- Cystitis: urgently take action
- Why can begin
- Risk factors and complications
- Call a doctor
- Treatment
Cystitis - an infection of the bladder, but the term is often used to refer to a variety of diseases of the lower urinary tract. The most common symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
- It's more frequent than normal urination and a burning sensation during urination.

How is the disease of cystitis?
The infection caused by intestinal bacteria - is the most common cause of the disease, especially in women, because they have shorter urethra than men. Normally, urine is sterile - which means it has no bacteria.
Approximately 20-40% of women at least once in a lifetime developing cystitis - that is, into the bladder penetrate bacteria. But it does happen, especially in older women, the presence of bacteria in the bladder is not accompanied by any symptoms.
The bacteria may be in the bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
for several reasons. One of them may be inadequate emptying of the bladder and urine stasis. This may happen because of some medicinal drugs (such as antidepressants), sedentary lifestyle, constipation. Even if after each visit to the toilet in the bladder urine is very little, it may lead to the development of cystitis.

This factor is particularly important for women, as they have shorter urethra than men, and it is located relatively close to the anus. Using toilet paper, you need to make movements toward the anus, and in any case, not vice versa - so you reduce the likelihood of getting intestinal bacteria into the bladder. In addition, great importance is the purity of sanitary equipment - if you are not sure about it, do not sit on it.

Congenital deformity of the urinary tract
When repetitive urinary tract infections, especially among boys and young men, it is important to undergo a medical examination. Perhaps there are congenital anomalies of the urinary tract that prevent complete emptying of the bladder.

Almost every person who is a catheter into the bladder to penetrate the bacteria, but this is usually not accompanied by any symptoms. If you change the catheter may appear small sores that increase the risk of cystitis and even a blood infection.

Enlarged prostate
An enlarged prostate in older men prevents complete emptying of the bladder. Young men like symptoms can occur in such disorders as prostatitis
Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
(infection of the prostate) and urethritis
Urethritis - a very male disease
(infection of the urethra).

The likelihood of developing the disease during pregnancy increases significantly. And if you can usually just wait until it passes by itself, then it is sure to cystitis in pregnant women should be treated. Otherwise, increases the risk of kidney infection and premature birth (during late pregnancy).

Cystitis honeymoon
Cystitis in women is often associated with an increase in sexual activity. In men, no association was observed.

Diseases, sexually transmitted
Gonorrhea and chlamydia are among the pathogens of cystitis. In these diseases can also be observed vaginal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, and inflammation of the cervix. Diseases, sexually transmitted diseases among young and sexually active men can cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of cystitis. When they occur you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cystitis is caused by the parasite is most common in people of Northern Africa and Central Asia, as well as tourists visiting these regions.

The sharp decline in the level of sex hormones in women after menopause entails many changes in the body. In particular, significantly increases the risk of developing the disease.

Contact dermatitis
For women using various disinfectants for genitals, such as deodorants, there may be symptoms similar with the symptoms of cystitis. In fact, these are signs of contact dermatitis.