Warts in the mouth - and this is possible

April 19, 2013

 warts in the mouth
 Warts can develop in the mouth in the same way as on the genitals. Despite the fact that such a localization of genital warts is a rarity, you need to know about it, and the appearance of characteristic changes in the oral cavity immediately consult your doctor.

 Warts in the mouth - and this is possible

Why in the mouth may appear genital warts

Genital warts in the mouth as a manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. Cause they are usually 6 and 11 types of HPV that are pathogens such as infection in the genital area.

Infection often occurs through genital-oral contact. At the same time the human papilloma virus (HPV) falls on the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx and larynx. HPV is introduced into the cells of the deep layers of the mucous membrane (epithelium), and for the time being does not manifest itself.

Sometimes during pregnancy or childbirth is an infection of the fetus from the mother. During pregnancy, the infection in most cases does not happen, as the child is protected from infection. The real danger lies in wait for him at the time of birth, so if the mother has genital warts in the genital area, it is generally recommended to perform cesarean delivery.

 Warts in the mouth - and this is possible


The first manifestations of the disease can occur in a few months after infection, it is connected with the fact that HPV infected epithelial cells deep gradually aging and moving outwards. When they appear on the surface of the mucous membrane and peel, the virus also come to the surface - "full of strength to capture new territories." Most often the first manifestation of the disease coincide with a decrease in immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   against the backdrop of colds, injuries, stress or some common diseases.

Warts in the mouth begin to appear on the mucous membrane of tongue, inside of the cheeks and lips, hard and soft palate, red border small painless elevations that can quickly, within a few hours to grow and stop further growth, long retaining the same size . Too rapid growth of genital warts in the mouth is rare.

Sometimes genital warts appear on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx - such manifestations often occur in immunodeficiencies, especially HIV infection. When placing in the throat, they can interfere with food intake, as will be constantly injured and bleeding. In the field of micro traumas usually implemented additional infection (usually bacterial, fungal) and permanent scarring of the patient concerned about a sore throat and a dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   - Effects of chronic pharyngitis Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment  Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment

If warts appear on the walls of the larynx and the vocal cords in the field, they may endanger the patient's life, as they prevent the passage of air in the respiratory tract. And since the warts may grow very quickly, respiratory failure may develop suddenly, among the visible health. But more symptoms of the larynx is still increasing gradually: first light appears, and then increasing hoarseness. Sometimes, the voice may disappear altogether. Such patients are very important to promptly seek medical attention.

Children who were infected during pregnancy or childbirth from mothers often have lesions of the larynx and vocal cords after the age of two years. This is dangerous because the disease can cause respiratory disorders.

 Warts in the mouth - and this is possible

How to identify genital warts in the mouth

If warts are located in the mouth of the diagnosis is easy. Identify genital warts in the throat and larynx can only orolaringolog with a special instrumental examination. After that, the patient should be examined by a gynecologist or urologist to detect genital warts in the genital area.

Always conducted laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis and to identify co-infections. For example, research on syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   (Wasserman) and HIV infection in this case is obligatory. Since the mucous membranes of the mouth and upper respiratory tract and scrapings are taken for PCR - DNA analysis reveals this pathogen. Pieces of tissue warts are taken by biopsy for histological examination - to detect changes in the cells, characteristic of HPV infection and the condition of the cells of the surrounding tissues.

 Warts in the mouth - and this is possible


Small genital warts in the mouth can take on their own after treatment and bracing refusal of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee). If an increase in genital warts, they are removed surgically. So do with warts in the pharynx and larynx.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • warts

Warts on the tongue - occur in adults and children

April 19, 2013

 warts language
 Warts on the tongue may occur as with sexual and domestic way with the transmission. Therefore, they can appear not only in adults but also in children. Sometimes the disease can spread in children's groups. "Culprit" it is still the same human papilloma virus (HPV).

 Warts on the tongue - occur in adults and children

Causes of warts in the language

Warts appear in the language in contact with the mucous membrane of the language of human papilloma virus. This can happen during sex (oral-genitelnom) or domestic (close contact with the patient) contact. That is why the genital warts can occur in adults, and children.

Once on the mucous membrane of the tongue, HPV penetrates deep into its layers, and "hides" there indefinitely. In most cases, the incubation period of the disease is one - three months. But sometimes, HPV does not manifest itself over the years - usually it happens with good immunity in the carrier of the virus.

The first manifestations of viral infection often coincide with the progress of maturing virus infected epithelial cells to the mucosal surface where it is peeled and HPV remains on the mucosal surface. It was at this time he is able to cause disease and infect other people. Development of the disease contribute to the reduction of transient immunity (colds, stress, any illness, injury) and minor injuries in the area of ​​language.

Once in the cells of the mucosa, HPV begins to multiply rapidly and stimulates rapid uncontrolled cell division - growth of genital warts.

Typically, genital warts occur only rarely in the language, they are often distributed throughout the oral cavity, and can also grow in the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx.

 Warts on the tongue - occur in adults and children

The main manifestations of genital warts language

Condyloma appear in the language of the appearance of one - two small pink papules or grayish-pink color on the back (ventral) surface of the tongue and the bottom of the oral cavity. The number of such plaques increases, sometimes this process goes quickly, sometimes - slow. Papules grouped together and look like small clusters of silver-pink nodules. In the future, these warts may remain the same, and can greatly expand and merge with each other to form a sufficiently large conglomerates, resembling cocks' combs or cauliflower. Inflammatory process with the formation of infiltrate under them usually does not happen. But in the case of secondary bacterial or fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
   inflammatory processes may contribute to the formation of infiltrates and abscesses.

Genital warts may be in the language constantly injured, causing them to ulceration. In this case the patients' pain, especially during eating and talking.

Genital warts in the language of cause in patients with a permanent feeling of discomfort, but it is rarely degenerate into malignant tumors.

 Warts on the tongue - occur in adults and children


Language warts have a characteristic appearance and the diagnosis is usually made in the examination, the patient has a doctor. However, in order to prevent syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   (it may be a manifestation of extensive warts) and immunodeficiency (HIV) patients screened for these diseases.

In addition, histological examination of a piece of tissue is taken warts - identified cells infected with HPV who have certain characteristics and abnormal cells in the possible development of cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 . Identify HPV DNA PCR analysis can help - studied scrapings from lesions.

 Warts on the tongue - occur in adults and children


If genital warts in the language a little bit, it will help antiviral and restorative therapy. But large warts themselves seldom disappear, so they are removed. Often the removal of genital warts is carried cryodestruction - warts cold destruction of tissue using liquid nitrogen.

The most modern method of removing genital warts Removing genital warts - method is to choose a doctor  Removing genital warts - method is to choose a doctor
   Language is a radio wave surgery (unit Surgitron). Radionozh not touching the fabric weave warts vaporizes it. Wounds after such operations do not bleed and heal very quickly.

Unfortunately, the removal of genital warts does not mean recovery. Remove the body of HPV have not yet learned. Warts language often give recurrence after surgical removal. And fight in this case is only one way: to strengthen the immune system and get rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking spirits and so on).

Genital warts are not as language often have very rarely maligniziruyutsya, but after treatment they often recur.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • warts
