This insidious ureaplasma - often too late - Analysis

February 1, 2013

  • This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
  • How can you get sick
  • Treatment ureaplasmosis
  • Analysis

 analysis on a ureaplasma

An analysis on a ureaplasma

Ureaplasma can be representative of the pathogenic microflora genital organs do not cause disease. Therefore, it is the discovery of nothing says, but there should always be a reason for the survey. The survey is necessary because of infections caused by ureaplasma occurring almost always unnoticed and can only be detected during the examination for infertility.

 Analysis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

What tests are dealt with suspected infection ureaplpzmennuyu

Since infectious-inflammatory process caused ureaplasmas flows usually unnoticed, ureaplasma are often detected by a survey of men and women for infertility.

The survey begins with the delivery of a smear from the genitals to the microscopic examination. According to the results of this analysis shall be appointed by other tests that can detect ureaplasmas: scrapings to determine the DNA of pathogens by PCR, detection of antibodies to infectious agents with the help of an enzyme immunoassay, the culture (microbiological or bacteriological) study scrapings from the urinary organs.

 Analysis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

Smear on the flora

For this assay, female scrapings taken from the walls of the vagina, cervical canal and the urethra. Men - scraping the sides of the urethra. In addition, a microscopic examination of urine sediment.

Smears stained and examined under a microscope. Thus different cells and bacteria are stained in different colors, and it allows them to be distinguished from one another by eye. This analysis gives an overview on the state of the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs. On the basis thereof one can assume the presence of inflammation or dysbiosis. Identify thus ureaplasmas very difficult because they have a very small size. But as the rest of the flora and the presence of white blood cells can be suspected the existence of some kind of infection.

In gynecology using smear is determined by the degree of purity of the vagina - an indicator that indicates the ratio of normal and opportunistic or pathogenic microflora in the vagina.

It may be four degrees. The first and second degree of purity says that a woman is healthy and likely healthy, third degree - the presence of inflammation in the vagina, the fourth - a dysbacteriosis vagina Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?  Dysbacteriosis vagina - how to fight?
   (bacterial vaginosis).

 Analysis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

Identify ureaplasmas DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

PCR - method of molecular diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, including ureaplasmosis. It is a very precise analysis (accuracy up to 100%), which allows for a day to identify the pathogen in the scraping of the urinary organs and determine its species, even in the presence of just one cell scrapings pathogen.

PCR - diagnosis reveals ureaplasmas in when using other tests can not do this, it is important to identify latent infection caused by Ureaplasma.

Using PCR analysis determined ureaplasmosis pathogen rather than the reaction at its introduction from the body.

Thus ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
   possible to diagnose even in the incubation period and latent within it, when there is no clinical or laboratory symptoms ureaplasmosis. Nevertheless, the results of PCR diagnostics should not be evaluated independently, and in combination with the results of other tests, as even this method can give an exact error. Thus, a false positive assay for Ureaplasma may be contaminated with biological material in the presence of a dead biological material after treatment Ureaplasma. There may be false negative tests, such as taking the wrong scrapings from a place where there is no inflammation.

Also carried out quantitative research by PCR. But it does not always accurately reflect the presence or absence of inflammation, ie ureaplazmennoj infection.

 Analysis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

Identify ureaplasmas by culture studies

This method is considered the most accurate. Taken material is placed on a special nutrient medium, where for three days the different cultures of bacteria are grown. With this study it is possible not only to detect the presence of Ureaplasma, but also to determine the number in 1 mL extractions. It is believed that the number of ureaplasmas less than 10 * 4 CFU per 1 ml indicates the absence of an inflammatory process, and a higher rate - of his presence. But many doctors are skeptical, focusing on clinical and instrumental signs of the disease.

The method of planting is determined by culture and sensitivity to antibiotics ureaplasmas Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Which is also often questioned, because antibiotics are different in vitro and in humans.

In addition to these tests are also conducted immunological studies by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), immunofluorescence assay (IFA). These methods are defined by the presence of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   to infectious agents (Ureaplasma).

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  • ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases - Treatment Plan

February 2, 2013

  • Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes
  • Treatment Plan
  • Pills
  • Candles

 regimen ureaplasmas

The treatment regimen ureaplasmas - selected individually for each

Identified during the survey ureaplasma This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
   be treated only if it causes infectious inflammation. Treatment in this case depends on the test results and therefore assigned physician individually. Carriage ureaplasmas treated only in exceptional cases.

 The treatment regimen | Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

In some cases, revealed a ureaplasma be treated

Identify ureaplasmas women Ureaplasma women: how to enter the body, and why not everyone is ill  Ureaplasma women: how to enter the body, and why not everyone is ill
   and men should be the occasion for a full examination and identification of infectious and inflammatory process in the urinary organs. With such a process, the treatment must be conducted. Carriage ureaplasmas (if the inflammation has been identified) is not a reason for treatment, since these microorganisms are part of the pathogenic microflora is constantly dwelling on the surface of the human body.

But in some cases, treat and carriage ureaplasmas. First of all, if ureaplasmas were found in women during pregnancy planning.

In this case, it treats not only the woman but also her husband, so that he does not become a source of re-infection after treatment. Treatment in this case necessary to prevent complications in pregnancy, including the part of the fetus.

The carrier is treated in the event that a permanent sexual partner being treated for an infection ureaplazmennoj - after the treatment, he can re-infected by their partner.

According to epidemiological indications (to avoid the spread of infection) treatment ureaplasmas carrier also carried out in the planning of change of sexual partners.

 The treatment regimen | Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Standard treatment ureaplazmennoj infection

As already mentioned, the treatment of ureaplasma infection should be an individual designated by the results of the survey. However, there are standard schemes of treatment for this disease. They usually consist of an antibiotic and an immunomodulator destination - the drug, reducing immunity.

In addition, the patient should spend more time outdoors, rational nutrition, eating more vegetables fruits, lactic acid products and cottage cheese, lean meat and fish. Because the diet is recommended to exclude acute, smoked, fatty, fried foods, sweets and a large amount of baking, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

It is mandatory laboratory control cure. In men, it is held once a month after treatment. Women - thrice after every period.

 The treatment regimen | Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Regimens ureaplazmennoj infections with antibiotics

For the treatment of Ureaplasma suitable antibiotics three groups: tetracyclines, macrolides and fluoroquinolones. These data were obtained as a result of research and many doctors use them without prior investigation identified a patient ureaplasmas sensitivity to antibiotics.

But here you need to consider a number of nuances: not all antibiotics ureaplasmas these groups are sensitive. And in some cases, they do not exhibit sensitivity to any antibiotic. And then you can expect only on the patient's immune system.

If the inflammation is not running, usually prescribed one antibiotic scheme provided for in the instructions for a period of one to two weeks. It can be macrolides sumamed Sumamed antibiotics wisely  Sumamed antibiotics wisely
 , Vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
   or clarithromycin, or fluoroquinolones taritsin aveloks and doxycycline, belonging to the group of tetracyclines.

But with long flowing complicated by inflammatory processes such treatment may be ineffective. Therefore, consistently prescribe two antibiotics. For example, the first week is assigned macrolide antibiotic (vilprafen, clarithromycin), and the following week - an antibiotic of fluoroquinolone group (taritsin, aveloks). A month after the treatment is carried out laboratory control.

 The treatment regimen | Ureaplasma - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Regimens ureaplazmennoj infection immunomodulators

Immunomodulators - a drugs that promote immune reconstitution. For the treatment of infections is often used ureaplazmennoj immunomaks immunomodulator that activates the immune system, protecting the body from bacterial and viral infections. This drug is administered intramuscularly, once a day simultaneously with the antibiotic treatment, as follows: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10-day treatment.

Local treatment and physiotherapy ureaplazmennoj infections carried by prescription, but in most cases this is not necessary.

The treatment regimen ureaplasmas depends on what has been revealed in the survey: only treated inflammation caused by ureaplasma, carriage is to be treated only in exceptional cases.
