- Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
- Which diseases carried prostate massage
Prostate Massage for centuries been used as a natural method for the treatment of various disorders associated with the prostate gland. It improves the blood flow in the prostate, which helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and discomfort.
Why develop prostate disease?
The prostate gland is the most vulnerable in the male body. One of the major reasons related offenses is a sedentary lifestyle. The human body is adapted for running, hunting, long walks transitions - that is, for such loads that can not be compared with a walk from the subway, or the parking lot to the office and back.
Diseases are the result of actions that do not conform to our nature.
Another cause of prostate disease is unhealthy eating habits. Therefore, if you elect as a treatment for prostate massage, do not forget about a diet - the deletion of the semi-finished products, high-calorie snack, rich in simple carbohydrates, trans fats. This change in diet will help you to solve many health problems.
Relieving symptoms of prostatitis
The most common prostate massage is used to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis
Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
. This condition is caused by bacteria that infect the small bred in the prostate gland sacs that produce prostatic fluid. Although bacteria are often themselves gradually move from the prostate without causing the appearance of any symptoms of edema formation is likely due to bacteria which can not move, and hence will proliferate and accumulate in certain areas. As a result, swelling and inflammation will worsen. Under these conditions, the problem of rapidly escalating, causing very severe discomfort.
Cautious prostate massage helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, contributing absorbable concentrations of bacteria. Then, the inflammation extends itself. Another way to achieve the same result - antibiotics, but this is not always safe. In addition, since bacterial resistance is becoming more widespread problem, prostate massage may be the most reliable way to quickly get rid of the symptoms of prostatitis
Symptoms of prostatitis - pain and voiding
Preventing prostate cancer
Prostate cancer ranks second among the most common types of cancer in men. His second only lung cancer
Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
. The effectiveness of massage to prevent prostate cancer does not yet have sufficient scientific evidence. However, since the regular massage stimulates blood flow in the prostate and promotes better ensure its nutrients and oxygen, it helps to prevent the accumulation of bacteria which cause infections not only, but also increase the risk of cancer cells.
Help with impotence
Prostate massage can not only prevent impotence
Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
But also help men who have already faced this problem. The prostate produces prostatic fluid, which is part of the seminal fluid, or ejaculate. With regular prostate massage increases blood flow to the penis and semen, which helps reduce the effects of erectile dysfunction, or prevent their occurrence.
Stronger orgasm
The prostate is sometimes called the male G-spot. Stimulation of the prostate allows a man to get a feeling similar to vaginal orgasm in women. Some men with such a stimulating experience a pleasure, while others - the real orgasms are often more vivid than usual. If this happened to you, do not immediately suspect himself latent homosexuality. Firstly, it is not a disease, and secondly, a sign of homosexuality is sexually attracted to people of the same sex rather than the way you experience the most powerful orgasm. So that prostate massage can not only benefit your health but also to make sexual life more saturated.