Burning during urination in men is most often the case with urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. A causes urethritis in men is an infection, a sexually transmitted - STI. But there may be other reasons for the appearance of a burning sensation during urination, can only reveal their urologist. It also helps get rid of the discomfort.

The most common cause of burning - urethritis
Urethritis - this is the most frequent infectious and inflammatory disease in men. This is due to the feature of the structure of the male urethra (the urethra). The urethra in men is long and narrow, so the infection gets into it rarely reaches the bladder, causing inflammation at the site of introduction.
In most cases urethritis are due to STDs. Depending on the type of infection the beginning of urethritis may be acute, subacute or chronic, invisible. So, with gonorrhea often develop acute urethritis with frequent painful urination, copious purulent discharge from the urethra. Even gonorrhea
Gonorrhea - self-ruled
Today, in the age of antibiotics may initially occur erased and occur only in the form of a burning sensation when urinating.
A urethritis caused by different kinds of Ureaplasma and mycoplasma, and does goes unnoticed, and only occasionally can manifest as a burning sensation when urinating. Candida urethritis (caused by fungi genus Candida) rarely occur in men and are a marker of some distress on the part of the urogenital organs and reduction of immunity.
Non-specific urethritis caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli and other bacteria, often members of the pathogenic microflora is constantly present on the genitals. These urethritis occur equally, regardless of their causing pathogen. Current them more dependent on the characteristics of the patient.
Non-specific urethritis develop urethral trauma or non-compliance with sanitary regulations due to lower immunity. Sometimes they can cause infections of the upper parts of the genitourinary system. For example, in acute or chronic pyelonephritis, the beginning of which can be attributed to the presence in the body of a distant focus of infection (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and so on).
Acute urethritis is easily treated, you only need a timely appeal to the urologist. But chronic urethritis can be treated only with difficulty. Sometimes you can not identify the infection, which is caused by chronic disease. Yet a careful examination and implementation of all doctor's appointments can achieve a positive result.

The second least common cause burning sensation when urinating - prostatitis
Prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). This endocrine gland located below the bladder. Partially passes through the prostate urethra. The main functions are to develop prostate secretion, which is part of the sperm and the overlap out of the bladder during intercourse.
Prostatitis can occur acutely and chronically. The infectious-inflammatory process caused primarily by nonspecific infections - Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and so on.
Many infectious agents are part of the pathogenic microflora is constantly dwelling on the male genitalia, and are active at lower immunity. The source of infection can also be any source of infection (eg, sinusitis or tonsillitis) - pathogens get into the prostate through the bloodstream.
Acute prostatitis is manifested as malaise, fever, appearance of nagging pains in the lower back, groin area. Characterized as frequent painful urination, as swollen prostate squeezes the urethra passes through it. There are also constipation, pain during defecation.
When time begun treatment acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria
It can be completely cured, but not timely commenced or inadequate treatment of the disease can become chronic. For chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
characterized all of these symptoms are, nevertheless, expressed much less pronounced. Frequent painful urination are common symptoms of prostatitis
Symptoms of prostatitis - listen to your body
. Treatment of chronic prostatitis must be complex, time-consuming and about his can only be experienced urologist.

Burning after urination in men
Burning after urination is often a sign of kidney stones or some tumors in the urethra. And in fact, and in another case there is irritation of the urethra, so there is a burning sensation. Sometimes this man in the urine can be seen admixture of blood.
To establish a diagnosis of the survey is conducted: ureteroscopy, cystoscopy, various types of radiological examinations, urinalysis. Treatment - diet with urolithiasis (operation is also possible, if the urinary tract there are large stones or crushing - lithotripsy), and surgical removal of tumors.
Burning during urination in men - is an occasion to refer to the urologist.
Galina Romanenko