer on the glans penis and foreskin twice a day for a week. At the head of the penis may also make applications with 2% soda solution.
In addition, the survey must be conducted treatment of the underlying disease, which led to a decrease in the body's defenses and the appearance of candidiasis. Appointed agents that strengthen the immune system. Sometimes, when often recurrent and difficult to treat thrush patient first make an immunogram (study of immune status), and then based on the results of an immunogram prescribed medications, reducing the individual links of immunity.
Candidiasis in men - is a disease that is not always easy to treat. Sometimes, in order to deal with it, we have to undergo a full medical examination and treatment of all diseases identified.