Than to treat prostatitis - ways to cope with the disease

January 30th, 2014

 than to treat prostatitis
 Than to treat prostatitis? Of course, to know what treat a particular disease, it is useful, but to engage in self-medicate with prostatitis in any case it is impossible, because even experts treat prostatitis only under the supervision of laboratory tests.


Where and how to treat prostatitis cure prostatitis

The main problem today is the treatment of prostatitis that the experts in this matter consider themselves too much. If you open a newspaper ad, you can always pick up a clinic or a healer who will solve all problems of prostatitis the patient from pain and urinary disorders to sexual disorders. But not the fact that the problem really be solved. Treatment of prostatitis in our time is closely connected with money, because this disease - it is one of the major causes of sexual dysfunction in men.

Therefore, before the patient is not an easy task selecting the right doctor. Which doctor treats prostatitis? Of course, the urologist. Better, of course, choose a urological or multidisciplinary clinic, which has good facilities for inspection. But it may be true that a qualified person is a private reception in a private office without a diagnostic framework, but in doing so he sends patients for further examination at another facility, with whom he has a contract for the diagnosis.

A guarantee that such an agreement exists, as well as guarantee the availability of the doctor training required is the presence of his license to practice the activity. It makes sense to also listen to the reviews of the patient's physician.

Why such complexity? The fact that the prostate - is a very difficult disease difficult to treat. To assign the correct adequate treatment, the patient should be carefully examined, to identify the causes of the disease and the factors that predispose to it. Is it possible to completely cure prostatitis? Acute prostatitis is quite possible to cure completely, if in time to see a doctor. In the treatment of chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   guarantees full recovery will not give anyone (except, of course, crooks), but a guarantee of long-term remission, eliminate pain and urinary disorders good expert could give, but much depends on the patient, the performance of doctor's appointments, healthy lifestyles and etc. Therefore, the question whether it is possible to cure prostatitis, must meet not only the physician but also the patient himself.


How long is treated prostatitis

Acute prostatitis, which arose after hypothermia or injury of the urinary tract (eg, during diagnostic studies or urological procedures), lasts 2-3 weeks, the same continues treatment, which usually ends in recovery.

But in some cases, even when the designated time giving proper treatment the disease recurrence, and after recovery the patient should be observed for some time at the urologist. The duration of treatment of chronic prostatitis is determined by a doctor, as it depends on many factors.


How to treat prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis in men? How to completely cure prostatitis? These questions haunt the patient. The answer to them is simple: you need to find a good specialist and fully trust him.

But than to treat prostatitis, the patient in general should know. The patient must also know that you need him to do to speed up the process of recovery or remission and preventing relapse following.


Drugs for treatment of prostatitis

What to take with prostatitis and how to treat exacerbation of prostatitis? For drugs that are prescribed for prostatitis primarily include antibiotics (if prostatitis is a bacterial origin), tetracycline (doxycycline) or fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin). Most antibiotics are administered in a dosage form for oral administration, and injections of the prostate can not be excluded. Palin drug from prostatitis can also help if the infectious agent exhibit sensitivity to it. If the process is viral in nature, are appointed by the antiviral drugs - acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valacyclovir, famciclovir.

To reduce the swelling and inflammation prescribe NSAIDs. It is best suited for that diclofenac in the form of rectal suppositories (injection of the prostate will be less effective).

Help reduce the swelling of the first generation antihistamines - suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine. They not only reduce the swelling, but also soothe the patient, cause slight drowsiness. To reduce the swelling of the prostate is sometimes prescribe diuretics (for example furosemide) should not only forget to use more liquid, so as not to become dehydrated.

To improve the outflow of juice prostate help muscle relaxants (eg, baclofen - relieves spasms of skeletal muscles of the pelvic organs) and antispasmodics (eg, no-spa - removes spasms of smooth muscles of the prostate). The injections for the treatment of prostatitis Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task  Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task
   - It just often Nospanum or papaverine.

An important component of complex treatment procedures are prostatitis. In the acute phase is microclysters with medicinal oily or aqueous solutions, infusions of herbs (recipes from prostatitis, well known in folk medicine). Microclysters the prostate can be done in the recovery period. Physiotherapy for prostatitis can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Sometimes patients ask questions about this or any other medication, for example, can cure prostatitis Vitaprost? Vitaprost - is an extract of the prostate gland of cattle (analogues - prostatilen Prostatilen - natural preparation for the treatment of prostatitis  Prostatilen - natural preparation for the treatment of prostatitis
 , Samprost, uroprost), it has a positive effect on the prostate gland of the patient, including reduces inflammation and edema. But only one Vitaprost prostatitis cure impossible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of prostatitis

Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?

July 8th, 2014

  • Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
  • How to define
  • Treatment

 inguinal hernia
 Inguinal hernia is formed when part of the intestine or the peritoneum protrudes into the inguinal canal through the weak points of the abdominal muscles. This disorder can cause pain and discomfort, especially when the person coughs, bends, or lift weights. Inguinal hernias are not always dangerous, but they do not pass on their own, and sometimes lead to life-threatening complications.


Symptoms of inguinal hernia

Sometimes an inguinal hernia does not cause symptoms, and the patient learns about it only when a doctor discovers a hernia input routine examination. However, in many cases, patients themselves can see and feel a bulge caused by a hernia. As a rule, they are most noticeable when the person is right, especially if his muscles at the same tense. The most common symptoms of an inguinal hernia:

  • The bulge on one or both sides of the pubic bone;
  • Burning sensation or pain in the hernia;
  • Pain or discomfort in the groin, which appear or exacerbated by stress;
  • A feeling of heaviness in the groin;
  • Men sometimes have pain or swelling around the testicles - this happens when a hernia descends into the scrotum.

In many cases, patients are carefully hernia to push back into the abdominal cavity; this is usually done in the supine position. If this is not obtained, it must be applied to the resulting bulge in the groin cold compress; As a rule, then I manage to push the hernia back. However, it brings only temporary relief - if you bring in general - and the appearance of a hernia it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Sometimes a hernia fails to push back, if there has been infringement of inguinal hernia. This is a serious complication, which in some cases leads to disruption of blood flow in the tissues of the intestine.

Hernia may increase slowly over several months.

A sudden sharp pain, nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   and vomiting may indicate that the hernia has led to compression of part of the intestine; the appearance of these symptoms, patients should immediately call the doctor slowly.


Causes of hernia

In some cases, the cause of formation of inguinal hernia can not.

Often, however, their causes are:

  • The increased for any reason the pressure within the abdominal cavity;
  • Presence of weak spots in the abdominal wall;
  • Very strong strain during bowel movements or urination;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (ascites);
  • Pregnancy.

Weak less dense regions in the abdominal wall, which lead to the formation of a hernia, often present at birth. Moreover, an inguinal hernia in newborns - is not such a rare phenomenon, but more often it is a violation still occurs in adults.

The following factors are associated with an increased risk of inguinal hernia:

  • Male. Inguinal hernia in adult males is diagnosed more often than women. In addition, most of the children who detected a violation - the boys;
  • Family history. The probability of formation of inguinal hernia is highest among those whose close relatives (parents, blood brothers and sisters) suffer from this disorder;
  • Personal history. Cystic fibrosis - a life-threatening disorder that causes severe lung damage and often leads to chronic cough is also associated with a high risk of inguinal hernia. This risk is associated with chronic cough, due to other reasons, including - smoking. In addition, in people, in whose history is already an inguinal hernia, a violation is likely to evolve again;
  • Chronic constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
  • Being overweight increases the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, which can cause inguinal hernia;
  • Pregnancy leads to a weakening of the abdominal muscles and increase in abdominal pressure, because of what may occur inguinal hernia - this is most likely if the woman has other risk factors;
  • Certain types of work. If a person has to work long hours in the day to spend on your feet or frequently lift weights, the likelihood of his inguinal hernia increases;
  • The birth prematurely. Children who were born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of the formation of inguinal hernia than average.
