This insidious ureaplasma - often too late - Treatment ureaplasmosis

February 1, 2013

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 Treatment ureaplasmosis

Treatment ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma can be one of the many inhabitants on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of the urinary organs of men and women. Carriage ureaplasmas usually is not a reason for treatment. But if with ureaplasmas was revealed inflammation in the urinary organs, then it should be required to treat.

 Treatment ureaplasmosis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

Do I need to treat a ureaplasma, if it does not cause disease

Before ureaplasmosis prescribe treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to identify the possible inflammatory processes in the body. This inflammation may be cause for treatment.

But what if the inflammation has not been revealed, but there ureaplasmas? Some experts believe that the number is set to present in the body ureaplasmas so appointed such an analysis, as sowing secretions or scrapings from the walls of sexual Logan on nutrient media. This analysis allows us to calculate the number of ureaplasmas contained in 1 ml of the studied biological fluid.

Norma is considered the content of less than 10 * 4 CFU (koloneobrazuyuschih units) in 1 ml. If the number of ureaplasmas more, this may indicate the presence of a latent inflammatory process.

Not all doctors are of the opinion, in this case the person should be treated. The main criterion is still the presence of inflammation.

But in some cases cure even if a slight amount revealed Ureaplasma. This is necessary, for example, if a woman planning a pregnancy - treatment is carried out not only her husband but also in order to avoid re-infection. Such prophylactic treatment is necessary because during pregnancy decreased immunity and increased risk of infectious-inflammatory process, which may seriously affect the course of pregnancy. It must also be ruled out the possibility of infection ureaplazmennoj infected fetus or newborn during birth - and in fact, and in another case, the child can suffer greatly.

In addition, the identified ureaplasma (even if its a little bit) treated, when the carrier is going to change the sexual partner. This reading is epidemiological, prevent the spread of infection.

And yet another indication for the treatment of carriage is the treatment of ureaplasma infection in a regular sexual partner. Such treatment is carried out to the cured spouse does not re-infected with ureaplasma.

If ureaplasma detected in one or both sexual partners without their having an infectious-inflammatory processes, which do not imply to give up, do not plan pregnancy, the ureaplasma is not treated.

 Treatment ureaplasmosis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

Do I need to treat ureaplasma infection

Ureaplasma - this insidious pathogen infection that often causes disease goes unnoticed. In most cases, the infection is detected when ureaplazmennogo survey of women and men about infertility, when the body began an irreversible process.

In women complications such adhesions in the uterus and its appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), which lead to the impossibility of conceiving or habitual miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
 . Men have long flowing ureaplazmennogo infection causes inflammation of the testicles, and their appendages of the prostate gland, which ultimately is the reason for the decline in sexual function (up to partial or complete impotence) and fertilizing capacity of sperm (under the influence of the disease reduced the number and quality of sperm).

Therefore, revealed inflammation being treated with the obligatory subsequent laboratory control cure.

When properly conducted adequate treatment, if the inflammation does not cause irreversible changes, fertility returns.

In some cases, recovery of function in women is conducted surgical treatment of adhesions formed in the uterus and its appendages.

Especially dangerous ureaplasma infection in pregnant women - it can cause miscarriage, serious complications in the fetus (fetal infection) and newborn (at infection during childbirth).

 Treatment ureaplasmosis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late


For the treatment of infections ureaplazmennoj used antibiotics, which are sensitive ureaplasmas. It's basically three groups of antibiotics: macrolides (vilprafen, sumamed Sumamed antibiotics wisely  Sumamed antibiotics wisely
 , Klatsid), fluoroquinolones (taritsin, Avelox), tetracyclines (doxycycline). Of all these drugs for treating pregnant women only applies vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic

Odnovremennos antibiotics prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system.

Carriage ureaplasmas treated in exceptional cases, whereas ureaplazmennogo infection subject to compulsory treatment.

Treatment is carried out both sexual partners. In the treatment of ureaplasmosis must take into account the overall state of the organism. So make sure to be appointed by means of strengthening the immune system (immunomodulators), vitamins and other drugs that increase the overall resistance of the organism. After a course of antibiotics prescribers, restoring the natural intestinal microflora (bifibumbakterin, kolibakterin and others).

For the destruction of the pathogen prescribe antibiotics. The particular drug is given only after the analysis of the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, or the treatment will not bring any benefit, but may cause dysbiosis (imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the body) that complicate ureaplasmosis. Dosages are determined individually, the course of treatment - 10-14 days.

Locally appointed procedure relieves inflammation (baths, injections into the urethra, and so on) and physiotherapy.

It is recommended to follow a diet with the exception of alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. During treatment requires the denial of sexuality.

 Treatment ureaplasmosis | This insidious ureaplasma - often too late

How to prevent disease

Prevention upeaplazmoza - is the use of barrier methods of contraception Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts  Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts
   (condoms) and sexual life with one partner. Otherwise (if the partners are many) must be periodically examined by a dermatologist.

Urinary bladder - structure and function

May 8, 2011

 urinary bladder
 The bladder has a significant role in the excretion of urine from the body. With any disease of the bladder can disrupt the entire urinary system, including kidneys. Of particular importance are congenital defects in the structure of the bladder, against which may be formed inflammatory processes leading to impaired renal function.


The structure of the bladder

Bladder - a hollow body which serves as a reservoir for urine flowing into it along the ureter. Displayed urine from the bladder through the urethra (the urethra).

The bladder is located in the abdomen just behind the pubis. From the bones that form the pubis, it is separated by a layer of connective tissue and the retropubic space (the space of Retzius).

The bladder distinguish the bottom tip of the body and the neck, which is narrowing goes into the urethra. Dimensions of the bladder are changed depending on the degree of filling with urine. When the bladder contains urine and reduced it slightly rises above the pubis. At the top of the filled bladder extends above the pubis 5 cm and more. Especially vertical size increases bladder when stretched rectum (e.g., constipation).

In emptying the bladder wall thick mucosa gathered, except for a triangular section at the bottom, which is located between two apertures of the ureters and the urethra orifice.

The men behind the rear surface of the bladder are the seminal vesicles, vas deferens and the rectum, below the neck of the bladder is adjacent the prostate gland. Women posterior to the bladder is the uterus with the upper part of the vagina.


The structure of the bladder wall

The wall of the bladder comprises an inner mucosa, submucosa, tunica muscularis and adventitial (exterior) of the skin - and it covers the upper part of the rear surface.

From inside the bladder is lined with mucous membrane, which is collected in the folds of an empty bladder. The folds are straightened when the bladder is filled.

Submucosal layer is formed by loose connective tissue with lots of blood and lymph vessels.

The muscular layer are three interwoven layers: the outer (longitudinal fibers), middle (circular fibers) and internal (longitudinal and transverse fibers). All three layers are intertwined into a single muscle, expel urine. The most developed middle layer in the opening of the urethra forms a circular muscle (sphincter of the bladder neck). Pronounced circular muscle fibers are also in the area of ​​the openings of the ureters.

On top of the muscle membrane is adventitia - a layer of fibrous connective tissue that is no sharp boundary becomes paravesical tissue, and in the upper part of the rear surface and - in podserozny layer of connective tissue (the same surface covered with serous membrane - peritoneum).

The wall of the bladder has an excellent blood supply and innervation.


Bladder function

The bladder has two functions: a reservoir (urine collection) and evacuation (urine excretion). Physiologic bladder capacity (amount of urine causing urination) is 200 - 400 ml (in women less than men). Older people have bladder capacity increases due to weakening muscles.

From the ureters into the bladder about every 30 seconds, it enters the urine into the bladder (the rhythm of the income from the right and left ureters are usually not the same). Rhythm admission urine depends on the number and nature of the liquid drunk from stress and ambient temperature.

In the bladder wall are nerve endings that respond to a certain pressure in the bladder (mechanoreceptors) that support a certain number of bladder incontinence.

Evacuation function of the bladder by means of a bubble with a significant reduction in stretching its walls, irritation of the urethra mechanoreceptors falling in her urine and the relaxation of muscles of the urethra at the bladder wall irritation.

The bladder is involved in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment, providing substantially removing excreted metabolic products Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . In a healthy human urine, which is in the bladder, as a rule, it does not change its properties. But in some diseases may occur stagnation of urine in the bladder and urine can then modify its properties, which contributes to an inflammatory process and formation of stones.

Bladder - an important organ that is part of the urinary system.

Galina Romanenko

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