Squamous epithelium in the urine when the rate exceeded

December 6th, 2014

 squamous epithelium in urine
 Cells called epithelium layer forming the surface of the skin, membranes of body cavities, some cancer, and various mucous membranes. Among other things, the epithelium, including its species such as squamous cells, forming the shell of the urinary system. Squamous epithelium in the urine is not always a sign of an illness, but if the level is much higher than the norm, it can speak about certain health problems.


What can be caused by elevated levels of squamous epithelium in the urine?

In healthy women can be found in the urine of a small number of squamous cells. They naturally peeled from the membranes of urinary tract fall into the urine and removed from the body. Men in normal squamous cells in the urine either absent or present in even smaller amounts than women.

Very high concentrations of squamous epithelium in urine may indicate diseases such as cystitis and some species nephropathy, in particular, analgesic nephropathy and IgA-nephropathy. Only one indicator of squamous cells in urine is not sufficient to diagnose any of these violations. There are certain features of each of them, which can be noted at the patient, their causes, as well as diagnostic features that can be identified in the survey specialist.



In most cases, the urine contained in squamous cells that comprise the inner membrane of the bladder. Cystitis, or bladder inflammation, the cells can flake off more rapidly than usual, resulting in its concentration in urine increases. In women, cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   It meets about eight times more often than men, so that some mistakenly believe his female disease.

The fact that the shorter urethra in women than in men, and is located close to the anus, so that is easier to get an infection in the bladder. Up to 15% of women suffer from cystitis every year, and half of the women they become ill at least once in life.

As a rule, before the doctor detect elevated levels of squamous epithelium in the urine, a woman who became ill cystitis, said at symptoms such as burning and pain when urinating, frequent and very strong urge to urinate, and at the same time - the allocation of small amounts incontinence; dark, cloudy urine with a strong odor, hematuria (blood in the urine), pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise. These symptoms may be caused by other disorders, such as diseases, sexually transmitted infections, thrush, urethritis, prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 , Infection caused by E. coli is. For this reason, in the event of such symptoms is better not to self-medicate, to consult a doctor. It can be analyzed to identify the causative agent of cystitis, and choose one or another method of treatment.

In most patients, even without treatment, the symptoms of cystitis Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort  Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
   become less pronounced in a few weeks from the date of their appearance, and a few weeks later, the disease goes away. The level of squamous cells in urine while to come back to normal. In the majority of cases of cystitis does not lead to serious complications.



IgA-nephropathy or Berger's disease - a disorder in which the kidneys are deposited antibodies called immunoglobulin A (IgA). This leads to a local inflammation, which eventually will begin to impact on the ability of the kidney to filter and remove fluid from the blood of excess water and electrolytes. Typically, the disease progresses slowly over many years, but in general, for IgA-nephropathy is not well studied, and sometimes it can be unpredictable.

Cure IgA-nephropathy is impossible, but there are drugs that can be used to slow down its development.

In the early stages of nephropathy this type cause any symptoms and often it is detected when during urinalysis revealed squamous cells and protein in the urine The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated  The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
 And the presence of red blood cells in the urine, distinguishable only by microscope (microscopic hematuria).

If IgA-nephropathy has already lead to serious kidney damage, may appear the following symptoms:

  • Hematuria - due to the high concentration of red blood cells urine color may resemble Coke or tea;
  • Pain in the left and / or right side from the back;
  • Swelling of the hands and feet;
  • Foams urine because it contains protein;
  • High blood pressure.

In addition to the analysis of urine, for suspected IgA-nephropathy can be made by a blood test, and performed renal ultrasound and / or renal biopsy.


Analgesic nephropathy

So called a disease in which damage to one or both kidneys caused by the abuse of drugs, most often - OTC analgesics. Very often the cause of this disorder becomes long medication, which contain phenacetin or acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. The risk of analgesic nephropathy is increased in people who for more than three years and take at least six analgesic tablets per day. As a rule, this violation is diagnosed in people who use such products on their own initiative, for example, to cope with chronic pain in certain diseases.

Analgesic nephropathy is rare - approximately four out of 100,000; the majority of cases - a woman over the age of thirty years. Incidence significantly decreased after many countries preparations containing phenacetin stopped sold without a prescription.

Signs of analgesic nephropathy may be weakness, fatigue, blood in the urine, frequent urination, decrease in urination, pain in the back with one or both sides, nausea, vomiting, loss of sensitivity, numbness (especially in the legs), swelling, drowsiness, sometimes - confusion.

A patient with analgesic nephropathy may be present in urine squamous cells and a small amount of protein, as well as red or white blood cells. In the diagnosis of this disorder can be used methods such as IVP, CT scan of the kidneys, a complete blood count.

Burning in the urethra - the penetration of infectious

December 7, 2014

 burning sensation in the urethra
 Burning in the urethra often occurs during sexual infections. At the same time women due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure more likely to develop cystitis, and men - urethritis. But the burning sensation in the urethra may occur in other diseases, such as tumors.


Causes burning sensation in the urethra

The most frequent cause of the burning sensation is an infection that causes inflammation of the urethra (the urethra - urethritis) or bladder (cystitis). In most cases, this genital infections - chlamydia, gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 , Trichomoniasis, and so on.

But just as often the cause of the disease is non-specific infection caused by microorganisms are constantly living on the mucous membranes of the urinary organs of men and women. In order for this pathogenic microflora able to penetrate the mucous membrane of the urinary organs, additional conditions: low immunity (for example, by supercooling), violation of the rules of personal hygiene, intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
 Caused by antibiotic treatment and so on. Burning in the urethra may be caused by a fungal infection from getting genital organs (thrush) or bowel (intestinal dysbiosis with a predominance in the microflora of fungi genus Candida).

At the same time women cause a burning sensation in the urethra often is cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
 And urethritis in men. Cystitis typical for women because the urethra is short and they have relatively wide, allowing the infection does not stay in it and quickly get into the bladder. In men, the urethra is long, winding and narrow. Therefore, an infection from it rarely gets into the bladder, an infectious-inflammatory processes develop in the urethra itself.

Often the cause of burning sensation in the urethra in men is urolithiasis - long narrow urethra contributes to stagnation of urine in the bladder and the formation of stones in it. Finally, cause a burning sensation in the urethra, both women and men may be allergic processes - allergy most often develops in the personal care products (napkins, soaps, shower gels), as well as tumors and polyps.


Burning in the urethra in women

This symptom is typical for cystitis. Cystitis can be acute or chronic. In acute cystitis, burning sensation in the urethra can be very strong. It is combined with severe dysuria - frequent painful urination. Without urination burning sensation in the urethra often does not happen.

Occasionally inflammation of the bladder is so strong that in the urine appear pus and blood, urine turns to meat slops and unpleasant putrid odor.

Light burning in the urethra is more characteristic of chronic cystitis, which flows in the form of permanent or unexpressed inflammation, or as a recurrence of the disease, are replaced by remissions.


Burning in the urethra in men

Urethritis in men can also occur acutely and chronically. Acute urethritis, with sharp pains, burning and purulent discharge characteristic of genital infections, especially for gonorrhea. If sexual infection treated properly, without laboratory testing, then after a while she goes into a chronic, for which the characteristic symptom is periodically appear slight burning in the urethra. But sometimes the infection is "hiding" for a long time, goes unnoticed and can bring a lot of trouble, up to infertility.

When urolithiasis burning in the urethra may occur during urination: a sharp stone passes through the urethra, injures the mucosa and causes a burning sensation. Continuous burning in the urethra Burning in the urethra - is possible inflammation  Burning in the urethra - is possible inflammation
   It may cause a large stone in the bladder, located at the junction of her urethra and urethral tumor or polyp.


Treatment of a burning sensation in the urethra

In order for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the patient and find out the cause of the burning sensation in the urethra. To do this, conducted lab tests. After establishing a definitive diagnosis of treatment is prescribed.

All infectious-inflammatory processes are treated under laboratory control. Antibiotics, which exhibit sensitivity to infectious agents. In acute urethritis and cystitis are usually appointed by the general (systemic) antibacterial therapy. In chronic processes of decision on the necessity of antibiotic therapy appointment the doctor receives individually. In chronic urethritis and cystitis often prescribed local procedures - washing instillation, heating and so on.

Burning in the urethra is not necessary to treat yourself with the symptoms should see a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

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  • urethritis
