Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem

December 13, 2011

 drug treatment of cystitis
 The main purpose of medical treatment of cystitis - elimination of infection (pathogen-neutralizing pathogens) and the prevention of complications. For the treatment of cystitis are two main classes of drugs - antibiotics (antibacterials) and analgesics (painkillers). The choice of drugs depends on the bacterial culture, triggering infection.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Drug treatment of cystitis Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization  Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
   Estimated duration of antibiotics that destroy bacteria that triggered the infection. It must be remembered that prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics can cause fungal or bacterial infection, since such drugs in the long term break microflora. Sometimes the treatment of cystitis can be used combined with antibiotics.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Trimethoprim slows the reproduction and growth of bacteria and antimicrobial agent as a broad-spectrum, neutralizes the activity of most bacterial cultures - uropathogens provoking urinary tract infections. Action trimethoprim can be enhanced by combination with drugs sulfonamides groups - drug trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is known as one of the most effective drugs for treatment of various urinary tract infections, including cystitis, urethritis Urethritis - a very male disease  Urethritis - a very male disease
 , Pyelonephritis, and so on.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem

Ampicillin and Amoxicillin

Ampicillin and amoxicillin neutralize the activity of bacteria, helping in the treatment of a variety of urinary tract infections. The drugs are widely used, so the likely development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Gentamicin - bactericidal aminoglycoside antibiotic, destroying various types of bacterial cultures and used to treat almost all bacterial infections of the genitourinary system. Quite often gentamicin for the medical treatment of cystitis is used in combination with ampicillin (especially in the treatment of acute pyelonephritis, infection of the upper urinary tract). Gentamicin - the only drug aminoglycoside that are effective against gram-positive bacteria.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem

Cefixime (supraks)

Cefixime - antibacterial agent broad spectrum third generation cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat infections caused by gram-negative bacteria and, in particular, acute uncomplicated cystitis.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem

Nitrofurantoin (furadonin)

Nitrofurantoin - synthetic drug group nitrofurans (antimicrobials), which prevents the growth of bacteria and destroy uropathogens that provoke urinary tract infections.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Ciprofloxacin - quinolone antimicrobial agent, wherein a wide range of activities and effectively inhibit the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Ciprofloxacin is widely used in the treatment of infections of the urogenital tract, particularly cystitis.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Fosfomycin (a derivative of phosphonic acid) - a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most pathogens, triggering urinary tract infection. Fosfomycin in a substantially unaltered state excreted in the urine, the concentration of drug in the body remains high for twenty four - forty eight hours after a single dose.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Ofloxacin - one group of quinolone antibiotics of wide spectrum of action, effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

 Drug treatment of cystitis: a radical solution to the problem


Analgesics (painkillers) are not able to cure cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
 But effectively inhibit the associated unpleasant symptoms - cutting pain when urinating, discomfort, bladder spasms Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . One of the most effective members of the group of analgesics, which is used in combination with antibiotics for medical treatment of cystitis - phenazopyridine, fast acting drug for oral administration, has analgesic effects on the urinary tract. Phenazopyridine is used to relieve pain, burning, and other unpleasant symptoms of an infection of the bladder and urinary tract.

Article Tags:
  • drug treatment of cystitis

Purulent prostatitis - require immediate medical attention

January 31, 2014

 purulent prostatitis
 Purulent prostatitis is characterized in that in the prostate tissue developed abscesses - abscesses. This could be one large abscess or many smaller ones. The disease is dangerous because the infection through the blood vessels can spread to the entire body.


What changes occur in the prostate gland

Acute prostatitis can occur in catarrhal, follicular and parenchymal forms. At catarrhal forms of inflammation captures wall duct cancer at follikullyarnom - glandular tissue, it becomes somewhat enlarged and flabby.

Purulent prostatitis is a form of acute parenchymal prostatitis Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria  Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria
 In which the glandular tissue and connective basis prostate sharply swollen and impregnated leukocytes. Then, in the gland tissue formed pustules - abscesses.

The disease can begin after strong supercooling which leads to reduced immunity and activate their own pathogenic microorganisms, the activity of which was previously temporarily suppresses immunity. Purulent processes often caused by a staph infection that may penetrate into the gland from distant foci of infection through the bloodstream. These foci of infection include chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 , Carious teeth, periodontal tissue purulent inflammation (periodontitis), sinusitis and so on.

Another cause of acute suppurative prostatitis can be the injury of the urethra (urethritis), which opened the gates for the penetration of infection into the prostate gland. Such injuries can be applied during diagnostic tests and urological procedures.

Why in this case, the disease occurs in the most severe? It depends on the general state of the organism, its individual characteristics, the state of immunity.


How is purulent prostatitis

Purulent prostatitis begins abruptly with fever, chills, pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   and in the lower back. At the same time there voiding: constant urge combined with the inability to empty the bladder, severe pain during urination, and then during a bowel movement, as swollen, enlarged prostate squeezes all located underneath authorities. Acute urinary retention times already at this stage is the state, which requires emergency care to the patient.

When an abscess of the prostate all the symptoms become more pronounced, intoxication increases, the patient's condition can be very difficult. It is possible reverse development process and recovery. But most of the abscess matures and opened independently in the prostate urethra or the rectum.

If the contents of the abscess is opened to the surrounding prostate or colon tissue, it is developing a complication - acute purulent paraprostatit or paroproktit and the patient's condition deteriorates again.


Diagnosis purulent prostatitis

The disease has characteristic symptoms. Furthermore, by digital examination of the prostate (through the rectum) can palpate enlarged painful interest (or a fraction) of the prostate. Iron dense, very painful.

In the urine appear purulent thread under the microscope in the urine detected a large number of white blood cells. In general, a blood test revealed signs of inflammation: high white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerated.


Treatment of purulent prostatitis

Purulent prostatitis treated in a hospital. The patient is assigned to bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids and a diet with the exception of foods rich in fiber (fruits and vegetables) - because of problems with defecation.

In the initial stage, when the abscess has not yet formed prescribe antibiotics tetracycline and fluoroquinolones to the maximum permissible doses. For removal of spasm and pain appoint warm hip baths 37-39˚S temperature for 10-15 minutes and hot microclysters (40-42˚S) 2-3 times a day. Assign also spasmolytics (papaverine, no-silos) and painkillers. As anesthetics are used NSAIDs in rectal suppositories (e.g. diclofenac.) Because it is both reduce inflammation and swelling.

When urinary retention catheter urine release. Formed abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   opened through the perineum or rectum.

Ends purulent prostatitis usually recovery within 2-3 weeks. But sometimes the process can become chronic, often it occurs at untimely or inadequate treatment. The transition process of acute to chronic sedentary contributes to a sedentary lifestyle.

Purulent prostatitis - a disease that requires immediate medical attention.

Galina Romanenko

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  • prostatitis
