Bladder problems: nerves and age - infection and diabetes
December 25, 2008
- Bladder problems: nerves and age
- Urinary incontinence and paruresis
- Diseases of the prostate
- Infections and Diabetes
- Overactive bladder syndrome
Bladder infections
The function of the urinary system - elimination of pathogens from the body. In a healthy human urine is a sterile liquid that washes the body of the bacteria. It is necessary that the bladder is emptied regularly, or due to lack of hygiene during intercourse or through a catheter into the urethra can penetrate bacterium. Bladder infections can also cause a sexually transmitted disease
Sexually transmitted diseases - an unpleasant gift of the goddess of love
For example, chlamydia
Chlamydia - almost biblical disease

How to avoid bladder infections
Maintaining hygiene, healthy lifestyle, eating sufficient amounts of liquid - that's the best way to prevent bladder infections. To the bladder and urinary system function properly, you must drink 8 glasses of water a day, depending on weight. Those who live in cold climates, should try to maintain a normal body temperature. The fact that a low body temperature in the urethra, especially in women, increases the risk of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function

Bladder problems, and diabetes
With age, people often have common health problems, such as diseases of the bladder. Having diabetes contributes to the early appearance of bladder problems, and in a more serious form. The reason is that diabetes damages nerve fibers. The best way to avoid this - to keep under control the disease with drugs. Failure to do so increases the risk of diseases of the bladder and the emergence of urinary tract infection. In people with diabetes, these diseases are more common and occur much harder than everyone else.

Damage to nerves and bladder problems
The brain sends signals to the muscles and internal organs through nerve fibers. Some signals are directly controlled by man, such as hand signals to the muscles. Other signals, such as signals sent by the bladder, autonomous, as they send the autonomic nervous system. When diabetes is not under proper control, it affects all the nerves, including vegetative, which are responsible for bladder control. This means the appearance of bladder problems!

Diabetes and symptoms of bladder problems
Diabetes can cause bladder dysfunction due to damage to the nerves that control the bladder. The symptoms of such damage are overactive bladder (feeling urgent urination, frequent nighttime urination, urine leakage (incontinence)) and neurogenic bladder (difficulties at the beginning of urination, inability to empty the bladder (urinary retention)).

Neuropathic bladder
This disorder shows the damaged nerve fibers responsible for transmitting signals to the bladder
. This disorder is expressed either in the inability to control urination and leaking of urine or inability to urinate
. If the patient fails to empty the bladder, urine thrown back into the kidneys
. The result can be damage to the kidneys and / or infection kidney / urinary tract infection
. If the problem neurogenic bladder expressed in leakage of urine, it is solved by medication or surgery
. Also, for a given person ceases to feel upset when his bladder is full
. In this case, a catheter is inserted into the urethra - a thin tube - by which, filled bladder is released from accumulated fluid
. For the treatment medications are also used

Artificial bladder
April 4, 2006 a team of biologists from the Medical Institute Wake Forest University have announced that in the laboratory, they have grown the world's first artificial organ and transplanted it to the man. This body was the bladder. There were seven such transplanted organs. Since each body grown from bladder tissue respective patient to the risk of graft rejection was not.
For the first time this technology has stood the test in dogs. Already in 1999 it was successfully grown in the laboratory transplanted bladders. These bodies operated successfully for one year.
The technology used in 2006 - is a technology for creating and orthotopic transplantation of an artificial bladder. This procedure involves the formation of new bladder by using a segment of small intestine of the patient, the size is usually about 90 cm to determine the shape produced bladder held computer tomography. Then takes a sample of tissue of the bladder of the patient. Cells sample grow for 4 weeks, whereupon they are formed from the bladder and the biodegradable framework structure. Then the bladder with framing transplant patients. Gradually framework structure naturally disintegrates.
Treatment of inguinal hernia - options for solving the problem - Laparoscopy
August 1, 2014
- Treatment of inguinal hernia - options for solving the problem
- Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy inguinal hernia
Laparoscopy - a minimally invasive surgical procedure, which can be used to treat small inguinal hernias. Preparing for laparoscopy passes as well as to any other operation, which is performed under general anesthesia.
If during an open surgery, the surgeon sees the operated area directly, through a large incision, during laparoscopy
Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
the doctor sees the image of a hernia and internal organs on the screen and reduce a hernia and closes the hernial thin instruments that are inserted into a small hole in the groin area. The length of each of the sections, which is conducted through laparoscopy, generally about 7-10 mm.
In some cases, in the course of the operation it appears that laparoscopy is not effective enough, and the need for traditional open surgery. The reasons for this may be, for example, a thick layer of fat tissue in obese patients, or thick scar tissue at the groin in patients who previously have made any operations on the pelvic organs. Typically, the presence of such obstacles for laparoscopy, learn before the start of the operation, but there are exceptions. If the doctor decides to carry out an emergency open surgery, it is done solely for the sake of patient safety, and this is usually not associated with any additional risk for his health.

Recovery after surgery and complications
Most patients can go to work within one to two weeks after surgery - with the proviso that their work does not involve significant physical activity. Loads weighing more than 4.5 kilograms should not be raised in a few weeks - until then, until the doctor tells you it is safe.
After laparoscopic surgery, patients usually remain in the hospital for a few hours. Most patients have pain goes 24-48 hours later, and after 7-10 days many of them return to work.
Additional treatment after hernia surgery is required only in case of relapse or other complications. The probability of relapse is, on average, about 2%, although some experts believe that this figure could reach 10%. Other possible complications - damage to the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
, Intestines, reducing the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin. Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia in girls
Inguinal hernia in girls: there can be serious complications
in rare cases, cause problems with the operation of the reproductive system in the future.
Signs of severe complications of the operation, in which as soon as possible go to the doctor, are high fever (body temperature above 39 degrees Celsius), bleeding, festering in the weld area, the strong swelling of the abdomen or groin, nausea and vomiting, severe pain that is not Can not weaken with medication, chills, urinary problems, shortness of breath or persistent cough, rapidly increasing redness around the joint.

Treatment of inguinal hernia without surgery
Conservative treatment of inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
generally it does not give good results, and in the best case helps to alleviate symptoms. The primary means of conservative treatment - brace, which helps keep the hernia inside the abdomen. However, due to continuous wear bandage abdominal muscles become weaker, and this can lead to various health problems. To reduce the pain caused by a hernia, you can take non-prescription analgesics, but it will give only temporary relief. Unfortunately, there are no medicines that could cure an inguinal hernia, and to get rid of it, patients eventually require surgery.