Increased protein in the urine: it is necessary to keep under control
March 2, 2012
Elevated albuminuria - or microalbuminuria, proteinuria - of abnormally high levels of protein in urine which is detected during the standard urine tests. Increasing Protein in the urine may be caused by a variety of reasons - from the conventional supercooling or emotional stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
to serious diseases of the kidneys, causing a violation of their functions.
Increased urinary protein directly linked to the work of the kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter the decay products, capturing them from the blood and bringing in the urine. Some materials - including protein necessary body - left kidney. However, when, due to any disease of the kidneys disrupted normal operation (e.g., kidney filters are destroyed), large protein molecules penetrate dumped filter falling into the urine. That is why the increased protein in the urine is one of the key features of any kidney disease.

Protein in the urine: normal or alarm?
A small amount of protein in the urine is detected from time to time and the phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. It is also normal and harmless phenomenon is considered to be a temporary increase in protein in the urine - for example, large amounts of protein may occur after intense exercise or during an illness that causes fever. However, elevated albuminuria
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
often shows the initial stage of kidney disease or some other diseases - for example, elevated protein in the urine can be caused by diabetes, disrupt the kidneys, heart failure, high blood pressure, urinary tract infections such as cystitis or urethritis
Urethritis - a very male disease
Considered normal protein in the urine, less than two hundredths of a gram per liter of liquid. Elevated albuminuria - the content in the daily urine volume of the protein in an amount greater than fifty to one hundred and fifty milligrams.
For children, the normal rates of protein in the urine are considered to thirty-sixty milligrams of protein in the daily urine volume, or up to one hundred milligrams of protein in the daily urine volume. By and large, the definition of standards of protein in the urine depends on the method of analysis of the liquid. Exceeding the target of one hundred and fifty milligrams of protein in the daily urine volume is considered a sign of a serious kidney disease. In such cases are assigned specific tests to determine the function of the kidneys and the exact reasons that caused elevated protein in the urine.

Increased protein in the urine - is not always a cause for concern
It is not always elevated protein in urine indicates any kidney disease or systemic diseases, violating kidney function. In some cases, increase the level of protein in the urine - a temporary phenomenon due, for example, with excess exercise or hypothermia. By temporarily increasing the level of protein in the urine may lead to:
- Hypothermia
- Emotional stress
- Increase in body temperature during the development of diseases causing fever
- Overheating
- Too frequent and intense exercise
- Improper diet with too much protein in the diet
- Taking certain drugs
In such cases, proteinuria usually disappears after the termination of her provoked factors - the level of protein in the urine returns to normal.

Increased protein in the urine as a sign of disease
By diseases of other organs, which, however, may disrupt the kidneys and lead to increased levels of protein in urine, include:
- Diabetes first and second types
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Heart failure
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Leukemia
- Malaria
- Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart bag)
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sickle cell anemia
- Bacterial urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis)
- By itself, elevated protein in the urine may be a symptom of the following diseases:
- Chronic renal failure
- Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli of renal vascular disease)
- Acute or chronic pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
(inflammation of the renal pelvis, cups)
- Infections of kidney
- Sarcoidosis Kidney
- Polycystic kidney disease
Tatiana Smirnova
How to treat cystitis - not engage in independent action
August 9, 2013
- How to treat cystitis - not engage in independent action
- Methods
- Acute and chronic
Cystitis is caused by urinary tract infections. The most common symptoms are his pain and burning sensation when urinating, and unusually frequent urination. Most cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
It can be treated with home remedies.

- Cucumber juice - one of the most effective agents for the treatment of cystitis. Mix one cup of cucumber juice with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of lime juice, and drink three times a day. This drink reduces pain during urination, and thanks to the diuretic action quickly washes away from the bladder bacterial pathogens of cystitis.
- Radish juice, including its leaves also helps to cope with IC. Drink a cup of juice in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime. Usually, the symptoms of cystitis are 2-3 days.
- Okra, okra or lady's fingers - is quite rare in our plant, which effectively combats cystitis. Cook the broth from 100 g okra, and 200 ml of water and drink half a cup twice a day until complete disappearance of symptoms.
- Spinach. Ingestion of 100 ml of spinach juice daily helps to quickly cope with cystitis. It reduces the acidity of urine and a diuretic.
- Lemon is effective in treating many diseases, including cystitis. Mix a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with a cup of hot water and take 60 ml of this every two hours. Usually, the symptoms of cystitis are much weaker after noon. If you want to drink water with lemon juice during the day. This feature may not be suitable for people with a sick stomach; for others, it is safe.
- Barley. Mix a tablespoon of bran flakes or barley, a cup of milk and juice of half a lime; Drink a cup of this mixture twice a day. This drink is an effective diuretic, lime juice, in addition, kills bacteria, pathogens of cystitis.
- Cranberry juice - one of the most popular folk remedies to treat cystitis. It changes the composition of the urine making it unsuitable for life and reproduction of the bacteria that cause the disease.

At the first sign of acute cystitis should limit their intake of solid food and, if possible, just give it up. Within one or two days, it is desirable to have broths, purees, yogurt, and drink plenty of fluids. It should be as often as possible to drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Solids must be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with legumes, nuts and grains. To reduce the risk of cystitis in the future, try to observe a balanced diet.
If acute cystitis
Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
accompanied by a fever, it is recommended for two to three days of bed rest. Relieve the symptoms of cystitis may be using warm compresses or baths. Applied to the lower abdomen warmer or hot water bottle. This effectively helps relieve inflammation.
Cold compresses help to cope with the stagnation in the pelvic organs, which are often contributing factors cystitis.

If the pain can not be removed with the help of home remedies use OTC pain relievers, such as acetaminophen. If symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
persist for 3-4 days, consult a doctor. He will prescribe you antibiotics, which usually must be taken for three to six days. Be sure to take antibiotics for as long as your doctor recommended, otherwise it can happen relapse.
If symptoms persist after medical treatment, it can be a sign of bacterial resistance (if you can help another antibiotic) or interstitial cystitis, the cause of which is not an infection.

Heat treatment
One of the most simple and inexpensive ways to treat cystitis - a heat treatment. Just push the lower abdomen or a bottle of water bottle with warm water for 20-30 minutes a day. This greatly eases the pain and other symptoms of cystitis. Instead, you can use hot water bottles and a towel soaked in hot water. Generally, for the effective treatment and prevention and cystitis pelvic organs should always be in the heat, so the winter should not go out in short jackets and skirts in the summer - swimming in ponds, water that still has not warmed up (at least, with insufficient physical preparation).

Personal care
The most common pathogens of cystitis are bacteria that live in the intestine, so preventing the disease need to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. On the need to take a shower every day they know everything, but we all know, for example, that the crotch wiping with toilet paper or tissues can be only in the direction from the vagina to the anus, but not vice versa.
It is recommended to completely empty the bladder before and after sexual intercourse.
Those who are often ill cystitis, should wear cotton underwear as nylon and other synthetic materials often cause irritation to the perineum. In any case, underwear should not squeeze the body and cause severe friction.
Do not use vaginal deodorants or scented means for irrigation, as they too can cause irritation (but douching solution of apple cider vinegar can be helpful in cystitis - vinegar kills bacteria and increases the acidity of urine).

The treatment of interstitial cystitis
The main directions of the treatment of interstitial cystitis include:
- Changes in diet and lifestyle;
- Treatment with drugs for oral administration;
- Instillation of the bladder or intravesical therapy.
Methods of treatment of first choice may vary from different doctors, so it is difficult to create a universal algorithm for the treatment of cystitis. But in any case, surgery is a last resort; operation was rare, and only to those patients who do not help other treatments.
Changes in diet and lifestyle
Foods that can cause acute interstitial cystitis:
- Coffee;
- Tea;
- Fizzy drinks;
- Alcoholic drinks;
- Drinks with caffeine (eg, energy drinks);
- Citrus fruits and juices;
- Artificial sweeteners;
- Spicy foods (eg, hot pepper);
- Tomatoes;
- Food additives and preservatives.
This list is compiled based on the results of a survey conducted among people suffering from interstitial cystitis.
Many patients say that the refusal of certain foods, drinks, vitamin supplements help to control the symptoms and avoid relapses. However, not all patients above products cause deterioration and recurrent cystitis. At the same time, the experts believe that the chemical compounds resulting from the metabolism of the substances contained in these products (e.g., caffeine), penetrate into the epithelium of the bladder and stimulate located there hypersensitive nerve endings or act as triggers of the immune response.
Attending physicians often send people that have been identified interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
, A dietitian, so he helped develop for the patient elimination diet that will identify foods that are triggers of exacerbations of the disease. This diet involves a complete rejection of the possible triggers for a few weeks, after which the patient begins to include them in the diet - one in a few days. Usually when a person starts again after the break to eat trigger foods, the symptoms appear in the acute period of from 30 minutes to six hours.
In addition to changing diet, patients with interstitial cystitis is recommended to make in your lifestyle and some other changes. The effectiveness of these changes has not been evaluated in scientific studies, but the doctors (and many patients) suggest that the following measures to help alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency of exacerbations:
- Moderate physical activity - for example, some types of aerobics, yoga, Tai Chi, and walking briskly;
- The use of stress management techniques such as meditation, visualization, self-hypnosis, massage and physiotherapy;
- Various non-pharmacological means to relieve pain, such as sitz baths, heating pads and cold packs, which are applied to the lower abdomen and perineum;
- Comfortable, not tight body garment will help ease the symptoms of interstitial cystitis. Patients are strongly recommended not to wear any clothing that pulls the body in the pelvic region (eg, jeans with low belt);
- Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and biofeedback;
- Transvaginal massage, alleviate symptoms of interstitial cystitis, and helps to reduce the tone of the pelvic floor muscles;
- Performing special exercises to train the bladder. Over time, these exercises can reduce the frequency of urination, but they should be performed only in patients who do not have severe pain;
- Experimenting with various postures during sexual intercourse and the use of lubricants - is recommended for patients with dyspareunia;
- Controlled intake of fluids (this does not mean that interstitial cystitis is recommended to drink less water and other drinks, on the other hand, if the patient notices the symptoms become more pronounced, when the urine is particularly concentrated, it should increase the intake of liquids, but it is not recommended to drink more than 2 L of water for 24 hours).