- Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
- Effects

Chronic prostatitis: Implications
The effects of chronic prostatitis - a violation of the urinary organs. On the part of the urinary tract due to chronic prostatitis can develop reflux - throwing urine during urination in the ureters. This leads to increased pressure in the upper urinary tract and the gradual decline in kidney function. The final result of a long reflux is a chronic renal insufficiency - a serious condition that requires special treatment or (dialysis) or a kidney transplant.
Sexual function is also suffering until the development of complete impotence
Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
. In addition, as a result of chronic prostatitis disturbed spermatogenesis (the formation of sperm) and the male can become infertile. Chronic prostatitis and pregnancy - it's always trouble conceiving because of problems with potency and reduce the fertility of sperm.
Finally, chronic prostatitis is a predisposing factor for the development of adenomas (benign prostatic hyperplasia) of the prostate gland, which sooner or later will require surgery.

The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis - as he put?
The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is made by questioning the patient and his urologist examination, digital examination (rectum), prostate secretion analysis of its common blood and urine tests, as well as data Ultrasonic and X-ray examination of the pelvic organs.

How to get rid of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis can be cured? Get rid of completely and permanently from chronic prostatitis will not work - have not yet learned to do one in the world. Therefore, if some doctor or healer promises a full recovery, it is better for him not to go.
In reality, however, with timely treatment to the doctor and the right treatment may well be adequate to maintain the function of the urogenital system in working order and do not suffer from pain, urinary disorders, and decreased sexual function. But you need almost constantly engaged in their health and do nothing without the consent of a doctor.
Sometimes in order to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of chronic prostatitis, the patient is required to completely change your lifestyle. For example, if the patient sedentary job, and he can not change it, then he requires constant physiotherapy sessions, daily walks in the fresh air (they also strengthen the immune system, which plays a role in the development of prostatitis). Good effect is dosed walking up the stairs, particularly with jumping over 1-2 steps.
Proper balanced diet is important for normal metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Including in the area of the prostate - it will warn its hardening (proliferation of connective tissue and replacing it glandular tissue of the prostate) of prostate and decrease its function. Moreover, proper nutrition
Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
It is essential for spermatogenesis, quality and mobility (ie, fertility) sperm.
Any kind of intoxication should be excluded, especially alcohol and smoking, which affects the condition of the blood vessels. It should also identify, treat all the foci of infection in the body (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, carious teeth, etc.) and constantly keep them in an inactive state.
During an exacerbation, depending on the type of prostatitis and its symptoms, appointed a complex treatment, which includes antibiotics or antivirals (if prostatitis is contagious nature), immunomodulators, drugs, relieving muscle spasms in the pelvic area and most of the prostate (muscle relaxants and antispasmodics), drugs that improve blood circulation in the prostate.
Complement to medical treatment are physiotherapy and prostate massage
Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
The latter can be done either through the urethra to Bugey and through the rectum using a finger. To carry out any kind of urological massage should be qualified and massage on the Bugey can only be a urologist.
Some men are afraid of prostate massage or consider it humiliating, so one of the most frequently asked questions is a urologist, what self-massage technique in chronic prostatitis. But experts generally do not recommend holding a self-massage. If you do not have time to hold it in the urology office, it is better instead to regularly perform complex therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and the pelvic organs and improve circulation in the area.

Prevention of chronic prostatitis
To prevent the development of chronic prostatitis is very important from a young age to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise, eat right and maintain a regular sex life, preferably with one partner (this will eliminate the genital infections).
Galina Romanenko