Speman infertility is used in the complex treatment. Based on clinical experience, it found that this herbal drug may increase the chances of fatherhood urological patients suffering from infertility. Despite the fact that Speman sold in pharmacies without a prescription, more efficient use of it by prescription, and after a preliminary examination.
Male Infertility - why did it begin?
The number of infertile marriages is increasing every year, with almost half of the cases the cause is male infertility, the inability to fertilize a female egg because of violations of spermatogenesis (sperm formation process), regardless of the possibility of sexual intercourse.
Disturbances of spermatogenesis - is deteriorating quantity and quality of sperm (including lack of sperm motility and abnormal structure), which can develop in violation of the testicles, for various reasons. In the analysis of sperm (semen analysis) can be detected as follows: the complete absence of sperm (azoospermia), low concentration of spermatozoa (oligozoospermia), lack of sperm motility (nekrospermiya).
The causes of male infertility can be a variety of diseases of the male genitalia: varicocele, cryptorchidism, hydrocele, benign and malignant tumors of the testicles, perineal trauma, hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
(eg, lack of male sex hormones), mumps (mumps) can produce complications testicles, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (eg, chronic prostatitis).
How is male infertility
Treatment of male infertility begins with a man and a complete examination of the possibility of eliminating the cause of the infertility. In order to eliminate the impact of any effects on the testes and restore spermatogenesis, men are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise, eat right full (of particular importance protein foods - the building material for the synthesis of sperm).
Appointed as drug therapy: Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?
in conjunction with drugs, activates blood circulation (angioprotectors) and drugs reducing spermatogenesis. Laboratory monitoring of the treatment is carried out every three months or sooner if the doctor deems it necessary.
Application Speman in male infertility
Speman - complex herbal, which produces the Indian pharmaceutical company Himalaya Drag tablets. Active ingredient Speman are 9 herbal ingredients: Powders tubers orchids male asterkanta longifolia seeds, lettuce seeds compass, velvet bean seeds itchy, mosaic gold, as well as extracts of roots Argirov beautiful fruits of Tribulus terrestris, stems leptadenii mesh, thalli parmelii pearl.
This specially selected combination of herbs that have beneficial effects on the male reproductive system and mutually reinforcing each other's action. Speman has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, improves blood circulation in the genital area, stimulates spermatogenesis and sperm viscosity reducing effect.
Action on spermatogenesis Speman shown that it improves the secretory function of the prostate gland that promotes full maturation of male germ cells and improve their quality. Also improved sperm motility, both through improvement of quality and by reducing the viscosity of semen.
In chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
and infertility Speman introduction of the comprehensive treatment helps to relieve the inflammation, swelling, pain, urinary disorders associated with compression of prostate bladder. All this leads to the activation of the prostate functions and rehabilitation of spermatogenesis.
After the end of a long course of treatment of infertility
Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
Speman using sperm concentration increased two to five times, while significantly increasing the number of sperm. Speman a positive effect on male sexual function in general, increasing libido and potency of men.
How to take Speman infertility
Speman infertility appoint a doctor, he also picked individually dose and duration of treatment. Standard treatment for infertility Spemann continues for several months, sometimes up to six months. The drug is taken two tablets three times a day.
Speman - it is herbal, infertility but it must appoint a physician.
Galina Romanenko